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Retail max level

Started by bsrealm, July 28, 2010, 12:09:35 PM

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Please continue discussion here or at the main thread @ http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,222565.0.html


I also say no. Main with uber resists and skills and retail subs makes game more interresting.
[img width=500height=200]https://i.imgur.com/PVvmb0S.jpg[/img]


Quote from: stealth on July 28, 2010, 02:04:47 PM
I also say no. Main with uber resists and skills and retail subs makes game more interresting.

how is that more interesting mate?

You want to play only your main char, go to www.rpg-club.com and you will get retail-like server. This is stacksub, and I'd like to use 100% of my char, get it to 85, get pr0 skills and have some fun.
good things


yes cuz thats the nly thing i feel will motivate me to do something on this server


This server was meant to be different from the rest of the DN servers.  Not being able to put a DN stacksub on your main, (and therefore limiting stacksub max lvl to 80),  was part of the difference, and was understood from the begining.  Valky isn't just another DN server clone.  If that's all you wanted, why'd you come here?


Quote from: ChillyWilly on July 28, 2010, 04:18:34 PM
This server was meant to be different from the rest of the DN servers.  Not being able to put a DN stacksub on your main, (and therefore limiting stacksub max lvl to 80),  was part of the difference, and was understood from the begining.  Valky isn't just another DN server clone.  If that's all you wanted, why'd you come here?

Yeah and GMs also said you cant go to places like Antharas lair, valakas lair HB island on your retail and you can go, so things are changing, i cant imagine whats your problem with skills 80+. Every character has 80+skills so all the characters will be stronger. I tell you my problems. First, your main char and your retail can stack. And GMs can repair it but it took sometime. So I dont usually change to my main to avoid bugging. And the other thing almost every ppl on the server plays on his retail, because you can go everywhere with it. (some can even use heroskills in retail :D) So why would I use my main? Tell me. Cause I cant find any reason. And thats why i dont even play my main, so why would i lvl it to 85 and learn skills with it when a 80/80 retail char is better then a 85 on main.
Server: -Infinite Nightmare 20x
Char Name: -Ashey
Char Gender: -Female
Mainclass (lvl): -Cardinal/Hell Knight (85)
Retail/DNsub (lvl): -Cardinal/PhoenixKnight (80)
Clan: -Black Army



Quote from: k0rina on July 28, 2010, 01:37:59 PM
no ...  and thats all   u know why ?
  cuz its retail ..

seriously, what?

Quote from: Ashee on July 28, 2010, 04:41:01 PM
Yeah and GMs also said you cant go to places like Antharas lair, valakas lair HB island on your retail and you can go, so things are changing, i cant imagine whats your problem with skills 80+. Every character has 80+skills so all the characters will be stronger. I tell you my problems. First, your main char and your retail can stack. And GMs can repair it but it took sometime. So I dont usually change to my main to avoid bugging. And the other thing almost every ppl on the server plays on his retail, because you can go everywhere with it. (some can even use heroskills in retail :D) So why would I use my main? Tell me. Cause I cant find any reason. And thats why i dont even play my main, so why would i lvl it to 85 and learn skills with it when a 80/80 retail char is better then a 85 on main.



As expected no Admin will reply here xd
good things


Admin? What/Who is that?



Quote from: G4rro on August 02, 2010, 12:16:43 AM
Its pretty fine , when you gonna increase lvl of retails , difference in pvp will be much more higher than its now , cuz of FS , and for some ppl it wont be a huge problem , coz of donate or have a chane to be in a huge clan with posibility to kill epics , but now think about the rest of players .

superb , your answer is there in your question , the rest of the players will also want those nice skills , so they will join a big clan which will encourage pvp , or they will try buying it from market which will create demand for it , which will make clans now hunt for it more , which again gives more room for pvp. I see no way that it does harm to server .


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