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fix this stupid damage bug/sh1t

Started by nietrzezwy, May 16, 2010, 12:43:33 PM

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Quote from: Left Hand of Devil on May 16, 2010, 09:53:58 PM
Karmian vs Gladi with A grade wpn. What damage are you waiting for? If you have A/S grade, then do not kill with one skill. Just two. : D
But im stupid, this is dragon, omg the gladi kill me, pls nerf nerf nerf. Omg archer kill me, pls nerf nerf nerf, etc etc.
another brainless reptile, I got light not karmian and I had buffs + earth song and im lvl 72 so stfu, and he had sls*sls not A grade so stfu x2, u PWNed go sleep ;]  is there only one guy who understands the problem ? you all loltards purposelessly trying to prove sth.. eh topic should be closed.

Left Hand of Devil

Quote from: nietrzezwy on May 16, 2010, 11:53:01 PM
another brainless reptile, I got light not karmian and I had buffs + earth song and im lvl 72 so stfu, and he had sls*sls not A grade so stfu x2, u PWNed go sleep ;]  is there only one guy who understands the problem ? you all loltards purposelessly trying to prove sth.. eh topic should be closed.

O.o you have plated set, awsome def. :D fking crybaby. :D
Naia: Corax lvl80 Sk   SOLD
Eve-online ON


Quote from: nietrzezwy on May 16, 2010, 02:52:10 PM
look at the picture under ur nickname, thats interesting, u are smth like ave satan 666 ? or u like to kill young virgins ? omg, interesting what kind of zeroes got networks at home, this is the way how peadophilia started, with bastards like u, stfu and do not comment on topic ;]

Quote from: nietrzezwy on May 16, 2010, 02:44:24 PM
Ahahaha, u fuc.ktard, I was already playing L2 when u thought that sh1t is food u little brat, Glad has always been noobish like nothing else, BP pwned it, everytime I met Glad I PKed it like stun hit hit crit crit BB noob, it was worth nothing, and since u know nothing about pvp shut the fu.ck up kid okie ? lick my balls zero :)

Quote from: nietrzezwy on May 16, 2010, 12:48:02 PM
Forgot to add I had been fully buffed with earth song on my forehead.. im 71++  and I die thanks just to one hit :D no comment ;F its mockery ! laughter like The Grand Canyon, aff..

Quote from: nietrzezwy on May 16, 2010, 12:43:33 PM
yeah, glad hitting me for 5k where Im the same lvl or even bigger, rly awesome, glad is overpowered and it suks, it always has been a noob character and here on valkyria it is stronger then destro on frenzy :FFFF pvp suks everything suks when one char is over everybody else ... no commant, fix it or there will be only glads on valkyria when ppl realize that its fooked up ;]

how can't you love such a great person like that =D?

Goddamn if 12-15 kids like this one will come to infinity I'll start to play again =D I promise

you are my new hero... XD
Storm Screamer/Shillen's Saint 85

Infinity player since 15:53 gmt+1 of 28th june 2005 goddammit!


Quote from: id8675309 on May 16, 2010, 05:38:36 PM
Dont be more stupid than you really are.
Every retail L2 player who will see glad here will confirm that this class has corrupted damage system.
Ive noticed that after 5 sec seeing gladiator damage.
I dont care if it is made here like on the rest of DNet servers.

I want to see retail-like damage/skill system, especially if my main class cant have DN sub.

its lol how some noname random is offending everyone arround even those who are trying to explain him reality are realy old players with lot experience.

if you dont like fact that gladi is 1v1 pvp char than go play to some C4/IL server, there you can be again king with your pathetic necro
Maestro Trpajzilk
Bounty Hunter Rostanda
dwarfs forever


Quote from: nietrzezwy on May 16, 2010, 11:53:01 PM
another brainless reptile, I got light not karmian and I had buffs + earth song and im lvl 72 so stfu, and he had sls*sls not A grade so stfu x2, u PWNed go sleep ;]  is there only one guy who understands the problem ? you all loltards purposelessly trying to prove sth.. eh topic should be closed.

it should be closed right after started, cos bullshi*s shouldnt be supported.... ;)
Maestro Trpajzilk
Bounty Hunter Rostanda
dwarfs forever


Infi : spangle - Saggi/ warlord /SH          Valk.: Antistar -  Dc-78 / He   Tarantula: Beyondthelaw