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Started by Tyler, May 19, 2010, 04:30:10 PM

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Quote from: Shilen on May 25, 2010, 07:04:36 PM

Infinity Ally  :-*

P.S.: sry for graphics, my PC sux   :(

and its after we rush

down infinity better than alive ^^


Quote from: MyCookie on May 25, 2010, 11:02:36 PM
and its after we rush

down infinity better than alive ^^

sure, u rushed the 10 ppl who stayed there, but u have been killed near decarbia  ;)
Infinity-Nightmare 20x - ON
   Whity - ee/sws

Valkyria 9x - OFF
   Withy - sws/sr




Quote from: MyCookie on May 25, 2010, 11:02:36 PM

I always wonder what's that big secret that ppl hide with black and white boxes drew with paint. Plz PM me with that!
Server: -Infinite Nightmare 20x
Char Name: -Ashey
Char Gender: -Female
Mainclass (lvl): -Cardinal/Hell Knight (85)
Retail/DNsub (lvl): -Cardinal/PhoenixKnight (80)
Clan: -Black Army



Quote from: sausrainis on May 25, 2010, 11:53:02 PM
The party setup you have rly rox  :D
looks like u didnt hear about fighter pt  :) ahh i forgot, u dont have fighters  :-*
Infinity-Nightmare 20x - ON
   Whity - ee/sws

Valkyria 9x - OFF
   Withy - sws/sr


Quote from: Shilen on May 25, 2010, 11:31:36 PM
sure, u rushed the 10 ppl who stayed there, but u have been killed near decarbia  ;)
dude we lose only 2 fights i remember, there was 3 side u know
and i cant count how many times we won xD thnx for pvp points anyway <3

Quote from: Ashee on May 26, 2010, 12:02:56 AM
I always wonder what's that big secret that ppl hide with black and white boxes drew with paint. Plz PM me with that!
explain me than " why u want to see our pt setup-buffs-chats-skill bar " this screen for show down crow-loldragon


Quotedude we lose only 2 fights i remember, there was 3 side u know

As Shilen already said, you killed only ~10 ppl, when we already went to decarbia, if you want to call it win, then ok, you won 1 fight. :D

On the road again. :D


Quote from: MyCookie on May 26, 2010, 03:19:52 AM
explain me than " why u want to see our pt setup-buffs-chats-skill bar " this screen for show down crow-loldragon

Answer is simple. They zerged some crows and few fatals. 2 mints before we killed  ppl from other clans.
His first screan was made 1h later? Look at hidden bars they have full cp even. So they are REALY so brave and good fighters.
They zerg like insects..
They think like insects..
They got brains like insects..


Quote from: gryby on May 26, 2010, 10:16:20 AM
Answer is simple. They zerged some crows and few fatals. 2 mints before we killed  ppl from other clans.
His first screan was made 1h later? Look at hidden bars they have full cp even. So they are REALY so brave and good fighters.
They zerg like insects..
They think like insects..
They got brains like insects..

but u dont have brain kiddo

i took screenshots after 20secs pvp finish, and we have overlord > full cp/hp

and its the only fight i took ss its the only one mass pvp win, i told ya i cant count how many times we won, last time i remember exi running away xD


Quote from: MyCookie on May 26, 2010, 03:01:57 PM
but u dont have brain kiddo

i took screenshots after 20secs pvp finish, and we have overlord > full cp/hp

and its the only fight i took ss its the only one mass pvp win, i told ya i cant count how many times we won, last time i remember exi running away xD

after 6 years in l2 i know how look overlords animations...
ol>full hp/cp?????   are u some kind of leader, i mean leader of those insects, one who spokes at forum as thinking warm?
..stupid topic..


Quote from: gryby on May 26, 2010, 04:48:16 PM
after 6 years in l2 i know how look overlords animations...
ol>full hp/cp?????   are u some kind of leader, i mean leader of those insects, one who spokes at forum as thinking warm?
..stupid topic..
should i took ss when ol giving cp-hp ?
stupid topic with stupid posts, stop to send brainless posts kiddo


Quote from: Shilen on May 26, 2010, 12:21:17 AM
looks like u didnt hear about fighter pt  :) ahh i forgot, u dont have fighters  :-*

Fighters party must be pure close or ranged type, with this glad+2destros+2archers you can go hide in cave ;) Btw im not from infy ;)