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Attribute value on my dagger, pls information



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Attribute value on my dagger, pls information

Started by peroxide, September 06, 2010, 01:41:04 PM

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So this is my story, I made a new sub char th/pal
Atm I have AS with 135 dark attribute value. When I hit some1 I make lets say 500 dmg (f.e.) , BUT when I buff the same person, with resist dark attacks, I still hit for 500 dmg. So it means that my attribute value on my dagger doesn't work.

Now I cant understand why, considering that on a bow (f.e.) u can put any attribute value, and it works, I have seen bows with fire, divine etc, they work just fine.

I was thinking that maybe my dagger is f@cked because I dont have SA on it yet?
Or maybe because I am paladin, and unno, paladins are divine users, not dark?

Pls if any1 has some information, or has had the same problems, pls let me know what to do, or what attribute values work on daggers.


Quote from: peroxide on September 06, 2010, 01:41:04 PM

So this is my story, I made a new sub char th/pal
Atm I have AS with 135 dark attribute value. When I hit some1 I make lets say 500 dmg (f.e.) , BUT when I buff the same person, with resist dark attacks, I still hit for 500 dmg. So it means that my attribute value on my dagger doesn't work.

Now I cant understand why, considering that on a bow (f.e.) u can put any attribute value, and it works, I have seen bows with fire, divine etc, they work just fine.

I was thinking that maybe my dagger is f@cked because I dont have SA on it yet?
Or maybe because I am paladin, and unno, paladins are divine users, not dark?

Pls if any1 has some information, or has had the same problems, pls let me know what to do, or what attribute values work on daggers.

just for your simple case, cause i'm tired of nubs who can't test on every stone they add:
melee hits arn't affected by resist buffs, only by atr defence values
with your 135 element you hit same as with 75-149 element, so atr defence from dark resist doesn't affect your damage
BUT, enchant your blows to dark (if possible, if not possible you chose wrong attr) you will see big damage boost BUT this boost will be affected by resist buffs in 2 ways, as for any nuke (-some % constant)+ attr defence

for all nubs that say attributes do not work:
make test of damage on every stone you put
rules to get bonus:
attribute on weapon must be same as nuke attribute for mages, same as enchantment of skill for daggers/glad/others, any for melee hits/bow shots


Quote from: flamingAwe on September 06, 2010, 01:54:37 PM

BUT, enchant your blows to dark (if possible, if not possible you chose wrong attr)


wrong attr
fire water wind earth

OR holy to go farm



I'll change it anyway, because it doesnt work with SKILL BLOWS, I wasnt refering about normal dagger hits, I forgot to mention.

Anyway, so enchanting blows with fire/water/earth/wind works fine? Because on mages people say that if you make your hurricane (f.e.) ++ wind, instead of power, there isn't any difference, and I really dont have money to waste on BOG's for testing  ;D


Quote from: peroxide on September 06, 2010, 02:19:34 PM

I'll change it anyway, because it doesnt work with SKILL BLOWS, I wasnt refering about normal dagger hits, I forgot to mention.

Anyway, so enchanting blows with fire/water/earth/wind works fine? Because on mages people say that if you make your hurricane (f.e.) ++ wind, instead of power, there isn't any difference, and I really dont have money to waste on BOG's for testing  ;D

huricane is from start win't attack, as ALL mage nukes, except ol/wc drain, which can be enchanted to fire and thus get advantage of attr system
so SH with water attribute for example doesn't get any bonus