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Flames of Invincibility

Started by bsrealm, July 28, 2010, 05:58:53 AM

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Oh no it isn't. Who knows what they've done under the hood on stuff that cannot be easily tested?

With no jewels on a noob char unbuffed, my seals land pathetically.
Similar setup, shock stomp lands pathetically.
Aura of Hate reuse is lame.
Smart Cubic doesn't cleanse (ofc this is for balance).

I am a guy who like to play out of the norm builds, your WL/PALs, disruption tanks, debuffing OLs, etc. I worked hard on my setup and such and now I get rewarded on every char that I made by some character-blocking effect. I know FoI getting 1/2 the time is not a reason to take a break, but its the addition of all those little things. Little drops of water that make the mighty ocean.

Like I said. None of you care if I leave anyway heh. I'm just gonna play about an hour each day to perhaps kill Baium and then thats it. Until FoI is fixed. And by my testing seals land rate, shock stomp rate, aura of hate reuse. Sigh. This server is just not the right fit for me.

[PS] I will continue to QQ on forums and perhaps even in-game. So stop smartass comments like: "Are you still here" "What are you doing here" "You can never quit, you would have if you were going to" class of messages. We all know. We all need to vent and leave things out there before we move on.


I think you're right : )
I am playing a tank/dagger char, my output dmg is very low (if I use skills), aggression/aura almost doesnt work at all (talking about pvp). Smart cubic doesnt work as it should, ive heard that counterattack doesnt work as well. But the worst thing is Admins do not want to help us out with IG problems. It's really annoying.
good things


lol I can't believe it. tooks us monthes and millions of cry topics to get FOI reduced (fixed), simply cause all sieges were just lame clans using FOI  in chains, i.e. half the siege ennemies on FOI, when FOi ends they die like shit and get sumoned in back then some other waves of frags rushed on us non stop on FOI before to die and get sumoned etc. So ton of pvp points for normal clans but impossible to go close to a castle defended by lamest clans/chars cause always slowed by frags (meat shield)
anyway there are some other skills as bad as 30seconds FOi and not fixed, not used yet on valkyria but main skills on 30x/15x sieges
Bourrin - Catseye - Eyestac - Bourr1n - Ouga -
Jibito - Pussyfr0mHell


Quote from: bourrin on July 28, 2010, 08:11:54 PM
lol I can't believe it. tooks us monthes and millions of cry topics to get FOI reduced (fixed), simply cause all sieges were just lame clans using FOI  in chains, i.e. half the siege ennemies on FOI, when FOi ends they die like shit and get sumoned in back then some other waves of frags rushed on us non stop on FOI before to die and get sumoned etc. So ton of pvp points for normal clans but impossible to go close to a castle defended by lamest clans/chars cause always slowed by frags (meat shield)
anyway there are some other skills as bad as 30seconds FOi and not fixed, not used yet on valkyria but main skills on 30x/15x sieges

Great, so its what people want here in DN eh? Btw, I assume the cry topics were not on Valkyira? Anyway, well, I want a plain, unmodified Lineage 2 + substack. Heck I dont even care if weapon and armor masteries stack. I didn't know coming in to Valkyria that so many skills would be modified ("fixed" of course), nerfed, not work and be not enchantable.

If someone like me (and Akira and some of my friends) wants to not just play a run of the mill archer or mage, its simply not possible here. Because we depend on those little skills that dont work as they should, those little enchants that make or break our character. Already PVP damage here is eyeballed: Hey come on to coliseum, lets set some archer and mage damage as I like. GMs are GMs. Admins are Admins. They are not game designers. You can't just "fix' some skill and change the game coz there are thousands of factors that balance the game overall. If you have one more overlord, you have one less archer who can crit for insane amounts each shot. One less healer, one less person who can ress, or whatever whatever.

I can see how FoI messed up those pvps. But, imho, thats part of Lineage 2. NCSoft learnt from that and made FoI cancel if you do any action. That is fine by me here. I just want the timer up. I belive that this FOI change must have been made when NCSoft hadn't made the "Cancel FoI on action change", and thus, the GMs/Admins on DN just cut the time, because they are not game desginers and they cannot think of that kind of fix. This is what I am saying.  NCSoft's answer to FoI spam was not to reduce it down to 15 seconds, but to do that ^.


I just deal with it: Dragon have nothing to do with l2 ;] you farm for something 2 months or you make some tactic to find out that in Dragon "they nerfed it or it doesnt work" ;] /facepalm


I wish there were no legal issues to hosting a Lineage 2 server. I'd host the perfect one! Excuse my arrogance :)


If it was that easy to change the effect of FOI to cancel on action it would have been the implemented fix. But it's not, changing a skill's timer is easy but changing it's effect takes a lot more work.


Quote from: jailaa on July 29, 2010, 08:37:01 AM
If it was that easy to change the effect of FOI to cancel on action it would have been the implemented fix. But it's not, changing a skill's timer is easy but changing it's effect takes a lot more work.
Jailaa what about that "http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,222049.0.html".
Almost 1 month and not even one reply from stuff ...
I know this is much harder than that problem, but there are many people from classes that need that skill for oly for example and still not answer. Can you talk with other GM about it ?


Quote from: zippobg on July 29, 2010, 09:04:29 AM
Jailaa what about that "http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,222049.0.html".
Almost 1 month and not even one reply from stuff ...
I know this is much harder than that problem, but there are many people from classes that need that skill for oly for example and still not answer. Can you talk with other GM about it ?

Heh :) I wish I could do all these fixes myself. I can't talk for Descent and Torn, please consider it's summer and like all people even GM's have vacations.


Quote from: jailaa on July 29, 2010, 09:10:42 AM
Heh :) I wish I could do all these fixes myself. I can't talk for Descent and Torn, please consider it's summer and like all people even GM's have vacations.
I know, I was mean only that you can contact with them much easy than me and other people. I just wanna sure they will keep this on mind.
This thing for sure is much much harder than to delay time of FOI. There are many calculations about mana drain to not be so much over-powered and to not be so much nerved.

Like I write in my signature I don't play now too, but other friends play. Have a nice vacation on all !   ;)


Quote from: jailaa on July 29, 2010, 09:10:42 AM
Heh :) I wish I could do all these fixes myself. I can't talk for Descent and Torn, please consider it's summer and like all people even GM's have vacations.

sorry man, but even before vacation time, they weren't exaclty the most active admins... They have created this server for a reason, we expect action, assistance, and their commitment to their project : ) Start taking this server seriously and professionaly, cuz if you will not then by the end of the summer you won't see more ppl like Admins anticipated, but alot less.

1. Info - it should be given all the time about most problems. If they can't or don't want to make such info's on forum, take a new guy to their staff who will be informing other ppl about Admins work.
2. Start fixing problems, days after days we find out how many things do not work, especially skills. Start also fixing some chars (re-doing previous changes made on DN to "balance" the server when ppl had s80+++++) -> dagger dmg output(skills)-now it's low-too low!, tanks to be tanks, not a lol chars that have a bit more p.def and so on.
3. Start considering ppl petitions, we're community and we would love to be part of changes that would come if possible.

thank you for your attention
good things


Quotewell ofc, they nerfed it coz all ppl around QQing for ALL, if there is something that they can't do , they start cry on forum to get it nerfed
coz now, all know that if u do an uberQQzerg on forum, u can get what u want from gm....

Sad, but true.

Welcome on Dragon-Network.

On the road again. :D