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prevent not punish!



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prevent not punish!

Started by coyz, June 07, 2010, 10:43:04 PM

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imho instead of going on a permabanning spree and geting back down to 300ppl online, you should put some protection or i dunno what to prevent botting here...
if you are gonna bann all l2ws, three fourths of server will be gone.
even 2 years ago on x15 ^Ellcharro^ or what was his name, said that if he has to ban for botting half server byebye..
think about it torn and spectator  :D  :D


Its true that they spoiled l2w users on others DN servers, gms never restricted rules they made.


well they did that for a reason... too many botters, true they are ruining economy, everything but if u bann them, the server will be realy low populated and no fun for the rest of us...


But If it will be resticted from the beginning servers will be bot free


Bots dont count as ppl online, they are useless ,,, just ruin economy
I would rater play with 300 online ppl than with 1500 bots
This is the only way to make brainless ppl stop boting, but i tink they should ip ban all chars from the boter + acount
OOONunoSilvaOOO - pw/sws - hero (rip)

OONunoSilvaOO - pp/he - hero (rip)
OONun0SilvaOO - gl/pp - hero (rip)
DawnElememtal - th/pl (rip)

OONunoSilvaOO - gl - 1st glad hero (rip)


Ban them i say.

GM...make 1 trip to Pavels Ruins area....guarenteed l2w ppl spoiling SOP's.
It's funny the way the bots react, they do not steal your mob when u have aggro, and use health pot when u attack them xD

Nightmare 30x - Vay / Vai / DarkVai
Valkyria 9x - DarkAurora / Lush


Quote from: Vai on June 08, 2010, 01:44:28 PM
It's funny the way the bots react, they do not steal your mob when u have aggro, and use health pot when u attack them xD
The first part doesn't prove anything, i too, don't ks if someone got aggro before me (i hate to be ksed, so i don't do the same)
On the other hand, if the guy aggro all the mobs to take them for himself only, i'll gladly pk him and let him clic "Return Village".


Kazuki are you trying to defend any bot's? or what :D?

There are like Tons of ways to get 100% sure that some one is a bot.

I WANT TO BE ^Biolo^ Valkiria Jailer xD
Adena Plix.


Gm should warning the ppl first who use bots with 1200 hours like on dragon.
After 2nd time botting he should ban him permannent as well.
After 1st warning ppl understand that he spend much time to exp the char etc. and the most of them
dont do it no more. That ppl who used l2w and was permanent banned  will just leave and never come back.

Best punishment would be , 1200h ban and removing spoiled or dropped items from speculation  that hes on walker.
But it will takes more time from Gms. They will just push 1 button and perma ban this player.


Quote from: Dei on June 08, 2010, 02:32:57 PM
Gm should warning the ppl first who use bots with 1200 hours like on dragon.
After 2nd time botting he should ban him permannent as well.
After 1st warning ppl understand that he spend much time to exp the char etc. and the most of them
dont do it no more. That ppl who used l2w and was permanent banned  will just leave and never come back.

Best punishment would be , 1200h ban and removing spoiled or dropped items from speculation  that hes on walker.
But it will takes more time from Gms. They will just push 1 button and perma ban this player.

well players have been warned, all should consider that they have already been banned for 1200h when server started too late. next step is to ban all walker users.


Look if some one is dump enough to put a bot, then GM is talking to him and he never reacts then hey.. xD

"Gotta ban them all"
Adena Plix.


Quote from: jailaa on June 08, 2010, 02:35:26 PM
well players have been warned, all should consider that they have already been banned for 1200h when server started too late. next step is to ban all walker users.

As i said , is not a perfect idea to ban all permanently , cuz of loosing those ppl.
WIth warnings you will keep population on this server. Population = more ppl = more donation ?
Or i dont understand something ?