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too jailla!

Started by bajaksc, July 22, 2010, 05:26:15 PM

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jaila u wrote to me that i have to prove u that i hadn't exploited on antharas.
WTF ? u can for example ban some1 and tell him prove me that u didn't use l2w ?


Quote from: bajaksc on July 22, 2010, 05:26:15 PM
1.Jailla you are GM or normal player? we dont want anymore gms who play in server in enemy side like we had in dragon x15 with glasy... now all server hate him cuz he freak it hard...make decision player or gm... cuz now you are freaking corrupted... and most of ppl dont wanna same shit like on dragon...

2. fix clan gate cuz is possible in all epics only in tezza is impossible.... its not big exploit...cuz q for epics are not hard... baium q is only little annoying.

3. you cant ban ppl from that screen in antharas.... only mine char.... and today you make it.... wtf? next proof that you are freaking corrupted... stop play on this server!

4.descent say: for baium exploit  120h and now you changing his way?

i can give you best solution perm ban me(cheruby)  unbann all and fix clan gate...  or make 120h from 720h like descent said ....
AND STOP PLAY ON THIS SERVER !!! we dont need new glasy!

< CL of ExC1DiuM >


Quote from: Kris on July 22, 2010, 06:42:23 PM
jaila u wrote to me that i have to prove u that i hadn't exploited on antharas.
WTF ? u can for example ban some1 and tell him prove me that u didn't use l2w ?

< CL of ExC1DiuM >


Quote from: Kris on July 22, 2010, 06:42:23 PM
jaila u wrote to me that i have to prove u that i hadn't exploited on antharas.
WTF ? u can for example ban some1 and tell him prove me that u didn't use l2w ?
ROFL Touche
+1 kris



Quote from: bajaksc on July 22, 2010, 05:26:15 PM
1.Jailla you are GM or normal player? we dont want anymore gms who play in server in enemy side like we had in dragon x15 with glasy... now all server hate him cuz he freak it hard...make decision player or gm... cuz now you are freaking corrupted... and most of ppl dont wanna same shit like on dragon...

2. fix clan gate cuz is possible in all epics only in tezza is impossible.... its not big exploit...cuz q for epics are not hard... baium q is only little annoying.

3. you cant ban ppl from that screen in antharas.... only mine char.... and today you make it.... wtf? next proof that you are freaking corrupted... stop play on this server!

4.descent say: for baium exploit  120h and now you changing his way?

i can give you best solution perm ban me(cheruby)  unbann all and fix clan gate...  or make 120h from 720h like descent said ....
AND STOP PLAY ON THIS SERVER !!! we dont need new glasy!




Kris, jaila dont need any proof! he just wanted to be rude and insult u again!

Maybe torn or descent could answer to our questions in apolite way? bcz i asked nice jaila to be polite and he insulted me. or he is just retard and forget that i askked him to be polite.....the truth is out there!


Quote from: Socha on July 22, 2010, 06:40:40 PM
Good job GM we dont need crap like them here
Bye Bye now



1. We did not used Baium port after PVP,... we waitet until baum went to bed... than hotpussy waked and cheruby mad summon,.. this makes same balance to enclave its same speed to summon or all klick on button "port me"

2. Antharas.. never saw enemys there,.. its just for quest

3. Remove our earrings ? oO why ? summon clan members makes damage on anthars,.. didnt know that,.. its only for quest, and quest is easy, but ppl are bored..... please use your brain.. we would kill it on quest way too its 30min quest

4. Some... (me) didnt know its a exploid/bug,.. it was possible,...so how should a normal player know that this is a bug ? i am not from official,. and i ofc dont know all specials of all chronicals,.. l2 is a big game,.. and there are xxx different summons like s4, pagan, summoners, warcryer, summon on of castle when lose,.. and and and

5. 1 month ban for this ... even 1 week is to long,... but 1 week i would accept,.. even if (see point 4)

6. why ppl who are not in clan didnt got ban ? like Bloodseeker and xXx... they are on screenshots too !!

7. Nice to know that a gm play in a other clan... this makes the game balanced as i see right now

8.i still belive this is made to get heros on other clans and to take aden easy,.. because decent said we will ahve a fair siege,... so this belongs to (point 7)

Iam waiting for an ansswer of TORN or DECENT... Jaila pls dont comment anything here ( i know i am not allowed to say thsi but STFU)
Fragzilla.... what else ?!
--->Exci <<----------------

Quote fromTemptME:1. Makes no sense, obviously u dont know what you're talking about, baium never went to sleep.
INFO for you...bevor baium was killed first time... many many ppl waked him for quest.. its 30min just for inf


jaila i know u are spanish, so maybe u cant understand english very well, so i used google translate in spanish , on one of my post:

y pls jailla responder dónde está el demostrar que i explotados? u está hideing ahora? usted acaba de perder credibilty frente a todos los servidores! y no la suya equipo agujero .... juego! No sé qué está pasando aquí, que yo era GM en otro juego, pero couldent darse el lujo de ser tan grosero con los jugadores players.remeber mantener allive servidor, no donadores! así que trate de ser un litlle más educado en el futuro con los jugadores. o tal vez roto cometió un error al Baning mí y PPL otros excitato y ahora miedo de decir que ..... yo realmente sé lo que creemos más! ni siquiera puedo pedir somth de un gm cauze estoy affraid que va a insultarme de nuevo! No puedo jugar en un servidor de esta manera!

in future if u will have more troubles reading what we write here, pls tell...we KNOW how to use google translate and we will translate for you...its really no big deal......you can even answer us in spanish(we can use google translate).....but pls answer to our questions polite!


Quote from: bajaksc on July 22, 2010, 05:26:15 PM
1.Jailla you are GM or normal player? we dont want anymore gms who play in server in enemy side like we had in dragon x15 with glasy... now all server hate him cuz he freak it hard...make decision player or gm... cuz now you are freaking corrupted... and most of ppl dont wanna same shit like on dragon...

2. fix clan gate cuz is possible in all epics only in tezza is impossible.... its not big exploit...cuz q for epics are not hard... baium q is only little annoying.

3. you cant ban ppl from that screen in antharas.... only mine char.... and today you make it.... wtf? next proof that you are freaking corrupted... stop play on this server!

4.descent say: for baium exploit  120h and now you changing his way?

i can give you best solution perm ban me(cheruby)  unbann all and fix clan gate...  or make 120h from 720h like descent said ....
AND STOP PLAY ON THIS SERVER !!! we dont need new glasy!

< CL of ExC1DiuM >


Quote from: bajaksc on July 22, 2010, 05:26:15 PM
1.Jailla you are GM or normal player? we dont want anymore gms who play in server in enemy side like we had in dragon x15 with glasy... now all server hate him cuz he freak it hard...make decision player or gm... cuz now you are freaking corrupted... and most of ppl dont wanna same shit like on dragon...

2. fix clan gate cuz is possible in all epics only in tezza is impossible.... its not big exploit...cuz q for epics are not hard... baium q is only little annoying.

3. you cant ban ppl from that screen in antharas.... only mine char.... and today you make it.... wtf? next proof that you are freaking corrupted... stop play on this server!

4.descent say: for baium exploit  120h and now you changing his way?

i can give you best solution perm ban me(cheruby)  unbann all and fix clan gate...  or make 120h from 720h like descent said ....
AND STOP PLAY ON THIS SERVER !!! we dont need new glasy!

< CL of ExC1DiuM >

