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QQ Poll x30

Started by Evolution, October 26, 2010, 08:31:52 PM

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Nerf Archers a bit...



< Requiescat in pace >

RPG club



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I would like to know if some1 thinks that nerf entusiast will win this poll. HOW ? if most of ppl at nm already play/rerolled on archer


Quote from: Locus on October 28, 2010, 03:09:42 PM
I would like to know if some1 thinks that nerf entusiast will win this poll. HOW ? if most of ppl at nm already play/rerolled on archer

next nerf all gonna reroll to mage :) like always


Quote from: GN on October 28, 2010, 04:28:10 PM
prolly server need some new nerf.

choose your best 2010/2011 nerf :

1. cut m crit rates to 0,5 % , pvp dmg -80% cast speed + 2000
2. archer range to 600 and speed capped to 178
3. dagger stabs working only with dony daggers
4. ally/clan liders can be only italians



1. remove bonus boost from frintezza(who got implemented when mages was o/p)
2. remove atak speed boost from ic bow (wwho got implemented when mages was o/p)
3. bring back mages crit rate from magica lhits (crit rate from magic atacks got totally fuce kup, on gracia we have crit rate 20% but magics crits = 10x normal hit here is: if mage hit for 800 magic crit is 1,8k-2k+ once on 7-9 hits )
only this


I dont have problems to archers max i see critical archer in my char is 3k, but depends wath archer hit me, yesterday Vianna/Arha/Charlie and LoveRockets hit me around 1.2k-2.2k critical... And im not tanker class, im just a SPS/SWS n44b.
In my opinion if need change something here put IC Bow slow like in oficial.

Srry for english
Danyelf, iSoaD, Compositora, DomBazinga, Smoke, DomBarzini


Quote from: chlipus on October 28, 2010, 05:12:45 PM


1. remove bonus boost from frintezza(who got implemented when mages was o/p)
2. remove atak speed boost from ic bow (wwho got implemented when mages was o/p)
3. bring back mages crit rate from magica lhits (crit rate from magic atacks got totally fuce kup, on gracia we have crit rate 20% but magics crits = 10x normal hit here is: if mage hit for 800 magic crit is 1,8k-2k+ once on 7-9 hits )
only this

lol u wanna smth more? imo u have missed improve matck 15k and cast to 4k
u  prove that u wanna nerf archer just for ur own business cuz u cant kill a shit atm so u QQ on forum and saying bullshit about both side mages,archers


Someone to lock this lol topic please .


ppl dont use spam topics any more QQ


Quote from: Tabbox on October 28, 2010, 05:55:11 PM
lol u wanna smth more? imo u have missed improve matck 15k and cast to 4k
u  prove that u wanna nerf archer just for ur own business cuz u cant kill a shit atm so u QQ on forum and saying bullshit about both side mages,archers

nah, i remember when i wrote about bugget atr and about m crits in gracia

and what i saw?

- stop QQ, lol post, learn how to buff and etc
< Requiescat in pace >

RPG club



Quote from: danyelfBR on October 28, 2010, 05:32:52 PM
I dont have problems to archers max i see critical archer in my char is 3k, but depends wath archer hit me, yesterday Vianna/Arha/Charlie and LoveRockets hit me around 1.2k-2.2k critical... And im not tanker class, im just a SPS/SWS n44b.
In my opinion if need change something here put IC Bow slow like in oficial.

Srry for english
i want it too
50% tank defect arrov 2 lev pasive skils on shield?


Quote from: Deavon on October 28, 2010, 06:10:36 PM
Someone to lock this lol topic please .

Quote from: Evolution on October 26, 2010, 08:31:52 PM
Yes or No ...  without WC/SWS u can't even start pvp with archer + IC ... even if u will get 3k+ p def 0.0 don't spam just "VOTE"  kktybb[/color]
Retired Extremely Dangerous

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