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Started by punkey, April 09, 2010, 01:03:53 PM

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Quote from: qwertyzxc on April 16, 2010, 09:57:23 PM
btw if u care so much about allegro and its illegal 100% so tell us what is this?


LIke 2/3 years he everyday seeling 39082390132 number of coins so u talking bullshits like always. Oh u have a deal with this guy and only he can selling coins haha its so funny dude.

Trooper - like always ur a big kid who need mother milk still :D

Why this one guy have more privilages then others ? Becouse he pay u money or just buying from you a lot of coins ?

Comon answer me ;]

isn't it Drake's re-selller ?
Nightmare x30
Grosse - Necro/PP

Valkyria x9


Quote from: Grosse on April 16, 2010, 10:27:39 PM
isn't it Drake's re-selller ?

LOL :D ain't that obvious ? Almost everyone knows about it so? whats the point ?  :)


Quote from: CriticalNoob on April 16, 2010, 10:30:05 PM
LOL :D ain't that obvious ? Almost everyone knows about it so? whats the point ?  :)

Nightmare x30
Grosse - Necro/PP

Valkyria x9


well anyone noticed that its kinda strange having that amount of d,coins earning only in game while playing hard :P ,,, so there must be sth about this.... its kinda sad too that ppl supports themself with allegro ruining the gameplay and economy but on Dragon  no one cares ... thats why me and my homies are rolling to valkyria soon...


but if it would be your server, you would do the same :) it's business :)

tbh I don't really care about it, i am not playing for a long time :P
Nightmare x30
Grosse - Necro/PP

Valkyria x9


Quote from: Grosse on April 16, 2010, 10:44:46 PM

tbh I don't really care about it, i am not playing for a long time :P

so why you visit comunity anyway :D ?


whatever I dont bother you . Need to sleep for now. Cya  :-*


Quote from: CriticalNoob on April 16, 2010, 10:39:48 PM
well anyone noticed that its kinda strange having that amount of d,coins earning only in game while playing hard :P ,,, so there must be sth about this.... its kinda sad too that ppl supports themself with allegro ruining the gameplay and economy but on Dragon  no one cares ... thats why me and my homies are rolling to valkyria soon...
New age started :D so everybody can have a second chance ;)
any news about valkyria ? when will be live ?


Quote from: Grosse on April 16, 2010, 10:27:39 PM
isn't it Drake's re-selller ?

Who care who is he. The points is allegro is illegal for all w/o one person.  ALl can buing coins from allegro but no one can seeling lol2 what a funny rules. Btw i play here like 4 years i just broke first time 1 rule and he just banned me 4ever without any chance for rehabilitation or smth like this:D I know ppls who  broked rules lexploit and bla bla bla ike 3021301293 times and they got xxx chance why ? becouse they donate more !

Anyway gl with jedai server with trackzero rules like allegro its illegal for some ppls and for others its normaly legal and buisness :D


Quote from: qwertyzxc on April 17, 2010, 12:39:56 AM
Who care who is he. The points is allegro is illegal for all w/o one person.  ALl can buing coins from allegro but no one can seeling lol2 what a funny rules. Btw i play here like 4 years i just broke first time 1 rule and he just banned me 4ever without any chance for rehabilitation or smth like this:D I know ppls who  broked rules lexploit and bla bla bla ike 3021301293 times and they got xxx chance why ? becouse they donate more !

Anyway gl with jedai server with trackzero rules like allegro its illegal for some ppls and for others its normaly legal and buisness :D
Tears Tears Tears Tears, mind telling your momie how unfair is DN's business ?


just leave noob haha


Manezis Hero
Kastelo Hero
Anjeli Hero Baby


Quote from: our4n0s on April 17, 2010, 02:29:54 AM
Tears Tears Tears Tears, mind telling your momie how unfair is DN's business ?
say laymecry aka qq moar