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Absolute bullshit!!!!

Started by Zuluman, March 26, 2010, 09:23:31 PM

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If you are not able to understand that some peepz are lucky then you are a retarded whore who cant understand a sh1t ...you cant blame some1 if you are not sure ..i was just lucky with it and yes i broke only 4 fbs b4 i made the +16..what that means?i am a hacker?LOL


1st - i'm not blame u. i just say my opinion about this dc's and about this enchant's.
2nd - i say dunno ftw is this... -> maybe <- luck... if yes then gz.
3rd - for sure u are not hacker... u have to small brain for it.  ::)

ps. and don't say me this sh1ts about "ur not able to understand" lol...
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


Quote from: Ungolianth on March 27, 2010, 07:43:00 PM
when last u killed me? cuz if i am not right every last time we met u was the one that kissed floor and i was the one laughing on u :) and tbh i am not ur hater since ur not even worthy of hate,,,ur worthy of laugh :)

yep  u see me on floor cuz u always lick's ass of temp's... and u hide behind them... and for sure... i don't die from ur weapon...  :D
btw. when last time i see u allone without full pt... ahhh  ::) ......

btw. u can laugh or hate... i just don't care what u think in this ur small head...  ;) for sure i know ... u always only talk on mass pvp's nothing more... ps. and u don't need ic+++++++ for this....  ;)  :D
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: Ungolianth on March 27, 2010, 07:56:46 PM
naah i talk about varka like from 3 weeks ago? u remmeber well mate :)) just refresh ur ram

hmmm can't cuz i always see u like a dog...   damn...  :-\
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: TrackZero on March 27, 2010, 01:00:12 AM
Enchant rate doesnt have anythig with dc-s 10000000000000000% to proove you that i can show u dc pattern which doesnt have anything in common,when you brake freaking weapon it logs and stays like that (rollback doesnt affect on it) , if you dont belive me np, try it yourslef and tbh you have to be master of masters to hit each time correct milisecond and even that it wont help u to have back broken wepaon (as i said try).

2nd most imposrtant thing, i have put ecnahnt rate same as on official like 4 months ago or more, but people didnt realise that 2 moths, so now when some1 suddenly make some "op" weapons , something must happen, well im telling u is bullshit and is total nonsense.

3rd no1 made +16 weapon and if some1 made +9-10-11-12-15 weapon i would not call it OE weapon since NCsoft made this game to be even able to enchant up to +30 (read offical server please for more info about it) same goes for skills. If some1 made ++ weapon it means he wasted a lot of saved bews and keep on trying instead of spaming forum he tryed and tryed.

And just to SUM for end +10 is not ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ weapon instead of spamming try make it urslef and stop trippin, dc-s aint having anything with enchants and ill proove you that when we fix it, but then ill ask public apologise for nonsense flames, thats all about this case i wont answer anymore, our main concerns are those fu*** dc-s hopefully fixed .
First of all, so you won't get a wrong impression, I really appreciate you as a GM. You answer on people, and that's something extraordinary, after all I am a 15x player.
Now getting to the subject, did NCSoft added 30x rate? Did NCSoft added strong chars? Did NCSoft allow so many EWS's on market? I'm not gonna brag that I know how's on retail and all that shit but think a minute. Here a good party ( bot or not ) in 10 hrs in HB can get tons of EWS's. On retail, GL for that shit. So adding the same enchant rate as retail, like you said, is a bad idea imo.  Here you can get much more +++ weapons then on retail, here you can afford to break xx weapons, not like on retail, and here you can get everything and anything back much more faster then on retail. Here you don't have to think twice.
You think about this :P
SS2 squad Ninja Squad, Severance Kung-Fu Man


This is same shit as before in C4 when wedding system was introduced, owned server a lot as well lol


Quote from: NoobsKiller on March 27, 2010, 07:31:29 PM
If you are not able to understand that some peepz are lucky then you are a retarded whore who cant understand a sh1t ...you cant blame some1 if you are not sure ..i was just lucky with it and yes i broke only 4 fbs b4 i made the +16..what that means?i am a hacker?LOL
You are no life not hacker :) thats why  you made it  lol


Quote from: NoobsKiller on March 27, 2010, 07:31:29 PM
If you are not able to understand that some peepz are lucky then you are a retarded whore who cant understand a sh1t ...you cant blame some1 if you are not sure ..i was just lucky with it and yes i broke only 4 fbs b4 i made the +16..what that means?i am a hacker?LOL
wtb ur FB XD
Spash | l33tpwn4g3


Track u are sure server is OK now? cuz we w8 for sieg and 3-4 dc in 40 min


i will start call that server DragonNOTwork server.....