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BORING, have to do something. Discusion.

Started by Navaro, June 20, 2010, 11:35:25 AM

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Trolls, emo, and other idiots plz dont write here.

Its kinda boring on serwer, only farm, lvl up zero pvp, maybe some 1vs1 thats all, and sometimes on Siege. While GM only coppy files from DN, where are MUTANTS, and items s80 its fuking boring, because its imposible to kill normal RB and Baium. I dont whant to make it too easy, but u should change it, because normal RB its not epic, now w/o 2-3 PT u cant kill NORMAL fuking RB. So what its point of game? Many of us are bored, only farm farm farm. PvP for RB, and MAIOR pvp for baium are on every server. Some1 said that u need to go in 5-10 pt. But what for? Its 1k server, ppl on sieges get maybe 4-5 good Party, so on normal fuking RB we should prepere like on epic? And we will kill in 1 month maybe few RB? I whant hear your opinion (enemy) are u bored, because we just farm, i dont remember any good pvp, maybe 5 days ago for QA, thats all.

I dont whant make very easy RB, but u should remove them boost for 1/4 or 1/3. HP regen its horible. Every normal RB on normal server (also on sub stack) were killed by 1 pt, so change it plz, because its only imposible to kill in 1 PT s80 from Dragon. You GMs only coppy file thats all. You should think about it or many ppl are just get bored, because its not point to play here while we get S grade.

^Torn^ do something, remove boost (not their p.atak , but HP regen by 1/3) To have some point to play here, or will be emnty server. If RB will be to easy u will just increace boost, thats all. But now its brand new server.

You whant to ppl get s80, and try to kill rb? But what will be point to kill RB when we will have s80? Its just crazy. On Dragon also are mutants so its easier to kill RB. This server it snot dragon but have same FILES. So WTF?



Nothing is happening here. Like he said, QA PVP seems to be the only action. When RBs are "killable" then we have more PVP action. My friend said it best: "The only reason people and clans should quit the server is emoquitting coz they suck in PVP, not because they are bored with no pvp". This is currently an epic solo exp, farm farm farm server. We waited until all have subclasses, now again, we discover we need another party full of people because of the HP regens and such.

I understand L2 is a team game, but 1 party should be enough to kill most Raid Bosses? Heck we do that in official with rechargers and junk in party. WTF.

Or, let us take the initiative and set up PVP "zones". Lets all go to FG or HS whenever we are bored and PVP there :)


Bad idea, I know how you wanna kill raid bosses, u and 5 of your friends and 3-4 bots .....then you will have full items and kill poor players, and laugh..ahahaha nQQbs, cry cry moar ::) I have had enough of the solo or almost solo version of Lineage, that ones that we saw for years in 15x.

I do agree that there are quite few people on the server and this is something that GM's should work massive on, bringing more players will end mine and your problems.

In the end I am not flamming you, I was just stating my opinion, so dont reply with f@ck you, .I. etc  ::)


Quote from: Lecktor on June 20, 2010, 12:17:07 PM
all raids are verry easy

start make a ty/des lnervusl is 1 =)  and he solo kills 90% of the raids   ;)
o rly? fraps when you kill glaki, naga etc. 5 coins for that.
about solo farming on bots, welcome in l2, solo farmers = easy to kill near rb, we are talking here about rb pvp etc.
this server totaly sux, no normal oly, no normal rbs, no epics, why? bcos we have settings for other DN servers, where donators and mutants in top equip play "cat and mouse" with bosses, die res die res die res, sorry but this is not l2.

btw about easy stacksub, easy quest golkonda, you made carebear server, no pvp even for stupid golky in toi, im just dissapointed


with good setup u can kill almost if not every raid with 2 partys, the real problem is the lvl of raidbosses that dont make them drop! 2 full pt substack killed glaki yesterday and again 0 drops after 30 minutes, and yes my dear lektor or w/e its your nickname, we also have DE/TY full equiped prolly better than the name you said and no its not possible to kill everyraid alone not even near that, its easy to donate for full dynasty and say everything is easy, but trust me on this server this aint lineage! this is more like wow where u dont have to pvp and its just farm farm farm...


+ 1 to kodex , they made a really good carebear server . anyone can get anything soloing........


This is what lineage means, a big mass fking pvp on baium in a server that you could actually kill it...


if you prefer a server with nothing but farm good luck but if you want something like that please think!!


Quote from: moah123 on June 20, 2010, 02:49:47 PM
This is what lineage means, a big mass fking pvp on baium in a server that you could actually kill it...


if you prefer a server with nothing but farm good luck but if you want something like that please think!!
you never will see that on valkyria lol


Quote from: moah123 on June 20, 2010, 02:49:47 PM
This is what lineage means, a big mass fking pvp on baium in a server that you could actually kill it...


if you prefer a server with nothing but farm good luck but if you want something like that please think!!
is it a 2 monthes old server?
u think baium will never die?
Bourrin - Catseye - Eyestac - Bourr1n - Ouga -
Jibito - Pussyfr0mHell


I whant just baium wars, who won PVP he get baium because waste time 4-8h for pvp its bater than preapere 3-4 pt for kiling it. Some clan will kill baium and wont be pvp for it because u dont have 24/h online 4 good pt to kill it, so ppl will just w8 for activity and go kill him, so again 0 \pvp. It just piece of shit, also with normal RB. Why on official server its easy kill RB in 1 pt or Epic in 3-4 pt (baium also in 1 pt)? I know that its substack, but u can boost every rb but now RBs = epics. Its fuking boring, do something with it or u will see empty server. Many of us are bored, zero pvp for baium, antharas RB. Just FARM i piss on it, if u wont reduce them boost we will just leave and i guess many ppl also after they get S equip.

I whant pvp for RBs and Epics and i piss on it how many pt u need. Make every rb killable by 1 good PT Baium also (or 2 pt), but not by 1 tyr/DE because it sux. I thing by 1 good pt every RBs should be killable. Baium - 2pt. I think GM dont whant to make RBs killable by 1 Tyr/DE - im also dont whant it, but by 1 good pt, why not? We whant some FUN!


So here is the darkside of getting proper equip too soon. You are bored cause you already farmed out everything you need for pvp, but others not yet. I guess you should wait one or two months and there will be pvp for raids/epics dont be afraid, now the server is just too young for it. Thats my opinion.
Server: -Infinite Nightmare 20x
Char Name: -Ashey
Char Gender: -Female
Mainclass (lvl): -Cardinal/Hell Knight (85)
Retail/DNsub (lvl): -Cardinal/PhoenixKnight (80)
Clan: -Black Army



well imo we need another 1k players, and everything will be great : D

so - more events, more voting, more actions (maded by GMs), and we will have a great server : )
good things