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About new RB system

Started by BanThemAll, June 15, 2010, 06:08:34 PM

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Teh noob

Quote from: sziii on June 27, 2010, 02:29:41 AM

BTW shyeed queen drop only dyna jewels recipes which are worthless since they are so cheap, if this rb could drop jawel fragments ppl will come to kill it, because now its almost always alive

agreed. the drops of queen shyeed make the rb useless. imo, what is needed since ppl are so hungry for rb pts, is to make most of the lowbie bosses that are online 24/7 high level, with a certain chance to drop smth good. so ppl a)will spend more time online b)will need more summoners/bots c)one man just cant kill them all . an option is to make lowbies like the champions in other games, on random number of spawns it goes lvl 85 with good loot. but that requires aditional coding and its not so easy to make.


change spawn time for random,wipe orcs,ban all fkin farmers.......3ple box.
Penalty for  S grade weapons  if orc 40 lvl killing  QA with DHA ( i wrote about it about 1  year ago .....)
We have pro  old school Gm and he cant do nothing with that since more than 3 years lol.  
Quit that shit and try  this :

Teh noob

u cannot stop orcs using bigblunts with grade penalty. its how this weapon works. and if i can kill a lame rb with my archer, so any 1 else can do it - so the orx arent the problem here. the problem is the behind-the-keyboard device. u cant stop the everhungry for loot from farming, exploiting, multiboxing, etc. if ppl dont want to change, its useless to implement new rules, to be avoided just like the old ones.


Quote from: Mab on June 28, 2010, 11:26:29 AM
change spawn time for random,wipe orcs,ban all fkin farmers.......3ple box.
Penalty for  S grade weapons  if orc 40 lvl killing  QA with DHA ( i wrote about it about 1  year ago .....)
We have pro  old school Gm and he cant do nothing with that since more than 3 years lol.  
Quit that shit and try  this :
U really dont know whats lineage about - if u could try to play on others good servers , maybe official, u will realize that destroyers are chars created specially for dealing huge dmg in short time. Everywhere they are the best to kill raid bosses.. Difference is that they cant kill rb with one titan but when need minimum three titans with good gear and about 30min of pure damage dealing without any problems like enemy's around. Imo rbs here are much better after update, but best one is Storm Winged Naga from bs , this rb really take time to kill and hit very hard. RB shouldn't be easy to kill, thats all from me


Quote from: sziii on June 30, 2010, 09:15:44 PM
U really dont know whats lineage about - if u could try to play on others good servers , maybe official, u will realize that destroyers are chars created specially for dealing huge dmg in short time. Everywhere they are the best to kill raid bosses, for example on NC soft retail everyone must have dyna crusher with rsk.focus and titan subclass to go kill rb with clan. Difference is that they cant kill rb with one titan but when need minimum three titans with good gear and about 30min of pure damage dealing without any problems like enemy's around. Imo rbs here are much better after update, but best one is Storm Winged Naga from bs , this rb really take time to kill and hit very hard. RB shouldn't be easy to kill, thats all from me


but i think its lame  mage with 10k m.atk hit some bosses for 300/400/500 dmg. OFC we can raise it by using curse death link (SH and Necros), then we can get to 1k dmg and 4k criticals. 4 sure mage aint tanks, but they should do some good dmg to bosses. Mayb the best way is to have different defense attributes to different bosses.

Take naga as example: He uses fire attacks and fly. So its nice for him to have good defense against melee attacks (since he stands in the air, far from melee attacks) and fire magic attacks (since its his base element), but lower defense against archers (can hit him from far distances and hit him in the air) and other elemental attacks.

Ofc it could be boring for GMs to develop such a attribute system. But its just and idea to make the server more fun. At least I think it would be fun know "Hey, on that boss i can do a good dmg, and on this one i suck big time!"
Proud to be brazilian.

nightmare 30x
CottonMouth - Hierophant/Soultaker - Nobless


I like thinking like this, it could be nice if flying rb would take more dmg from ranged damage dealers. About damage from mage on rb -  i should be also bigger, ppl dont want to make party like tank+healer+few mags as damages dealers and support to buff them because its much easier to make brutal physical damage from orc. This way ppl kill rbs on all Lineage server - easier way used to be better, but there should be another good option. However ranged character should have few times lower damage then Orc because of huge advantage they have which is ... range. Of course nuker must be better damage dealer then archer and be able to pown some rbs with few ppl in party. Imo archer isnt character to kill raid bosses, they are the most easy and effective on pvp and farm mobs one by one, "you cannot have everything"


Quote from: sziii on June 30, 2010, 09:15:44 PM
U really dont know whats lineage about - if u could try to play on others good servers , maybe official, u will realize that destroyers are chars created specially for dealing huge dmg in short time. Everywhere they are the best to kill raid bosses, for example on NC soft retail everyone must have dyna crusher with rsk.focus and titan subclass to go kill rb with clan. Difference is that they cant kill rb with one titan but when need minimum three titans with good gear and about 30min of pure damage dealing without any problems like enemy's around. Imo rbs here are much better after update, but best one is Storm Winged Naga from bs , this rb really take time to kill and hit very hard. RB shouldn't be easy to kill, thats all from me

sorry dude but you talking out your ass. i am bishop on official ( lvl 83), my party leader is destro 85 and we have another TH 85. we can kill ANY raid boss on the map ( except epics ) in max 6 minutes without using frenzy. using frenzy without vr any raid boss is 2 min job with me keeping destro at 30% hp

destro gear: dynasty set, dynasty crusher + health + 300 attribute and icarus 2h sword 300 attribute + full raid boss jewelry. for frenzy he uses blunt, for full hp he uses 2h sword. raid boss on official are made to be killed by 1 party, you don't even need tank. ( you can go on teon forums - destro is even hero on Teon name raeD ).

at epics like tiat or frintezza with destro 30% hp frenzy + zealot with party angelic icon + judicator buff destro does 2kk crits on frintezza .. yes 2.000.000 dmg crits ! tiat goes down in ~1 minute.

ty/de on dragon is crap compared to destro on official. de is one of best oly farmers with ee + tanks. at ekimus and cohemenes we go with 4 parties and only our party is the damage dealer one since it can kill raidboss in .. 1 min max.

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EL7XF3UD here is a movie of our party, but they had bishop from clan since i wasn't on. zackman - party th, raed - destro, painkick - ol, selqnina - ee and the other are not from our constant
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


I shouldn't write about official with shot time playing there, however look like u speak about the best titan in Teon with real top gear, so i guess that weaker player should use more then one titan. I knew that destroyer is a very good and not boring char since i started to play in c1. But its he always need some time to get near enemy and pvp i titan weak side when ranged enemy's hit u and somebody can heal u. By the way on Teon Titan have reused skill after each fight? and hp go full when fight start?


Quote from: tzuc on July 05, 2010, 08:49:34 AM
sorry dude but you talking out your ass. i am bishop on official ( lvl 83), my party leader is destro 85 and we have another TH 85. we can kill ANY raid boss on the map ( except epics ) in max 6 minutes without using frenzy. using frenzy without vr any raid boss is 2 min job with me keeping destro at 30% hp

destro gear: dynasty set, dynasty crusher + health + 300 attribute and icarus 2h sword 300 attribute + full raid boss jewelry. for frenzy he uses blunt, for full hp he uses 2h sword. raid boss on official are made to be killed by 1 party, you don't even need tank. ( you can go on teon forums - destro is even hero on Teon name raeD ).

at epics like tiat or frintezza with destro 30% hp frenzy + zealot with party angelic icon + judicator buff destro does 2kk crits on frintezza .. yes 2.000.000 dmg crits ! tiat goes down in ~1 minute.

ty/de on dragon is crap compared to destro on official. de is one of best oly farmers with ee + tanks. at ekimus and cohemenes we go with 4 parties and only our party is the damage dealer one since it can kill raidboss in .. 1 min max.

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EL7XF3UD here is a movie of our party, but they had bishop from clan since i wasn't on. zackman - party th, raed - destro, painkick - ol, selqnina - ee and the other are not from our constant

PRESIDENT, next time make one video about those 2kk damage plz i wanna see this :D

Teh noob

a destro did 2kk damage, than had a beer and everything was back to normal. pigs roamed the brown sky, the yellow grass moved with the northsouthern wind...


p.s. theres a trailer of my movie, but they took actors from clan, since i was afk for 4 min


Quote from: Teh noob on July 06, 2010, 01:31:16 PM
a destro did 2kk damage, than had a beer and everything was back to normal. pigs roamed the brown sky, the yellow grass moved with the northsouthern wind...


p.s. theres a trailer of my movie, but they took actors from clan, since i was afk for 4 min

http://files.mail.ru/S3KGT9 here is enemy POV - bishop getting owned by hero dagger is me iBishop playing in promi's mage group

seboulba i can't make recording cause i don't play the destro, my party leader does. i'll ask him to do some screens at next Tiat, even though our group doesn't do Tiat anymore on Teon cause there's nothing for our party to get from him. we used to do him on Franz before we transfered to Teon.

here is screenshot of another destro 1kk damage but they didn't have DOD debuff on Tiat

here is screenshot of 1.6kk damage from RU official servers
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


Quote from: tzuc on July 06, 2010, 01:38:38 PM
http://files.mail.ru/S3KGT9 here is enemy POV - bishop getting owned by hero dagger is me iBishop playing in promi's mage group

seboulba i can't make recording cause i don't play the destro, my party leader does. i'll ask him to do some screens at next Tiat, even though our group doesn't do Tiat anymore on Teon cause there's nothing for our party to get from him. we used to do him on Franz before we transfered to Teon.

here is screenshot of another destro 1kk damage but they didn't have DOD debuff on Tiat

here is screenshot of 1.6kk damage from RU official servers

he take his dyna crusher like one dha and nm in only one hand its normal ?