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Regarding Event

Started by Catos, December 18, 2010, 10:48:33 PM

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Quote from: Zuluman on December 20, 2010, 01:53:57 PM
I hate reading people comment on other peoples poor english when they fail to use any grammer, or even use the correct english words themselves. I don't like trooper at all however I like know it all's like you even less.

Stick to moaning about the game and not peoples english skills, unless of course you are after a lesson?
Don't tell me you actually came back to the game and still play? ¬_¬


1. take a motivated GM to do an event in a fairest way
2. let's motivate players to build pvp teams for this future event, with the purpose to take good time since not so much events
3. take few players having the genius idea to do a trick and then merge in order to badly rape others
4. enjoy how everything is spoiled
5. QQ all in forum

btw those who lost more finally are temps. they lost this event (coz they were quite sure to win) and the lil rest of their reputation...  ::) and everything is turning more pathetic coz they QQ more then



Quote from: Arienrod on December 20, 2010, 02:09:03 PM
1. take a motivated GM to do an event in a fairest way
2. let's motivate players to build pvp teams for this future event, with the purpose to take good time since not so much events
3. take few players having the genius idea to do a trick and then merge in order to badly rape others
4. enjoy how everything is spoiled
5. QQ all in forum

btw those who lost more finally are temps. they lost this event (coz they were quite sure to win) and the lil rest of their reputation...  ::) and everything is turning more pathetic coz they QQ more then

Check forum before you post. We told you all, we merged for siege, check status on inadril/giran siege.
We lost nothing we won, you didn't, QQ
And as for your little event "1 event every year because 2 events are to much to ask for" Track could have denied temp aplications and accepted another clan, FFS stop blaming temp for your problems.
PS: BA left the event not EB.
Nothing is free and everything is on sale
"Buy land, they're not making it anymore"---> Mark Twain


Quote from: VampyRUL on December 20, 2010, 02:31:53 PM
Check forum before you post. We told you all, we merged for siege, check status on inadril/giran siege.
We lost nothing we won, you didn't, QQ
And as for your little event "1 event every year because 2 events are to much to ask for" Track could have denied temp aplications and accepted another clan, FFS stop blaming temp for your problems.
PS: BA left the event not EB.

we made strategy  u made startegy  both sides made what they wanted all r happy
PS: u got shit in pants so u had to merge to be sure u wont loose xD im curious iff in nxt aden siege we ll see u in sheva then heroes etc heh
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: Lemarc on December 20, 2010, 09:44:55 AM
BuahahahahahahahahahaahhAHHAHAHAHAHAhahahahHAHHAHhhaa......... kakakakaaakaakakakak...... BuahahahahahHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH...... stop ..... plz-........ UaauauhahahaahAhaHAHahahhhaa.... it hurts..... plz stop....BuahahaHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAhahahaahaah......omg i'm dying.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAH... snif snif .....

U've proved I'm right, thanks!


Quote from: Furesy on December 20, 2010, 01:57:23 PM
Don't tell me you actually came back to the game and still play? ¬_¬

I like to stalk the forums a lot and I log every couple of weeks for about half and hour XD

Seems a lot of my gear went missing when I stopped playing though lol. I now have an icarus bow and not much else it seems XD

^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime


Quote from: VampyRUL on December 20, 2010, 02:31:53 PM
Check forum before you post. We told you all, we merged for siege, check status on inadril/giran siege.
We lost nothing we won, you didn't, QQ
And as for your little event "1 event every year because 2 events are to much to ask for" Track could have denied temp aplications and accepted another clan, FFS stop blaming temp for your problems.
PS: BA left the event not EB.

you told you all yes but noone believed it  ::) i just summed up
yes BA left to don't participate to this mascarade

as said old unc' trotsky "their morals and ours"  ::)


Quote from: jygh on December 20, 2010, 02:46:16 PM
we made strategy  u made startegy  both sides made what they wanted all r happy
PS: u got shit in pants so u had to merge to be sure u wont loose xD im curious iff in nxt aden siege we ll see u in sheva then heroes etc heh
tell me maciek what was the difference at inadrill where we fought outside of siege zone so i see actually no difference or at  giran siege where ye we could ress but u could also ? if we were 3 clans or only 1 ? u have same wars , u pvp vs same ppl so remind me where was the difference ? we were afraid? no we were united , yes UNITED. Motivation is everything dude , learn to take advantage from it.
I understand u clearly that u do not get it cause u never manage to do smth like this , to stay united , to play like 1 big team , instead of cry me a river i think u should actually learn how to play it for team not for u only.( this is for most of wars not for 1 person )
How can u guys think we merged for event? let's say we would won so ? we were 80-90 ppl so if track would give 50 coins that means we could take 1kkk each right? oh ye this is the exact reason we merged , for 1 kkk !!!! and actually we care 0 for track's event since the last one , where he made fun about temps so he is saying now we spoil his events? be serious if u want to make a great event make rules from start and stop hidding and blame others for ur fail , be a man go in front and accept it.
And i make a proposal for u dear GM . Next event do it like this : put 1 temp and 1 war in 1 team to organize a fair event for every1 , u just tell how u want to be and let them make the rules and organise , i just come at the time and watch it and mby in the end give prizes. Like this u can put 2 wars work each others for more fun on ur server and please everyone.


Quote from: Catos on December 20, 2010, 06:47:56 PM
tell me maciek what was the difference at inadrill where we fought outside of siege zone so i see actually no difference or at  giran siege where ye we could ress but u could also ? if we were 3 clans or only 1 ? u have same wars , u pvp vs same ppl so remind me where was the difference ? we were afraid? no we were united , yes UNITED. Motivation is everything dude , learn to take advantage from it.
I understand u clearly that u do not get it cause u never manage to do smth like this , to stay united , to play like 1 big team , instead of cry me a river i think u should actually learn how to play it for team not for u only.( this is for most of wars not for 1 person )
How can u guys think we merged for event? let's say we would won so ? we were 80-90 ppl so if track would give 50 coins that means we could take 1kkk each right? oh ye this is the exact reason we merged , for 1 kkk !!!! and actually we care 0 for track's event since the last one , where he made fun about temps so he is saying now we spoil his events? be serious if u want to make a great event make rules from start and stop hidding and blame others for ur fail , be a man go in front and accept it.
And i make a proposal for u dear GM . Next event do it like this : put 1 temp and 1 war in 1 team to organize a fair event for every1 , u just tell how u want to be and let them make the rules and organise , i just come at the time and watch it and mby in the end give prizes. Like this u can put 2 wars work each others for more fun on ur server and please everyone.
we both know u bullshit right now lol and no 1 cry a river we laught at u plus about the " merging for siege " go read voudas post and u ll see clearly what another cl said lol cause u dont get it not me

and u accept it also u loosed not us . not the siege but simple point that on dead server u choosed easiest way and u loosed xD so now go post another shit aobut look owner of giran of owner of innadril but who give a fck about it rly
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: Catos on December 18, 2010, 10:48:33 PM
Stop blame temps for ur failure , u could easily change the date for event like i told u and all would be fine.
We merged cause of Giran Siege and wars saw today at inadrill that we made a good decision cause we were more and more organised and we won , is not my fault u put the event in same day with a siege where only 1 clan from our ally could be registered . ( IS 1ST TIME WHEN THIS HAPPEN SO THIS IS WHY WE DID IT NOW! )

You want to say u just think about that now?

Yeah right... Lets do this: you pretend what you say is true and we pretend we belive you.

Proud to be brazilian.

nightmare 30x
CottonMouth - Hierophant/Soultaker - Nobless


Quote from: jygh on December 20, 2010, 06:55:03 PM
lol and no 1 cry a river
but who give a fck about it rly
so then why u still posting? ah ye cause u do not care :)
be serious mate.


Quote from: 666VeNoM on December 20, 2010, 07:02:23 PM
You want to say u just think about that now?

Yeah right... Lets do this: you pretend what you say is true and we pretend we belive you.

i said it why is 1st time when we did this but ofc u do not even read those posts
Was 1st time when all 3 clans from alliance had castle on main.