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Augument List

Started by elou, October 09, 2010, 10:59:06 PM

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Does anybody have a list of the skills i may get from augument and from wich lifestone i can get each skill? :D
Thank you very much...

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*Elou, 85 lvl Aw, Hero


someone posted something about that a long time ago... I think in Dragon15x forum.  maybe try search?



Accuracy +X X between +0.4 and +3.0
CP Recovery +X X between +0.1 and +0.8
Critical +X X between +4.9 and +32.7
Dodge +X X between +0.4 and +3.0
HP Recover +X X between +0.1 and +0.8
M. Atk. +X X between +2.5 +28.2
Maximum CP +X X between +19.2 and +214.9
Maximum HP +X X between +12.7 and +155.9
Maximum MP +X X between +6.1 and +115.1
M. Def. +X X between +4 and +30.8
MP Recovery +X X between +0.1 and +0.4
P. Atk. +X X between +2.2 and +24.2
P. Def. +X X between +5.1 and +38.2
CON +1
INT +1
MEN +1
STR +1

Active: Absorbs HP.
Active: Allows you to reflect some of the damage you incurred back to the enemy for a certain amount of time. Excludes damage from skill or remote attacks.
Active: Attacks by throwing a boulder.
Active: Burns up the enemy's MP.
Active: Decreases all skill MP consumption rates temporarily.
Active: Decreases all skill re-use times temporarily.
Active: Decreases a target's urge to attack.
Active: Decreases the magic MP consumption rate temporarily.
Active: Decreases the magic re-use time temporarily.
Active: Decreases the opponent's PVP P. Atk. temporarily.
Active: Decreases the skill MP consumption rate temporarily.
Active: Decreases the skill re-use time temporarily.
Active: Decreases the song/dance skill MP consumption rate temporarily.
Active: Decreases the song/dance skill re-use time temporarily.
Active: Decreases the target's urge to attack.
Active: Detonates a fireball by compressing the air around the caster.
Active: Ignites a firecracker.
Active: Ignites a large firecracker.
Active: Increases Accuracy temporarily.
Active: Increases Dodge temporarily.
Active: Increases M. Atk. temporarily.
Active: Increases M. Def. temporarily.
Active: Increases P. Atk. temporarily.
Active: Increases P. Def. temporarily.
Active: Increases PVP P. Atk. temporarily.
Active: Increases resistance to damage from falling temporarily.
Active: Increases the ability to restore some HP from the damage inflicted on an enemy temporarily. Excludes damage by skill or long-range attacks.
Active: Increases the chance of a critical attack temporarily.
Active: Increases the critical attack rate of magic attacks temporarily.
Active: Increases the effectiveness of HP recovery magic temporarily.
Active: Increases the maximum CP temporarily.
Active: Increases the maximum HP temporarily.
Active: Increases the maximum HP temporarily and restores HP by the increased amount.
Active: Increases the maximum MP temporarily.
Active: Increases the power of HP recovery magic temporarily.
Active: Increases the recharge recover rate of MP.
Active: Increases the recharge recovery rate of MP.
Active: Increases the target's urge to attack.
Active: Inflicts a dark attack.
Active: Inflicts a dark attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts a elementally challenged attack.
Active: Inflicts a elementally challenged attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts a flaming attack.
Active: Inflicts a flaming attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts a gusting attack.
Active: Inflicts a gusting attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts an earthen attack attack.
Active: Inflicts an earthen attack attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts a sacred attack.
Active: Inflicts a sacred attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts a water-type attack.
Active: Inflicts a water-type attack in the shape of a parabola.
Active: Inflicts damage by throwing a boulder.
Active: Instantly restores your HP.
Active: Launches a dark attack.
Active: Launches a sacred attack.
Active: Momentarily becomes invincible.
Active: Momentarily frightens the target, causing him to flee.
Active: Opens doors and treasure chests with a certain probability. Requires Keys of a Thief.
Active: Play music for a short duration.
Active: Puts the opponent's mind at peace and erases the desire to attack.
Active: Regenerates MP.
Active: Removes the target.
Active: Restores CP.
Active: Restores your own CP.
Active: Resurrects a corpse.
Active: Teleports party members to a village. Cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.
Active: Teleports the caster to a village. Cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.
Active: Teleports to a village regardless of time. Cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.
Active: Temporarily blocks all of the target's physical/magic skills.
Active: Temporarily blocks a monster's pre-emptive attack. Fighting ability significantly decreases while in effect.
Active: Temporarily blocks the target's magic skills.
Active: Temporarily causes a target to bleed heavily.
Active: Temporarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd.
Active: Temporarily decreases a target's speed.
Active: Temporarily holds the target. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Active: Temporarily Increases the distance you can jump without sustaining damage.
Active: Temporarily Increases your head size.
Active: Temporarily Increases your lung capacity.
Active: Temporarily paralyzes a target.
Active: Temporarily petrifies the target.
Active: Temporarily poisons the target.
Active: Temporarily puts the target to sleep. The target cannot be affected by any additional sleep attacks while the effect lasts.
Active: Temporarily resist damage from falls.
Active: Temporarily stuns the target.
Active: Unleashes a general attack and temporarily decreases your magic attack power during PvP.

Passive: Decreases the magic MP consumption rate.
Passive: Decreases the MP consumption rate for all skills.
Passive: Decreases the skill MP consumption rate.
Passive: Decreases the song/dance skill MP consumption rate.
Passive: Increases accuracy.
Passive: Increases critical attack rate.
Passive: Increases evasion.
Passive: Increases lung capacity.
Passive: Increases Lung Capacity.
Passive: Increases M. Atk.
Passive: Increases M. Def.
Passive: Increases P. Atk.
Passive: Increases P. Def.
Passive: Increases PVP P. Atk.
Passive: Increases the ability to reflect some of the damage you incurred back to the enemy. Excludes damage by skill or long-range attacks.
Passive: Increases the critical attack rate of magic attacks.
Passive: Increases the effect of HP recovery magic.
Passive: Increases the height from which you can jump without sustaining damage.
Passive: Increases the power of HP recovery magic.
Passive: Increases the recharge recovery rate of MP.
Passive: Increases the weapon weight limit by 2 times.
Passive: Raises resistance to damage from falling.
Dragon x 15
DaggerW0man He/Sws
DarkLordIII  Ne/pp

SesameStreet 2 member, c4 times....
DadoBm /He
Was fun playing ,last time loged in 2011...


hehe... nice list of possible augments.... but it doesn't say which stone to use...



Here is the full Text , try to find which ls give this bonuses.


Quote from: Dei on October 10, 2010, 03:10:02 PM

Here is the full Text , try to find which ls give this bonuses.


I know somebody was working on it, but I couldn't make heads or tails of the list he had... on Arena I think it was top 76 I used to get wild magic on my AM


Quote from: jaroPC_x15 on October 10, 2010, 05:58:41 PM
that list was made for IL, in hb it was changed a bit

But main mean is that: wm-top
active nukes-hg
might/duel might -hg
focus was from top
mana burn --hg
etc etc ;p
wm chance is from hg too :)