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recovering game account



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recovering game account

Started by kaizoku, February 23, 2010, 06:05:24 PM

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him, like to know if there's a way to recover a game account; lookslike that i played time ago in this server, but i dont remember any account (i suppose that i played there becaouse when i like to create a new account, it says that there's already an account with this email)

any way to recover both acc and pwd with the email?



if u remember your old email, u should (should) be able to REactivate it, and go to www.dragon-network.net to reset password to your account

if u don't remember your ACC name , but just your char name....u should pm GM of your server and ask infos....



there was also a cha cleanup at it seems, i had some chars that are now deleted and i didnt do it myself, prolby cause was too long before logged :S


Quote from: Piccy on February 23, 2010, 07:13:01 PM
if u remember your old email, u should (should) be able to REactivate it, and go to www.dragon-network.net to reset password to your account

if u don't remember your ACC name , but just your char name....u should pm GM of your server and ask infos....


No GM has right to tell anyone account name of some other char.. think what you say :D
it's like i log my char and ask you acc name for Piccy char

possible: guy "got by some way" some random mail and checked if it has acc reged here, now he needs more info to "return" chars