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when you finally get up valkylia

Started by Antxdextorges, April 22, 2010, 02:13:30 PM

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this only shows that he doesn't give a freak about anything concerning the server, even if he will run it someday it will be hard to get him for some fixes etc etc


Quote from: Jubilat on April 23, 2010, 09:43:00 AM
this only shows that he doesn't give a freak about anything concerning the server, even if he will run it someday it will be hard to get him for some fixes etc etc

It proves nothing. It only shows when he was the last time on nothing more. You don't know if he is working on the server, phoning with his gf all the time, planning his suicide or speaks with Descent about the final coding.

I can't believe how you and others make conclusions out of 1 little fact.

And tbh with this community...I wouldn't like to log in to Forum also.


Quote from: Spelly on April 23, 2010, 10:36:14 AM
It proves nothing. It only shows when he was the last time on nothing more. You don't know if he is working on the server, phoning with his gf all the time, planning his suicide or speaks with Descent about the final coding.

I can't believe how you and others make conclusions out of 1 little fact.

And tbh with this community...I wouldn't like to log in to Forum also.

nice 1    +1



Quote from: Spelly on April 23, 2010, 10:36:14 AM
It proves nothing. It only shows when he was the last time on nothing more. You don't know if he is working on the server, phoning with his gf all the time, planning his suicide or speaks with Descent about the final coding.

I can't believe how you and others make conclusions out of 1 little fact.

And tbh with this community...I wouldn't like to log in to Forum also.



Quote from: cumshot on April 23, 2010, 02:22:18 PM

its prove this server will look same like all others becouse same here gm lies.  we will give u info = and u got any info ? no

server will start of end of march or start of arpil and ? soon we will have next month and no server up, no info about server start,  same shits like on other dn servers ...

dn magic word " SOOOOOOOOOOOOON"


we should stop cry on forum and keep wait for server, i really want it up to play with all  my friends but we cant do nothing  :-\
btw, they should give some info.. something like " we keep working on it, we found some bugs and we are trying to fix it" should give some light to new people on DNet and also for old people.


Quote from: Spelly on April 23, 2010, 10:36:14 AM
And tbh with this community...I wouldn't like to log in to Forum also.

no other server has a better community than Dnet. But it's true that we perfectly know Dnet ETA's.
I'd say for summer holidays. After all, everybody will have more time then ;p

[url=http://heliosdaedalus.free.fr/laboman/]Laboratory Manager by Oleron[/url]

"We're working on it, please be patient!"


Quote from: Spelly on April 23, 2010, 10:36:14 AM
It proves nothing. It only shows when he was the last time on nothing more. You don't know if he is working on the server, phoning with his gf all the time, planning his suicide or speaks with Descent about the final coding.

I can't believe how you and others make conclusions out of 1 little fact.

And tbh with this community...I wouldn't like to log in to Forum also.

are you new to DN?


guyz keep in mind that you are not paying any fuknig $$ to play, so stop complaining or go buy retail :P