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Regarding Event

Started by Catos, December 18, 2010, 10:48:33 PM

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Quote from: jygh on December 19, 2010, 01:04:50 AM
on official is few k ppls , on nm is 300-400 iff u dont see difference in this then no comment xD  there is 5 clans ( including whole temp ally ) that ve online +20 on sieges so duno how u wana  fight on dead server vs " rest clans " while u r 50-80
so how the hell all this time u didn't manage to have normal ppl online? and always remaking clans , alliances? cause tbh u were same ppl but different clan name/crest....if u could manage not start fight after 1 month mby now would be interesting
so start blame temps every time and take a look around u 1st.


Haha what a shame for BA .... first many ppl wrote like "yea we kick Temp" but after u saw our power u qq like always. Even allmighty Track can do nothing vs Temp :) Serious now, as we said ingame "we are 1 big family" and face it ! U cant separate us and we cant fight each other ! Maybe u dont know word like "friendship" its has common sense when Im looking on your "big history of aliances" :D Goog luck haters... maybe some day u gonna say to us "rly great job guys, u builded very nice ally". Heh dreams... .

P.S. 1
Quote from: jygh on December 19, 2010, 01:01:28 AM
well dunno iff u know but whole sheva say its merge mostly for event but ok let it be ... u merged just for giran siege :D
Its f@cking lie. Actually whole Sheva said "we r going to EB cus we just want be in EB" so go go mr.Smartass.

P.S. 2
Even Track is starting QQ .... amazing day :D I still got some friends on oficial server... they will smile a lot when I tell them this story :D


Quote from: Arkady on December 19, 2010, 01:44:00 AM
Haha what a shame for BA .... first many ppl wrote like "yea we kick Temp" but after u saw our power u qq like always. Even allmighty Track can do nothing vs Temp :) Serious now, as we said ingame "we are 1 big family" and face it ! U cant separate us and we cant fight each other ! Maybe u dont know word like "friendship" its has common sense when Im looking on your "big history of aliances" :D Goog luck haters... maybe some day u gonna say to us "rly great job guys, u builded very nice ally". Heh dreams... .

P.S. 1Its f@cking lie. Actually whole Sheva said "we r going to EB cus we just want be in EB" so go go mr.Smartass.

P.S. 2
Even Track is starting QQ .... amazing day :D I still got some friends on oficial server... they will smile a lot when I tell them this story :D
u must be ary
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: jygh on December 19, 2010, 01:04:50 AM
on official is few k ppls , on nm is 300-400 iff u dont see difference in this then no comment xD  there is 5 clans ( including whole temp ally ) that ve online +20 on sieges so duno how u wana  fight on dead server vs " rest clans " while u r 50-80
on official they would done that more ppl coz as u said is few k ppl (clan vs clan this is what i talk about) be more smart and do the same next time..... this was a stradegy for siege and yeah why not for event also.... what if we didnt register at all ? why he didnt disqualify us ? its his rules that was wrong.... i am sorry track about what happent we just want to win in every way we can....

its a game and we dont like it when we lose :)
why dont u use our ally and promote server :D
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Quote from: voudas69 on December 19, 2010, 03:09:05 AM
on official they would done that more ppl coz as u said is few k ppl (clan vs clan this is what i talk about) be more smart and do the same next time..... this was a stradegy for siege and yeah why not for event also.... what if we didnt register at all ? why he didnt disqualify us ? its his rules that was wrong.... i am sorry track about what happent we just want to win in every way we can....

ye but strategy or not on nm is few clans left so how u want even to work iff will be just temp rene and ba cuz rest of other clans online is under 10 ppls ?
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: Arkady on December 19, 2010, 01:44:00 AM
Haha what a shame for BA .... first many ppl wrote like "yea we kick Temp" but after u saw our power u qq like always. Even allmighty Track can do nothing vs Temp :) Serious now, as we said ingame "we are 1 big family" and face it ! U cant separate us and we cant fight each other ! Maybe u dont know word like "friendship" its has common sense when Im looking on your "big history of aliances" :D Goog luck haters... maybe some day u gonna say to us "rly great job guys, u builded very nice ally". Heh dreams... .

P.S. 1Its f@cking lie. Actually whole Sheva said "we r going to EB cus we just want be in EB" so go go mr.Smartass.

P.S. 2
Even Track is starting QQ .... amazing day :D I still got some friends on oficial server... they will smile a lot when I tell them this story :D
Yeah we cried rivers and couldnt sleep for some nights thinking about it ..we just didnt give satisfaction to one ally who cannot fight as clans but only in zerg..doesnt matter anyway.
U cannot win or lose with grace and thats a fact..if we win sometimes we zerg, if u win u are one big pro family..
To catos ..we made this ally to balance server somehow and since some months we tried just to get better. If some clan like Kostaplers left ally is cause they went inactive for few months so no one actually fought for anything.
Have fun  and keep up the good work in "big history of alliances".
Is my last post here cause simply is not worthing wasteing my time.I just went mad cause  some obvious things are denied but again i let it be.
This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name


Quote from: alinutza on December 19, 2010, 03:13:06 AM
Yeah we cried rivers and couldnt sleep for some nights thinking about it ..we just didnt give satisfaction to one ally who cannot fight as clans but only in zerg..doesnt matter anyway.
U cannot win or lose with grace and thats a fact..if we win sometimes we zerg, if u win u are one big pro family..
To catos ..we made this ally to balance server somehow and since some months we tried just to get better. If some clan like Kostaplers left ally is cause they went inactive for few months so no one actually fought for anything.
Have fun  and keep up the good work in "big history of alliances".
Is my last post here cause simply is not worthing wasteing my time.I just went mad cause  some obvious things are denied but again i let it be.

soo what do u want us to do ? disolve the ally ? not merge in to one clan and lose our castles? wtf are we suppost to do ? nothing ? we are fighting with every one we do that soo we can have ballance in the server... u think we cant make one ally friends? we can but why ? for zerk ? we do our best and yes we lose some times... and u guys cant even admit u was a zerk.... what alse can i say ? when we are a zerg we yell ZERGGG and we kill u all when u just come from every fu cking way and u are in every freaking spot coz u are many and u just dont accept it and we lose castles u say we are noob....
and if u get mad i dont give a shit about the obvious things that u cant accept....we was 70 ppl today like jin said server got 400 the 200-250 are at siege right ? who is zerking ?
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Quote from: voudas69 on December 19, 2010, 01:01:53 AM
if it wasent temp it could be easy some one alse.... ur rules was cleared.... clan vs clan... next time try 2 pt vs 2 pt 3 pt vs 3 pt....
u made the rules and u said its gone be change anytime... but u didnt u decide to fail to make an event....

not our fault if we think smarter than other allys and faster.... u think in official they woulden do the same exacly think ?
sorry about that but it was common sence to make this action....

btw we did that to defend giran :) maybe next week we all go to sheva for defend aden or to theheroess to defend rune ;)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH   +11111111111111111!!!!


Quote from: mark_elesse on December 19, 2010, 04:24:53 AM
BH will take the challange with 1 pt anyways ... zerg us, we love it.

ps: blaming Cata for gettin everyone to EB isnt cool dudes, temps gamestyle always based on numbers, you cannot change it so basicly its pointless to blame it on them.
Even if i could establish 5-7 pt, i wouldnt let them fight with 1 single pt, if they will, just let it be. lets just have fun.

ps2 after reading Voudas's post:  You are a fat, i mean motherfreakin fat ugly retard, you should kill yourself. wonder why god cursed you with that body and 40 IQ. sensless posts wont make you pro, so read above and find the way to end your suffering on this planet.
and u got high IQ calling me fat?
[url=http://www.megic.1go.dk/dontclickeng.htm]DO NOT CLICK HERE[/url]


As i understand from some posts like "we are big family and we never fight each other" that means we merge for event - noobish
Quote from: mibelia on December 19, 2010, 04:15:31 AM
well for i can see  track idea was, when say clan vs clan, was put figths fisrt  temps clans vs temps clan and in that way eliminated easy temps from event, and in that way  just one clan temps  vs rest and like allwys  what sorprise temps lose event and  other take  coins for reward, but  temps  move  fast and make one clan  soo  no easy for  elimanted  so track  decide closed event
my  personal opinion

p,s and like  slimx and apo say  temps  still w8 for u reward in last event
same opinion
Quote from: voudas69 on December 19, 2010, 04:20:52 AM
soo what do u want us to do ? disolve the ally ? not merge in to one clan and lose our castles? wtf are we suppost to do ?
if you lose castles you will cant sleep, ofc we know that and thats why u exploit
Quote from: alinutza on December 19, 2010, 03:13:06 AMIf some clan like Kostaplers left ally is cause they went inactive for few months
we left for some reasons, and we ll be back probably in 1 month IF we can play fair and normaly, and some other reasons which i wont say them now and are not important

ps1. - i remember track and kain made event at coliseum and guess...only "rest" alliance was there and 2-3 temps, when i ask some friend of temp "why u dont come coliseum" he answer me ---> We are toi 14 camp baium

i ve nothing else to say

gz temp  :-*
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


after i read the posts from this topic and from the other one i saw that temps are really trying to convince ppl that they can do something with equal numbers... u could at least stop trying. every player that was here a few knows that u cant do sh1t with same numbers or few more.. u have to zerg and it doesnt matter if it's siege , rb or pvp in varka.. i really dont know who are u trying to lie. for example i loged after 1 month and we had pvp vs 1 pt , then u came 2 and lost again then finally u got 3 pts, zerged us and then u were shouting how pro u are. and that sh1t with "we think" bla bla, comon.. no1 went that low and merged to 1 clan cause some of us play for fun not to keep giran :)
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Don't quite get what all the fuss is all about.
Temp merged into EB cause of 2 reasons. 1) Giran Siege, 2) Clan vs Clan event.

This can be solved in 2 way's.
1) Make the clan vs clan event. 9v9 event with a 5 day penalty of leaving (this way their merge was for no reason and they can't "Cry" about it since they said it was for Giran Siege).
2) Get more forces to take away Giran from them, organise a proper siege and push them all together from different sides, not 7 party's shattered all over the place.

Its my point of view, hate it or love it. I couldn't care to much.

~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


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