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SERIOUSLY about destro nerf - not QQ topic!

Started by Supermistrz, December 29, 2010, 02:26:52 PM

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I guess they should get tweaked up a bit!

At least their strengt should match their apearance! Atm you see a green monster tall and large as a building hitting like an elpy while he has more than 30% hp! AND THAT RLY RLY SUX


Also force barrier issue, that was rdy to use and uncancelable. Now nobody knows why its not rdy to use after each oly fight and its cancelable!! I would love to see some GM reply here why its like that. Maybe thats true what someone told before, maybe gm hate orcs... i would like to know it 4 years ago when i came to play there... and i picked destroyer as my main char. Some people are about going to perfection whatever they do. I like that and i dont want to change char coz i did a lot to make it best i can, specially when i dont know WHAT THE FK IS GOING ON WITH THIS DESTRO/TYRANT.


Quote from: sziii on December 31, 2010, 05:42:35 PM
Also force barrier issue, that was rdy to use and uncancelable. Now nobody knows why its not rdy to use after each oly fight and its cancelable!! I would love to see some GM reply here why its like that. Maybe thats true what someone told before, maybe gm hate orcs... i would like to know it 4 years ago when i came to play there... and i picked destroyer as my main char. Some people are about going to perfection whatever they do. I like that and i dont want to change char coz i did a lot to make it best i can, specially when i dont know WHAT THE FK IS GOING ON WITH THIS DESTRO/TYRANT.
celestial type skills are the only skills that dont get ready after oly matches.
(previous barrier working was mistake i suppose)
Bajchos  Eon  plavusha



We cant use force barrier and guts is for 30% hp or lower, while tanks have 3 ultimate defenses and they can also enchant "drecrease penalty" so they can move while having UD....

try to think a little about us while you are fixing your exploits


I'm agrre with Sziii and Lytors : i made my tyr/des because i was really seduced by their power in C3. Now, they are nerfed so much that playing him except in trains is really sucks !! WHY ???  ORCS are made to be the strongest in L2, now all we can do when there's some pvps is to switch char !!
Come on GM's, Give back to the orcs some of their dignity !!!


Yea it kind of sux. Even when u go for trains u must take another char an keep it near you just in case u get PKed and need to switch char. A clean daggerist in dyna with clean AS can bring an orc in DNET down in a matter of seconds if he know how to play. Force barrier gives u a cuple of extra seconds but u still go down eventually. Fists do too little dmg , blunt are unusable except RB and full buff so a good orc has to have : DHA+HP,HD+F,DS+F/HP, SS, and some shyty C-grade or w/e with conversion :)))) come on this is a joke.

Before fists were enough for 1 vs 1 pvp and i'm talking interlude not C3/4. The GMs are still pissed cuse orcs kill RB alone with WC/SWS and BD/PP but they say nothing about dagger/tank in final transformation who need only a BD/PP in same gear.


this topic must be read and orcs must be good fighters again


Quote from: CrashOverAll on January 02, 2011, 03:42:56 AM
but they say nothing about dagger/tank in final transformation who need only a BD/PP in same gear.
Can you tell me more about it ? Cause i'm curious what is it about .... :P ::)


Stop QQ, Still RB's are beeing raped by ty/de alone

Staind --> HE/WLK | SR/SWS | PR/BD | PR/GLAD
FirstAidKit --> BP/PAL | WC/BP | DA/OL | NE/OL


Quote from: Staind on January 06, 2011, 01:47:48 PM
Stop QQ, Still RB's are beeing raped by ty/de alone
You don't understand the whole thing spoken in here ... All know that RB's are still killable, but go try pvp or siege, or Oly ....
Thing is just in dmg to people, not to RB's ....!!!