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DesertoreS Clan HACKED

Started by Chiri, June 17, 2010, 12:15:57 AM

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Mby those items are already sold to others players, and GMs dont need topics like "OMG .. gm robbed me" . But biger probably is this, then only server admin may interfere to players equipment, so like someone beautifull say "We must wait for drake" ;)


Quote from: Theo on June 17, 2010, 07:40:36 PM
Mby those items are already sold to others players, and GMs dont need topics like "OMG .. gm robbed me" . But biger probably is this, then only server admin may interfere to players equipment, so like someone beautifull say "We must wait for drake" ;)

The scammer said that he gave AQ like presents...


This accounts stolen .... that is nothing new .... what is new ... do not get them back again .... maybe any of us here, we can remove the account to any ... would be pretty decent and moral that the items are returned ... if it is not, we know the kind of servers in which we invest the time  8) 8)

one post to reconsider whether this is fair ..

P.D:The google translator FTW..xD


Quote from: Crube on June 17, 2010, 09:31:17 PM
This accounts stolen .... that is nothing new .... what is new ... do not get them back again .... maybe any of us here, we can remove the account to any ... would be pretty decent and moral that the items are returned ... if it is not, we know the kind of servers in which we invest the time  8) 8)

one post to reconsider whether this is fair ..

P.D:The google translator FTW..xD
+1 man

Is it worth staying in this server if GMs are not going to solve such an easy problem like this? 


The point is that a clans efforts has been stolen.

The point is that GMs know that.

The point is that they have not restored items.

The point is that the rest of server and the rest of clans are going to know what they can expect of this server justice.

The point is that if no reasonable justice made, this will be a no return point for those who understand this situation.

No colours here to think about. Justice or just disattention.

Really a "dont support more shit" point.

No smiles for you at this time GMs. Just action.


I think we should make  it with our mothers each other.


get a life  ;D

1. Dont give ID/Pass to anyone..
2. Dont use 3rd programs, can have trojans!
3. If u loss ur items, for break 1-2 GM can help you, but its your trouble.
4. GM must ban the "scamer" for moral, no for break rules (H) Scamer only log a account that know, and transfer items to main=)
5. If want can give items back, but is a option, no a obligation.
6. Its funny see cry in forum=)
Dragon 15x

Davison - xNecroPhagusx - Makastrera -LuLLyta-  Makastrerita - Gura - (All Sold)

MDK 4Ever


More obscenity than any other thing here.

Not cries.


Quote from: k0dex on June 18, 2010, 01:28:08 AM
I think we should make  it with our mothers each other.

kodex...from enclave...true???
this happens the leader of "enclave" would seem you fair?? not give you all again ..??... is more handsome ... to any strong leader of this clan server ... I STOLEN account and will want to recover susitems.
Putting for a moment  in the skin of a Leader Ian ....???( removed all Enclave, Zeng, OldSchool, Exidium .. etc. .. etc) to leave your opinion

PD: Only if Deserters clan solidarity with XDDDD ... nooo kidding!


To be honest I didnt read all that crap why or how he  hacked DS, in my opinion if he brake in to database DS should get items back. If he got leaders acc by friend of hes friend of hes uncle or put keyloger on hes PC, the leader is nab and  dont deserve anything.
Desertores still exist?  Btw I loled hard with "50 ppl in clan" or "epics in cwh" , who the hell keeps epics in cwh if some member need it ?


Quote from: k0dex on June 18, 2010, 03:06:16 AM

Desertores still exist?  Btw I loled hard with "50 ppl in clan" or "epics in cwh" , who the hell keeps epics in cwh if some member need it ?

DesectoreS Clan still exists, or u think that 8 AQ and 4 Orfen that  have stolen hacking my account we have given the GMs?.

Why we have jewelry epic in cwh? So you do not mind. That's just my problem  ... maybe you need and you can not kill AQ?.

Stop putting shit and take care for your clan.


Atentamente a GURA:

Decirte que no me extraña lo ocurrido, es algo normal ... hay mucho "hdp" por ahi suelto, sin vida social, encerrado entre 4 paredes, delante de un PC, pensando a quien puede joder.

Pero no te sientas orgulloso ni realizado por lo que has hecho, que esto solo es un server de mierda de un juego de mierda. En la vida hay cosas mucho mas importantes que esto.

P.D.: seguro que eres un puto niñato gordo blanquito de no darle el Sol, con la cara llena de granos de matarse a pajas ... que se come los Bollycaos como Pikos ... pero no te lo tomes a mal ... todo esto desde el cariño.

Un saludo ... chaval ... a ver si creces!!