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=Jaila= Obiectivity. ^Torn^ make something...

Started by Navaro, June 12, 2010, 09:43:23 AM

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LOL no mather. You play on this server as a player, so u have friends, and enemy. You just show that u arent obiective, and your decysion are conditional from you mood.
If I were you .. I wouldn't try to do what you're doing now. I'm not in my best mood in the morning.
So if u are woman, and have period u will ban because u have bad day? Rly good obiective GM, GL. I whant neutral, obiective ppl on GM.

So you will perm ban all ppl who whant changes? Because u have GM panel, and dont whant heard  critique? GL.... good GM. Mr.I Know betterDontfreakWithMe?


Quote from: Heray on June 12, 2010, 11:49:37 AM
Man you are Gm not normal player. Its not fair to help 1 clan and is ass have others like you making now ,you baning ppl whos using bots but no1 ffrom excidium like korina (she or he using and dont get ban) .So if you want to server going down make still the same.We want neutral GM.
K0rina got ban you freaking idiot ...

ExCiDiuM <3
Chujozord - DE/PAL
CrazyJoe - PR/PAL
Unloco - BP/WC
PanPijak - NE/EE
Cherry SORC -> ES/EE


Quote from: jailaa on June 12, 2010, 11:04:24 AM

Torn knows that I am actually a clan member of Exci xD lol.

Quote from: jailaa on June 12, 2010, 11:40:36 AM

1. I am not member of exci clan, their ally or their friend clans



Ye maybe im but i playing at more servers and GMs was neutral not like you , you making still same problems .


Yea And u (Exidium) Start to sell ppl who use l2w, while Jaila get GM. And i also mostly use l2w.... Hypocrite kids. And Dont Denay, Poor Cherry whant to fight by ban, not in l2. Poor kid.


Bourrin - Catseye - Eyestac - Bourr1n - Ouga -
Jibito - Pussyfr0mHell


Quote from: pigozord on June 12, 2010, 11:18:13 AM

lets make it clear.

enclave bots same as excidium or crow or any other clan. not more not less. one difference is we are not hipocryts, who cry "jes GM plix ban dis gaj" and minute later we start l2w.

besides, dont show me screenshot with banned 66 lvl char, if you need you can ban my 40 lvl spoil. gl.

anyway, you WERE NOT afk (you talked with other ppl) while one of us pmed you, but anyway.

and last but not least, I dont say jaila is 'corrupted', I just say he is not right and apropriate person for this.

Me? You misunderstood probably. Or you ment exci members by saying you?

Anyway, every clan have boters, some are unlucky and got ban some not.

Dont think that 'reporting someone boting and to bot after it himself' is something strange or etc, same way is in the real life. And soon will be more stuff like that probably when big raids farming will start, l2 drama wtf :P


Can't believe you don't see what's wrong with this situation, do you even know what it means to be GM ? oO
And your replies... just show immaturity to me, which is quite dreadful when we know you are a GM...

At start i had some respect for your work since you were active and all, but knowing you are playing on this server... just lost all respect/trust because for me it can't be anything else than one big joke.

And i might start to understand why you don't ban from older video... which for me is stupid, guys used a bot to lvl their char 78+ for example but because they stopped now that they are 78, that's fine ? so fair ;)


Quote from: Lecktor on June 12, 2010, 11:55:32 AM
we had brainless corrupted cow glasy on x15

i moved to here , to have non playing gm's

wtf wtf this suck again

Lecktor :) you should be last to talk considering some of your pm's .. You were all fine with me banning people, until Teargas got banned :)


Quote from: k0rina on June 12, 2010, 12:10:01 PM
what about me ?     cry mode on ? 

i got ban but   i got all my items so   in 3 days i was   making already retail   and for pwn  u  1 more time  like u got owned much in this topic with ur QQing friends   gm is checking me    .

active  proove?         http://img810.imageshack.us/i/shot01127.png/     http://img819.imageshack.us/i/shot01129.png/

So Jaila isnt corrupted mb he overreact sometimes but he is fair   kkthnxbb
And why would you get your items back ? oO
Since when a ban let you get back your items or did i miss something ?


OH what a drama, 1st of all you must understand that Jailas Logs are monitored every day and there is no way he can be "corrupted" or anything, his decissions are always consulted by me and advised what to do. We dont protect any clan any perso any alliance basically YOU ARE ALL SAME TO US, doesnt matter if you play 10 years 1 month 1 week old player or new player donator or non donator, if you are using l2w you will  be banned no matter what. Also Jaila is getting PMs (i see the logs) from all the players on server checking EVERYONE not  any clan based, and i can tell you 1 thing, if EXi clan doesnt use bots now for any reason maybe they are just too jealose seeing other people using l2w while they are too affraid to do same since they know they will be banned too, in the end why you think they dont use l2w atm, if we dont wanna ban them they would use it right?
So all this story about "corruption" or anything FAILS big time, and i wont tolerate this false acusations. We are not playing on server where we are GMs and we will never do it, so we dont care for any clan you are all same to us.




Pwned? s00r from the banned char you cant take items .so gm must help you