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QQ Poll x30



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QQ Poll x30

Started by Evolution, October 26, 2010, 08:31:52 PM

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Nerf Archers a bit...



Yes or No ...  without WC/SWS u can't even start pvp with archer + IC ... even if u will get 3k+ p def 0.0 don't spam just "VOTE"  kktybb
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


8B007 TH/*PP for now...


ofc yes, arhers are o/p and now when he buy haste from certificate (it should have 5%) but they got haste all the time !


Quote from: Evolution on October 26, 2010, 08:31:52 PM
without WC/SWS u can't even start pvp

sound like "without a spoon i cant even eat a soup" such injustice damn.
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Evolution on October 26, 2010, 08:31:52 PM
Yes or No ...  without WC/SWS u can't even start pvp with archer + IC ... even if u will get 3k+ p def 0.0 don't spam just "VOTE"  kktybb

read Alex if u can  ;)
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


Quote from: Evolution on October 26, 2010, 08:31:52 PM
Yes or No ...  without WC/SWS u can't even start pvp with archer + IC ... even if u will get 3k+ p def 0.0 don't spam just "VOTE"  kktybb

No ,get sws/wc and stop whining .
Plus that pole is useless ,nothing is OP around archers ,i would also say that Hellbound chronicle with so many archer ressists is clearly
anti-archer chornicle .

So suck it up and buff yourself properly .


Quote from: Deavon on October 26, 2010, 09:28:05 PM
No ,get sws/wc and stop whining .
Plus that pole is useless ,nothing is OP around archers ,i would also say that Hellbound chronicle with so many archer ressists is clearly
anti-archer chornicle .

So suck it up and buff yourself properly .

look who write it ^^ i just w8 for ur blame answer...  :P 1st. i got sws/wc 2nd. not every1 have it.  ::) nothing OP? so just make mages same crit like Archers  ::) its look smhting like this...


350dmg -> 4000dmg -> 5000dmg -> 3500dmg -> 350dmg -> 5000dmg -> 6000dmg


400dmg -> 500dmg! -> 350dmg -> 400dmg -> 3500dmg!!! (wow) -> 350dmg

anyway archer is op on many way's not just on crit...  ::) ps. Archers i write it again... dont spam here just Vote! peace  ;)
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


go scam more signatures
Bajchos  Eon  plavusha



np give me also 1500 heal power and 2,5k casting speed and i m fine to raise the magic critical rate of mages .
You see the point of my comments? Or you became another ignorance person too ?

Also ,you cant  tell me to dont write here since you opened a topic which includes my interests ,so i have to defend them with facts and not bullcraps like yours .
Just for your information ,you have already lost the topic battle since you self pointed that you have the propetly buffs you can defend fine vs any archer .


yea but archer cant spam heal or debuffs like cancel

only f1,f1,f1... stun :D
< Requiescat in pace >

RPG club



Archers are OP :o , this server should be broken.

I've met problems vs tanks on other server , with full buffs + Vesper weapon lvl 7 attributes and Found Dynasty armor+6 lvl 7 attributes  are OP freakING SH1t . 
Ex Member of : Stormriders / WarKings / Sins / BlackHand
SoulOfLight Hawkeye/Warlock --Deleted
SoulOfHeaven Necro/Bishop --- Alive but naked
SoulOfHell  BladeDancer/Prophet (best buff bot) --->
work on another player


another QQ topic about archers..lol
imo u should get some knowledges about l2..if u start a pvp whit just pp buffs and dances its sure that u'll die in 2 hit and archers will hit u for 3k and over.
just buff urself properly and add some right attributes on ur armos.
so wanna talk archers or maybe u wanna say smth about  cancel or some other mage skills?
u have to stfu a bit and dont make xx QQ topic