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Tyrant on Oly

Started by luckyluke13, September 16, 2010, 02:54:59 PM

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tyrants were always beatable, if u're a melee fighter running is pointless - after the zealot is gone u'll have like 50% hp or even less

and if u're a daggerist just go full evasion setup, it works - believe me :)


Quote from: qwertyzxc on September 16, 2010, 09:09:02 PM

Omg kids owning this forum if zealot go off orc run slower / have slower atk spt all his stats go down so where is the kurwa problem to make distance and hit from distance ?:|   If ur f1 f1 f1 spamer archer so i can understand you are unskilled  but use sometimes brain and try any debufs  slow / trance sleep  root dunno kurwa on lineage u have a lot faking skills so stop qq and just try to find other way to kill orcs.

Retard tell me how to win if i am dagger?


Quote from: spashqq on September 16, 2010, 09:15:27 PM
tyrants were always beatable, if u're a melee fighter running is pointless - after the zealot is gone u'll have like 50% hp or even less

and if u're a daggerist just go full evasion setup, it works - believe me :)

Full evasion setup won't help your ass as when you are half hp and he is full. Believe me he has way too big accuracy to pass you 5 crits and thats all.If he see that he has problems he will use barrier and what you are gonna do? run again for 10 secs to take 2 blasters and bye bye. I didn't say that orcs were overpowered before, but now having all time 400+ critical is stupid.


Quote from: VforVanilla on September 16, 2010, 09:57:53 PM
Full evasion setup won't help your ass as when you are half hp and he is full. Believe me he has way too big accuracy to pass you 5 crits and thats all.If he see that he has problems he will use barrier and what you are gonna do? run again for 10 secs to take 2 blasters and bye bye. I didn't say that orcs were overpowered before, but now having all time 400+ critical is stupid.
Dude... i think that we are playing a different game, ask any good orc how was it vs me at that setup


Quote from: spashqq on September 16, 2010, 10:25:23 PM
Dude... i think that we are playing a different game, ask any good orc how was it vs me at that setup

And i say it to you again. Before the "updates" i didn't have so much problem which means i didn't have delay between my skills neithers orcs start battle where starting with full critical. You said it for yourself: When i was playing - which mean you haven't play now to see how is the situation.


Quote from: luckyluke13 on September 16, 2010, 07:38:31 PM
No. The guy asking who is noob was wrong.
The NOOB is guy who play as long as u and let scam themself ===>when wanted to buy dnet u bought dynasty instead of dnet  ;D
Btw i see u only on this forum not in the game so spam more.....
sue me kiddo and go qq about getting owned by tyrants and dwafs and god knows what. you're a really really sad case.
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: VforVanilla on September 16, 2010, 09:57:53 PM
Full evasion setup won't help your ass as when you are half hp and he is full. Believe me he has way too big accuracy to pass you 5 crits and thats all.If he see that he has problems he will use barrier and what you are gonna do? run again for 10 secs to take 2 blasters and bye bye. I didn't say that orcs were overpowered before, but now having all time 400+ critical is stupid.

lol if th have any idea how to play a th i  have low chance to hit him i can have bison frenzy zealot and 19/20 hit i missing becouse of his big evasion so stop talk bullshits.  Just read spash post :>> he was many times hero and good th/pp so i think he know smth about it ;:>


Quote from: VforVanilla on September 16, 2010, 10:34:17 PM
And i say it to you again. Before the "updates" i didn't have so much problem which means i didn't have delay between my skills neithers orcs start battle where starting with full critical. You said it for yourself: When i was playing - which mean you haven't play now to see how is the situation.
so .. u got delay on skills, orcs got delay on skills too
means all they gonna do is normal hits which is fuked up at high evasion :)

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Quote from: spashqq on September 16, 2010, 10:51:08 PM
so .. u got delay on skills, orcs got delay on skills too
means all they gonna do is normal hits which is fuked up at high evasion :)

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spash orcs got uber boost . we both were killing them easy and now is kurwa like double lucif in our times XD
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: qwertyzxc on September 16, 2010, 10:49:25 PM

lol if th have any idea how to play a th i  have low chance to hit him i can have bison frenzy zealot and 19/20 hit i missing becouse of his big evasion so stop talk bullshits.  Just read spash post :>> he was many times hero and good th/pp so i think he know smth about it ;:>

Dude last time i speak to you. Now in oly you play Ty/De Not Ty/Wc so stop speaking like you speak for all tyrants of oly. Can you tell me the last 3-4 days a good dagger char that killed a good ty/wc char? As for the evasion crap this is a joke as my tyrant with wc buffs/finteza/bison/zealot has 150 accuraccy at lvl 80!!!!! Can you imagine him wearing sniper tattoos? He will have more acuracy than what have a th in ue.



Ok, sry for spam....

I'm going to sleep a bit 
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: VforVanilla on September 16, 2010, 11:25:38 PM
Dude last time i speak to you. Now in oly you play Ty/De Not Ty/Wc so stop speaking like you speak for all tyrants of oly. Can you tell me the last 3-4 days a good dagger char that killed a good ty/wc char? As for the evasion crap this is a joke as my tyrant with wc buffs/finteza/bison/zealot has 150 accuraccy at lvl 80!!!!! Can you imagine him wearing sniper tattoos? He will have more acuracy than what have a th in ue.

he is tyr/wc :) since his tyr/de got perma banned