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Mutants question

Started by greg270, September 23, 2010, 07:44:05 AM

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Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on October 19, 2010, 01:28:10 PM
don't tell  shits!!! that game rox  ;D
Yay, so gay  :P
/ l2 offline ... finally ...


/ l2 offline ... finally ...


Quote from: Torek [IF] on October 21, 2010, 02:29:20 PM
hey QQ_QQ wanna know the most gayest think ever??? (i know most gayest isn't correct but gives the idea of how much gay is it!!!)
this is the favourite blackphoenix cartoon.
he used to watch it when he was young (well he's still a crying kid).

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBx4TC2lNvI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBx4TC2lNvI)

azuahuzhauhzua torek is in berserk against theblackpenis
Storm Screamer/Shillen's Saint 85

Infinity player since 15:53 gmt+1 of 28th june 2005 goddammit!


i agree they r killing server, ppl play mutants from long time, and they want continue, just free will to choose classes

one simple thing mutants 80+ , wipe atribute system , and server will live again


i agree with i guys...i also know some people who will leave the server because of of the wipe......and the most are from my country..not to mention that one of the is a donator !! i just think that the wipe is a really stupid idea...and remember my words : if that wipe happens, it will cause many nerfs....remember that.... >:( >:( >:( :o


an archer have att. speed/speed like dagger, criticla rate like tyr in bison, critical damage/p. att like destro in frenzy with zaleot and blunt
atritube system need fix
this char need nerf no the mutants
whatever u make on mutants problem will stay as it is
the truth is that melee att char sux vs range att chars
HEMO sh/se 79lvl clan GreekMafia
KillVanHemo ol/des 82lvl ex leader clan/ally OlympiansGods/GreekSoul
GreekSoul sk/des clan leader of OlympiansGods