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racial insult is allowed?



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racial insult is allowed?

Started by magnitogorsk, June 23, 2010, 10:57:27 PM

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If not, maybe some1 will ban this idiot.


And put fast title 5000 pvp-20 pk cause u manage to kill 2 lvl 70 unsubbed

magnitogorsk aw/sk wk.sws pp.sws glad/des
Prometeu th/pp bp/wc tyrant/des aw/pal
Prom ty.des wk.bd des/spoil  spoiler/sh :D
18/04/2010 MOS, Simun: You are a great and old player, Atreide :P
17/06/2011 Coliseum, Ako: You are a noob, no1 ever told me you are good, except of BESEN :)


I cant beat him in pvp so I try to ban him :(

As others always say: Please Less QQ More Pew Pew ;)
Server: -Infinite Nightmare 20x
Char Name: -Ashey
Char Gender: -Female
Mainclass (lvl): -Cardinal/Hell Knight (85)
Retail/DNsub (lvl): -Cardinal/PhoenixKnight (80)
Clan: -Black Army



Quote from: magnitogorsk on June 23, 2010, 10:57:27 PM
If not, maybe some1 will ban this idiot.
And put fast title 5000 pvp-20 pk cause u manage to kill 2 lvl 70 unsubbed
Ke-ke why post only end of the story?
Everything have 2 sides and btw I hate to see such a criers! 
Better go raise your level than to lose time to write here for such a things!
PK and FLAME is part of the game  :D


OMG ban him!!! but not for insult StiluSmuls but for killed him!!! We don't killing retarded ppl in RL right? so we shouldn't kill them ingame!!!


Looking at mistakes they made seems like both boys got pretty mad  ;D
Car of my dreams <3


LoL i didn`t need to see these dogs that defending the guy.I`m pretty sure you are all friend of him or himself, and i don`t give a shit if he kills me in pvp or pk me, nor that he is subclassed and i`m not.I`m not a nolifer like some people here , to play 24/7, so my level is quite acceptable for the time i played.If you blind dogs can`t see, he said something about a retarded country.So all of you just gtfo and keep the shit for yourself.GL in licking the guy`s ass
magnitogorsk aw/sk wk.sws pp.sws glad/des
Prometeu th/pp bp/wc tyrant/des aw/pal
Prom ty.des wk.bd des/spoil  spoiler/sh :D
18/04/2010 MOS, Simun: You are a great and old player, Atreide :P
17/06/2011 Coliseum, Ako: You are a noob, no1 ever told me you are good, except of BESEN :)


Quote from: VVlNlAR on June 24, 2010, 08:53:56 AM
OMG ban him!!! but not for insult StiluSmuls but for killed him!!! We don't killing retarded ppl in RL right? so we shouldn't kill them ingame!!!

I know it was you that guy, hungry idiot, so stop posting
magnitogorsk aw/sk wk.sws pp.sws glad/des
Prometeu th/pp bp/wc tyrant/des aw/pal
Prom ty.des wk.bd des/spoil  spoiler/sh :D
18/04/2010 MOS, Simun: You are a great and old player, Atreide :P
17/06/2011 Coliseum, Ako: You are a noob, no1 ever told me you are good, except of BESEN :)


magnitogorsk is racial insulting me. Ban him ban him:P
"Én nem vagyok rasszista, mindenkit egyformán utálok."


Quote from: magnitogorsk on June 23, 2010, 10:57:27 PM
If not, maybe some1 will ban this idiot.


And put fast title 5000 pvp-20 pk cause u manage to kill 2 lvl 70 unsubbed
Infinity-Nightmare 20x - ON
   Whity - ee/sws

Valkyria 9x - OFF
   Withy - sws/sr


Quote from: magnitogorsk on June 23, 2010, 10:57:27 PM
If not, maybe some1 will ban this idiot.


And put fast title 5000 pvp-20 pk cause u manage to kill 2 lvl 70 unsubbed

sorry, but you have insulted him aswell. It doesn't matter if it is an bad language usage against one person or entire nation - insult is still an insult.

Yes, I am Protector's clanmate, but when I see your chat with him I can see flames on both sides, so your demanding ban for an insult is just ridiculus.
What is more, you have showed us your class in this thread, calling names other ppl who answered to your post, and that brings me to conclusion that most likely you were the one who started the flame war ; )

good things


That is pathetic you cant kill your enemy so you try to get them banned on ridiculous charges... i think this guy needs to be banned for 2 weeks..for 1.) false reporting 2.) wasting GM time 3.) being a punk bitch..


Quote from: metalic1 on June 24, 2010, 08:55:06 PM
That is pathetic you cant kill your enemy so you try to get them banned on ridiculous charges... i think this guy needs to be banned for 2 weeks..for 1.) false reporting 2.) wasting GM time 3.) being a punk bitch..

you are real stupid...false report?? You wanna tell me that i`m faking report cause he said "your language is retarded like your whole nation"? LoL, back to your corner idiot

Quote from: Akira on June 24, 2010, 08:51:04 PM

sorry, but you have insulted him aswell. It doesn't matter if it is an bad language usage against one person or entire nation - insult is still an insult.

Yes, I am Protector's clanmate, but when I see your chat with him I can see flames on both sides, so your demanding ban for an insult is just ridiculus.
What is more, you have showed us your class in this thread, calling names other ppl who answered to your post, and that brings me to conclusion that most likely you were the one who started the flame war ; )


The flames you are talking about have nothing to do with racial insult.I can`t remember and neiter are you to say something about his country or his people.The fact cause i said some words and he said some have nothing to do with it.I spoke my language, so i can`t see how you figured about what i`m saying??And yet, speaking with people as they deserve is not an insult.I can only see dogs barking in order to defeng their clan mate or friend, so i don`t have to bother about their words.If i would made the same thing he did, you all would flame me to get ban for racial insult.Don`t try to modifie the true, cause we are not everybody 12 years old kids.Why no1 post to admit he was wrong saying that, and he should stop at personal insults instead of racial??I don`t need answer, i already saw everyone posting here
magnitogorsk aw/sk wk.sws pp.sws glad/des
Prometeu th/pp bp/wc tyrant/des aw/pal
Prom ty.des wk.bd des/spoil  spoiler/sh :D
18/04/2010 MOS, Simun: You are a great and old player, Atreide :P
17/06/2011 Coliseum, Ako: You are a noob, no1 ever told me you are good, except of BESEN :)