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Angelic Icon not fixed. (not spam, im serious)



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Angelic Icon not fixed. (not spam, im serious)

Started by Futile, December 09, 2009, 02:18:17 PM

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I am not trying to spam, but u closed the topic before letting me prove my point, with serious arguments.

your last reply was this text, that u quoted from somewhere.

Quote from:  TrackzeroBy the will of your God, your fighting ability with one-handed swords significantly increases. While in use, the effects of HP regeneration magic significantly decreases. This skill is only available when your HP is at 30 percent or lower. Effect 3.

my direct reply to that is a link to the official lineage 2 site.


By the will of your God, your fighting ability significantly increases.  While in use, the effects of HP regeneration magic significantly decreases.  This skill is only available when your HP is at 30% or lower.




im just humbly asking where u got your angelic icon information from?

the official site, doesnt mention in the skill description the "only sword" clause that u included.
and every good lineage 2 knowledge based website, explicitly mentions the different effects of fist, polearm, blunt, sword with angelic icon.



Meanwhile i humbly recall, we had exactly the same description problem with mutual response, checking while writing the post, and the informations still seem to be wrong, in game.
I would say it's no big deal since anyway the skill isn't working... as for excessive loyalty, as for Arcane agility enchant..


Quote from: Futile on December 09, 2009, 02:18:17 PM
I am not trying to spam, but u closed the topic before letting me prove my point, with serious arguments.

your last reply was this text, that u quoted from somewhere.

my direct reply to that is a link to the official lineage 2 site.


By the will of your God, your fighting ability significantly increases.  While in use, the effects of HP regeneration magic significantly decreases.  This skill is only available when your HP is at 30% or lower.




im just humbly asking where u got your angelic icon information from?

the official site, doesnt mention in the skill description the "only sword" clause that u included.
and every good lineage 2 knowledge based website, explicitly mentions the different effects of fist, polearm, blunt, sword with angelic icon.
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Quote from: TrackZero on December 09, 2009, 04:53:57 PM
well, i can paste random links with zero info too :)

sorry xD


Quote from: TrackZero on December 09, 2009, 04:53:57 PM

so they wrote both.
one description is with sword and one is without.

all knowledge based sites, will give u the info, that angelic icon gives also other bonus effects with other weapons then swords.

Quote from: kang on December 09, 2009, 05:00:09 PM
well, i can paste random links with zero info too :)

nah if u look up at lvl 74 from a paladin there is the info of angelic icon he is referring to.

but obviously its a mistake, because angelic icon gives also bonus effects when equipped with a blunt or fist or polearm.
on all official servers its like that, and thats the way the skill works.


Quote from: kang on December 09, 2009, 05:00:09 PM
well, i can paste random links with zero info too :)

sorry xD
U better work what ur payed for there, otherwise ill report u to ur boss for 24/7 spamming on DN forums. (he can check it himself)

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i control the p. and the gateway  ::)

but seriously, there's no real info on skills on lineage2.com :p
sometimes in patches notes ^^




Quote from: our4n0s on December 09, 2009, 02:37:20 PM
checking while writing the post

use your own topic for that, instead of using my arguments and my topic.


Quote from: Futile on December 09, 2009, 08:02:29 PM
use your own topic for that, instead of using my arguments and my topic.

Guess i don't need to do so, these have exactly the same problem hence it fits perfectly in your topic, you can keep whining, if you knew how little i cared...


Quote from: our4n0s on December 10, 2009, 12:11:48 PM
Guess i don't need to do so, these have exactly the same problem hence it fits perfectly in your topic, you can keep whining, if you knew how little i cared...

green text = for our4n0s
orange text = for public

u wont provoke me, making this to a flame topic.
its merely an observation, that i know
u are not intelligent enough, to use your own comments and arguments.

i asked u nicely to use your own topic, but u are just flaming. i dont need further evidence to prove, how ignorant u are.

its that ignorant attitude of our4n0s, that wont get anyone any help.
how does he expect someone to hear his case and do him a favour, if he wont listen himself and act like a jackass?

lets face it, all we normal players can do, is appeal to a gm, that something is bugged and hope that they accept our arguments and do us a favour and fix it.

your "i dont care less"-attitude can be like a disease that spreads from person to person.
if u dont care, somebody else wont care either. and sooner or later, gms like trackzero wont care either and thats how u want to archive that something to get fixed? no way.

i have build my case, that angelic icon is still not working like its suppose to and i have done it explicitly because of the recent attempt of drake to fix it.

i hope trackzero takes his personal time to look into it and do some research of his own to validate my arguments.
and that he wont get distracted by players like our4n0s.