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What is your opinion? :)

Started by TifaPL, May 08, 2010, 02:16:23 PM

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of no lifers vote for rollback, ok if u save database when all was ok its cool but if u make rollback from bad moment you make unbalanced server :/ anyway i dont care  play with friends > all :)


this thread will be deleted for shure ^^


WHERE THE FUK IS WROTE THAT THIS BUG WAS EXIST FEW HOURS ETC??maby it was existing from beggining. i thing deleted all adena from all chars and making that selling C grade weapons in shops = 0 adena and crystals = 0 adena would be good cuz all crystal what ppl get from cheating go for crafting shots etc i thing its not perfect but good solution ;/(crystals would be cheap when haxors would selling it :D )
wipe would make many ppl leave ;/


Wipe, is 1 week of playing better then risking what was left over and when was this exploit being used. There is people random people who got 3 clan halls thnx to this exploit, so roll back would just fuk up half ppl and wont fuk up other half.



Quote from: SplichO on May 08, 2010, 09:46:49 PM
Wipe, is 1 week of playing better then risking what was left over and when was this exploit being used. There is people random people who got 3 clan halls thnx to this exploit, so roll back would just fuk up half ppl and wont fuk up other half.



Mala Przyjemnosc

Quote from: Biolo_idiota on May 08, 2010, 02:21:46 PM
I expect all characters that bought more than 3 weapons for 0 Adena to get ban becuse they used it to make money not to exp.

1,2 max 3 weapons is like an "for my personal use" thing. But buing 4,5 or more its just simply a money making. Peace.
Ja pierdole, Ty zyjesz o_O
Wipe , Rollback whateva , still not playin here; d


Quote from: SplichO on May 08, 2010, 09:46:49 PM
Wipe, is 1 week of playing better then risking what was left over and when was this exploit being used. There is people random people who got 3 clan halls thnx to this exploit, so roll back would just fuk up half ppl and wont fuk up other half.



No wipe = die

Understand that torn dont be a dumb c mon


GMs asked about our opinions and when ppl start crying in game they said: make post on forum so we can see what u all want, and when we did it they deleted those posts and no1 listen players cause they are just players. I dont believe that every bug/l2w user lost everything. They bought items. And when do u know who got it with fair play and who doesnt ?


Quote from: Ryoko on May 08, 2010, 10:04:30 PM
GMs asked about our opinions and when ppl start crying in game they said: make post on forum so we can see what u all want, and when we did it they deleted those posts and no1 listen players cause they are just players. I dont believe that every bug/l2w user lost everything. They bought items. And when do u know who got it with fair play and who doesnt ?
This will be my last advice about this crap.

- Wipe inst necessary

- Apply on server antibot (walker) patch, end of problem.

- Rollback the server at the hour its started the issue (yday night)

We are wasting the weekend,w8ing inefficent solutions.

A little complaint about sieges and 7s.
7s It was started as normal date on monday and changed during the week to seal validation to allow siege start without any announcement about switching 7s to Seal.Allowing players to join dawn side when there are not castle owners should be not possible.
Messing in this way will generate more issues and bugs
Don't be a fool, be OldSchooL !!




Ok but what about l2w users who farmed only coins for whole week ? They got nice amount of adena. I