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Daggers Are OP



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Daggers Are OP

Started by NoobsKiller, April 09, 2010, 10:08:32 PM

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I guess you all noticed dagger classes are OP...tank/mage getting 2-5 k dmg on veng isnt rly normal (talking about oly)every single th /aw or pw can join oly and kill everything with that OP dmg....my friend joined with aw/sk on c grade gear and almost killed sps/ee is that normal?i dont think so...plz post you opinion here ;)



exactly they are OP no matters his class they rape every mage/archer in no time


Archers are suck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have IC+F+10  and i hiting full buffed bishop/pal for 600 from critical hit !!!! WTF????  how we can play???  Mages hit me full buffed with full resists for more then 1k normal hit and theye can make many times blade storm. And u Track decrase UD ????? lower attack speed with UD???? How we can play I ask u !!!! ???


Quote from: NoobsKiller on April 09, 2010, 10:08:32 PM
I guess you all noticed dagger classes are OP...tank/mage getting 2-5 k dmg on veng isnt rly normal (talking about oly)every single th /aw or pw can join oly and kill everything with that OP dmg....my friend joined with aw/sk on c grade gear and almost killed sps/ee is that normal?i dont think so...plz post you opinion here ;)


OMFG i got more p.def on bots... 1,6k witch focus power from back and critical for 3,2k on 1,4k p.def its many loool?

1 of the oldest player on NM
Misiek3 pw/es <-- try it 1 vs 1
and many others...


Quote from: GutsPL on April 09, 2010, 10:49:35 PM
Archers are suck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have IC+F+10  and i hiting full buffed bishop/pal for 600 from critical hit !!!! WTF????  how we can play???  Mages hit me full buffed with full resists for more then 1k normal hit and theye can make many times blade storm. And u Track decrase UD ????? lower attack speed with UD???? How we can play I ask u !!!! ???

QQ moar ....
Nm:  x30
Temp 4ever...


Quote from: GutsPL on April 09, 2010, 10:49:35 PM
Archers are suck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have IC+F+10  and i hiting full buffed bishop/pal for 600 from critical hit !!!! WTF????  how we can play???  Mages hit me full buffed with full resists for more then 1k normal hit and theye can make many times blade storm. And u Track decrase UD ????? lower attack speed with UD???? How we can play I ask u !!!! ???

Then start thinking'bout learning how is L2 in DN.

And Noobskiller,dunno what do u expect with that P.Def...


prrrr u make me laugh with this screen

show to us screen where u heave full buf with crit u get 1000dmg i don`t think so mby from aw

to pro archer with ic+f+10 how u wont hit more pla/bp if he heave deflect arrow cop cov and song windstorm u wont dmg  1500++  :D :D :D :D
Damiano10 Roamer xxNigelxx
Sheva member


Daggers are OP on dragon and arena too :) They don't even use skills ^^ When you take Th/wl it's even worse, bcs he have about 16 k hp.
Btw, don't worry about ppl who say "qq moar" "bla bla bla" etc, just bump the topic, till they nefr it, that's how it works on dn - you cry, you hear cry moar, you hear qq moar, and then they nefr as you wanted ^^


Quote from: mibelia on April 10, 2010, 12:01:13 AM
daggers  are made for kill mages and  that is  all, if mage are cry  so learn play better that char (is with you 90210) cuz luci and nito  can kill dager easy  in oly soo  stop cry and  lear how play that sux  sub that you have

Y, daggers were made to pwn mages, archers, and also tanks... same bullshit like tanks (aka pal/de pal/ty) were made to pwn everything and never die...

You prolly play dagger, don't you?
Don't be silly. None class were made to pwn with 1-2 hits (without using any skills).


Quote from: mark_elesse on April 10, 2010, 12:24:51 AM
Daggers are OP ? LOL ???  check some offical pvp video ...:) Google / youtube - ForTheMotherTree .. or ChronicVol 1/2/3...11/12 ...

wtf, daggers are super weak on DNET !

they cry for 3.4k damage and we are supposed to 1-2 shoot one mage like in offi xD (and for noobs look hiw damage without critical blow = ~600


First of all take some eng lessons, come on.
Second thing, thinking "waaa ima a wooooooooriooor i cun puuuuuuuuuuwn" is so freaking nubish, as nothing else.
What do you sugest, maybe improove daggers instead of nefring?

Btw I don't cry cuz I didn't even EVER played nightmare, just trying to support topic maker and spam a lil bit.