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Help Nightmare survive

Started by kutuca, January 28, 2010, 05:53:25 PM

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Greetings to all!
I am still here from the C3 in dragon-network, and set the server 30x.
Over time, the server was getting empty and now we have half the players that we had two years ago!
Noting the criticism of colleagues, and analyzing the way the Server is running even with the commitment of Track_Zero, I have only one suggestion that perhaps pleases the majority of players.

The idea would be to merge the Server into the 30X to 15X or 30X to 15x, for players who have created characters on both servers, the suggestion would be to delete those not used, and no place for the character that will be transferred. In my case I have 15x character in the same account of 30x, both with the same name, "Kutuca. For the character transferred could be renamed in the database automatically to "KutucaNM" to Each player who came from 30x.

The only thing that probably would not change and the name server, is the migration of clan hall, which has the 15x are all busy.
Recalling that this solution was adopted in other private and official servers! The Server Lineage 2 used this method to group people and provide fun for all.

I believe that this way would be better for both parties, after all the more better player! Today I miss that huge lag that was in NM 30X ...
I would like to help, I believe this is a good idea and would be good for all ....


I would agree if Dragons GMs would be kicked out and Track would be the only GM + all Dragon lolypop weapons would be removed or just made to +10 or w/e since as far as i heard you already have icarus weapons +16 or more lol (not to mention that dragon is probably also full with very high enchanted jewels and armor sets made by corruption or donation)

But all this will never happen (as track said himself long time ago when i suggested the same thing)  ;D
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


another suggestion is to reduce the price of donate weapons... a new player who comes at nightmare need arround 400 euros just to get the top equipment which  60% of ppl have now...

   there is life before death?


Quote from: Mohit0 on January 28, 2010, 06:22:56 PM
another suggestion is to reduce the price of donate weapons... a new player who comes at nightmare need arround 400 euros just to get the top equipment which  60% of ppl have now...

New players, when they arrive at 30x, drop out when they arrive in giran and realize that the trade is only for the rich ... Whenever I am with nothing to do, find some beginner lost on the server without getting motivated to start once the trade is not for beginners, only to veterans!

Migration would be a good solution to any problem.


I think a great idea...

Unfortunately the 30x is dead, no have more action, pvp only vs Mobs...

Am seriously considering to stop playing, I see more fun here...

Cass0te - Carninal/Hell Knight (Nobles)


Quote from: kutuca on January 28, 2010, 05:53:25 PM
Greetings to all!
I am still here from the C3 in dragon-network, and set the server 30x.
Over time, the server was getting empty and now we have half the players that we had two years ago!
Noting the criticism of colleagues, and analyzing the way the Server is running even with the commitment of Track_Zero, I have only one suggestion that perhaps pleases the majority of players.

The idea would be to merge the Server into the 30X to 15X or 30X to 15x, for players who have created characters on both servers, the suggestion would be to delete those not used, and no place for the character that will be transferred. In my case I have 15x character in the same account of 30x, both with the same name, "Kutuca. For the character transferred could be renamed in the database automatically to "KutucaNM" to Each player who came from 30x.

The only thing that probably would not change and the name server, is the migration of clan hall, which has the 15x are all busy.
Recalling that this solution was adopted in other private and official servers! The Server Lineage 2 used this method to group people and provide fun for all.

I believe that this way would be better for both parties, after all the more better player! Today I miss that huge lag that was in NM 30X ...
I would like to help, I believe this is a good idea and would be good for all ....

You cant merge diff rate servers, and we are dieing since 4 years now and actually whole DN dieing like 4 years and guess what we didnt die and we wont die, actually NM is recording a lot of new players every day.So just get it once, we wont die,we wont close we wont do anythig what you wish, and all others can just envy us and die. Now contonue to spam topic
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Quote from: CassoteBR on January 28, 2010, 07:18:42 PM
I think a great idea...

Unfortunately the 30x is dead, no have more action, pvp only vs Mobs...

Am seriously considering to stop playing, I see more fun here...

read again what u just told lol


Quote from: TrackZero on January 28, 2010, 07:57:23 PM
You cant merge diff rate servers, and we are dieing since 4 years now and actually whole DN dieing like 4 years and guess what we didnt die and we wont die, actually NM is recording a lot of new players every day.So just get it once, we wont die,we wont close we wont do anythig what you wish, and all others can just envy us and die. Now contonue to spam topic

Track, but despite the rates are different, the only thing that changes is only the EXP, the drops are about the same, and trade too, could do a poll without compromise and find out what everyone thinks of the idea!


Quote from: kutuca on January 28, 2010, 08:29:15 PM
Track, but despite the rates are different, the only thing that changes is only the EXP, the drops are about the same, and trade too, could do a poll without compromise and find out what everyone thinks of the idea!
no, as Tomek said, nm players are poor cousins compared to some dragon donators/gm friends or w/e so this is the main reason why merge cant happen
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: kutuca on January 28, 2010, 08:29:15 PM
Track, but despite the rates are different, the only thing that changes is only the EXP, the drops are about the same, and trade too, could do a poll without compromise and find out what everyone thinks of the idea!
If you look at other servers, they dont have 1 ally who dominate the server so new players are attracted to come. ON nm situation is a bit different, if you just stop looking at small fights and personal issues and merge to fight temp TRUST ME  a lot players would come back, just think about it. So want more pvp more fun on NM i have u a hint.
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


Quote from: TrackZero on January 28, 2010, 08:42:40 PM
If you look at other servers, they dont have 1 ally who dominate the server so new players are attracted to come. ON nm situation is a bit different, if you just stop looking at small fights and personal issues and merge to fight temp TRUST ME  a lot players would come back, just think about it. So want more pvp more fun on NM i have u a hint.
and merge wont ever happend, just ppl mentality and most of us place fun highter than farm/having castle and stuff, tho 50% of temps are polish, and typical polish mentality is to stick with ur "gold mine" till u can so no matter how hard u try they will dig deeper and deeper searching for more ( just look at Draks :P )
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3