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This restricted sub system is useless



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This restricted sub system is useless

Started by disc, April 29, 2010, 09:35:00 PM

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You sub your char for what? Just for simple pvp without goals?
cuz you cant use it in epic boss pvp, cant use it on hb. So the subbed char is just useless :DD you don't even need to sub your char if you don't want to farm pvp points :D
It's same like you play on official, without stacksubs, and then you go to dn login arena to have fun.
Infinity 5x: inactive
Valkyria:  shiet
free from L2 since 2 years


/ l2 offline ... finally ...


I honestly think that its not that bad..

HB will be full ot Partys not of Tyr + Bots, and Exp eaters.

Oly will be 100% balanced.

Also the Epic Rb's will require parcipitation of more than one organized PT. Isnt that kind'a better?

Ty/De etc will be able to farm FOG / IT / DINO etc. max lvl 80 is not bad so well .. ?


Any way... I know that most people dont want to break the habbits of theyr whole life and they want to play with theyr own self but well.
Adena Plix.


but if i think about it, i will have more time if this system stays, cuz i won't play l2 at all :D
Infinity 5x: inactive
Valkyria:  shiet
free from L2 since 2 years


Quote from: Biolo_idiota on April 29, 2010, 09:50:33 PMI honestly think that its not that bad..

HB will be full ot Partys not of Tyr + Bots, and Exp eaters.

Oly will be 100% balanced.

Also the Epic Rb's will require parcipitation of more than one organized PT. Isnt that kind'a better?

not so good, since the l2 is a bugged shit, with more ppl it will be 1 fps (gta4 runs much better than l2 with 100 ppl near :DDDD)
there will be no more ppl. ppl play bcuz they want, not bcuz their ally command them when they needed in pvp.

I don't said i have problem with the oly restriction, that is the only good thing in it.

"HB will be full ot Partys not of Tyr + Bots, and Exp eaters. " what is the connection between bots, exp eaters, and stack sub?

If i want these i gonna play on an official like server without stacksubs, cuz they are SAME. I wanted to play here bcuz of stacksub, but since it made useless, i won't. So if gms don't want a normal sub system, they should just delete stacksubs, cuz it's useless already.

Infinity 5x: inactive
Valkyria:  shiet
free from L2 since 2 years


This is the best solution, no more noobs with 3x box ownig partys at most important places. You will have to use some tactic, gather a good team. no more tyr/destro farming epic bosses. Oly will be again playable without sps/ee and th/pp. Finnaly at DN servers we will have team play as it used to be in c4 times.
So i bet that a lot of ppl at 8 pm tomorrow will start adventure at Valkyria. If you complain about such system no one will cry for you.


Quote from: LMS on April 29, 2010, 10:24:21 PM
This is the best solution, no more noobs with 3x box ownig partys at most important places. You will have to use some tactic, gather a good team. no more tyr/destro farming epic bosses. Oly will be again playable without sps/ee and th/pp. Finnaly at DN servers we will have team play as it used to be in c4 times.
So i bet that a lot of ppl at 8 pm tomorrow will start adventure at Valkyria. If you complain about such system no one will cry for you.
/ l2 offline ... finally ...


Well i completely agree with you disc. This new sub system is more than strange for me. I used to play here few years ago and than i moved to retail type server but it's a little bit boring for me now. So i wanted to go back to substack server. When i saw that DNet is opening new server i was happy because infinity and nightmare are too old for me. I finally saw opportunity to fresh start on substack serv. Now after this new update i think i won't play here. And I'm very disappointed because i had plans and i wanted to play with old friends :'/

Well GMs i think no one would be angry if you move server opening for few days and make normal Dnet sub system.
Please think about it.

ok QQ_QQ but they could just make normal retail type server because i don't know now what will be more useless main or retail :|
But however i will test it in game ... So don't judge server before it even start :)
CiS - Hell Knight / Duelist - OFF
AvL - Sagittarius / Hierophant - OFF


Quote from: Vessar on April 29, 2010, 10:28:47 PM
no one would be angry
I will be angry :D

but you can move openings for 12h, beacuse I have others things to do on friday evening. No one would be angry :P


Ok sorry i forget about ppl that like that system
But after rethink this whole topic about new subsystem i belive that making another poll and voting for new system sub or dnet is not good idea. Just waste of time :P
CiS - Hell Knight / Duelist - OFF
AvL - Sagittarius / Hierophant - OFF


yea i w8 for this server 1 or 2 months and now gms say faking shit rules   n/c ofc i`ll not join here  cya