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This root is joke ? Or what ?

Started by EvilPL, February 05, 2011, 06:27:11 AM

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Quote from: lucifsg on February 08, 2011, 08:33:17 PM
hint for free. all curses land on celestial shield except cancel skills
OMG boost cancel :D


Quote from: lucifsg on February 08, 2011, 08:33:17 PM
hint for free. all curses land on celestial shield except cancel skills

hint for free. Celestial prevents dmg only, debuffs/cancel/banes always worked ;D

Tyrant/Glad Barrier also

Now i remember smth called...mhm.................. oh yeah.... read description
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


lol I never ever get curse during celestial from BP or augmentation or reital skill.


wow, you people still crying about root ? :)
go try to make on yourself root not enchanted, then speak about high land rate !
because luci has his root +16 !!!!!!! doesn't it change alot the land rate ?
And i told you before, Evil. You don't have 315% resist ! Your calculations are totally wrong !!!!
Check second page on my post , try to understand it and calculate it right ...


Well something is changed for sure, cause now even my awesome shackle+10 lands like crazy and I remember how it (not)worked in past.


Quote from: WindWalk on February 09, 2011, 08:02:04 AM
lol I never ever get curse during celestial from BP or augmentation or reital skill.
Bcuz no one tries to debuff / cancel when u're in celestial

Its called...psychological effect  ;D
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: Neozinhu on February 09, 2011, 03:10:30 AM
hint for free. Celestial prevents dmg only, debuffs/cancel/banes always worked ;D

Tyrant/Glad Barrier also

Now i remember smth called...mhm.................. oh yeah.... read description
Celestial Shield Lv. 1    Active    64    Interlude -- Harness divine power to render your target temporarily invincible for 10 seconds.
Ofc, invincible means u can't get dmg but u can get debuff. You can't get any buff from party member, you can't use your skills, but you can get debuff from enemy XDXDXD Ofc man, ofc......
Quote from: EvilPL on February 08, 2011, 03:55:19 PM
..... And I'm awaiting explanation of root working over celestial, I'm sure you will find some. ^^^

Zeferot, so what his root is +16 ? Mine passive resist is +15. And ofc my calculations are totally wrong, but 15% +80% is 27% not 18,75 like you suggested.


Quote from: ZEFEROT on February 09, 2011, 11:16:57 AM
because luci has his root +16 !!!!!!! doesn't it change alot the land rate ?
Does it ALOT? If yes can you tell me how much? Some reliable mathmatic formula please (like your resist count :DD sry I couldn't resist it), because even 0 GMs were able to provide me when I asked in the past. Maybe you can enlighten me.

I was told once that I should add enchant rate to learn level as I wrote it in one of my post, but there is no proof for that yet. So I'd vote for adding enchant to base land rate like for example +16 enchanted root with base land rate 0,8 will be 0,96 in total. Therefore a +16 root will affect 0,16/0,8=0,2 (20%) the final result.  
Quote from: Neozinhu on February 09, 2011, 03:10:30 AM
hint for free. Celestial prevents dmg only, debuffs/cancel/banes always worked ;D

Tyrant/Glad Barrier also

Now i remember smth called...mhm.................. oh yeah.... read description
I went and read description for you: Force Barrier:
Uses spiritual forces to create a temporary protective barrier that is impervious to normal strikes, skills, buffs/debuffs. Requires a hand-to-hand combat weapon. Level 4 Focused Force charge required.
Tukann (DE/WC)  @ Blackarmy, Infinity


Quote from: Tukan on February 05, 2011, 08:33:27 AM
Simply land rate of root is set on too high value. I've been telling since C4 to revise debuff land rates, because it's overpowered, but 0 (zero) GM can provide us any formula to count them or explain them :)
This is one formula what I used (and worked well) in the past:
Root/Hold - (Base Land Rate/Men Modifier*Resistance)*(Learn Level/Target Level)*(M.Atk./M.Def.)
Base Land Rate - highest one possible 0,80
Men modifier - Orcs have 27 MEN, it comes 1,31 value (check link for http://l2p.l2wh.com/mdef.html )
Learn Level - 2nd class type, so 74 (some people say that if skill is enchanted on +x, value should be calculated like 74+x; I doubt though)
Target Level - usually max, so 85
M.Atk - various (some necro could say something)
M.Def - Over the Body doesn't give additional M.Def, but still around 1,8k in case of orcs

Following the idea of that link, mental shield doesn't give any resist against root even though it is written there.
Let's do a quick calculation now :) I'm gonna believe that necro has more than 7,2k M.Atk on oly, so M.Atk/M.Def=4
Let's not involve resists for first time...
(0,8/1,31*1)*(74/85)*4=2,12 (means 212%, so perma root)

Now, let's add +200% resist, this way "1" will become "3" in the formula.
(0,8/1,31*3)*(74/85)*4=0,70 (70%)
If by any chance my M.Atk ratio predictment would be only 3 instead of 4, chance decreases to 0,463 (46%).

Oh and forgot to add that Queen Ant ring gives resistance to root :P

i know  my arrest +12 chance never landing in oly.

If root and arrest got same base land rate, then something is wrong with root


Quote from: Tukan on February 09, 2011, 04:08:29 PM
 I went and read description for you: Force Barrier:
Uses spiritual forces to create a temporary protective barrier that is impervious to normal strikes, skills, buffs/debuffs. Requires a hand-to-hand combat weapon. Level 4 Focused Force charge required.

Some months ago it wasn't preventing debuffs, my bad ;D

6 months out of server, i said what i knew, no idea about the fixes made ;D

Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: GekKey on February 09, 2011, 04:36:18 PM
i know  my arrest +12 chance never landing in oly.

If root and arrest got same base land rate, then something is wrong with root
Since you quoted me, I dare to answer :)
There is one BIG difference between root and arrest. Root is magic while arrest is not. That's why the formula listed above should be changed according to that in my opinion. Unfortunately I can't tell you a correct one.

If I use common sense and follow the idea that arrest is not counted as magic, M.Atk/M.Def ratio becomes totally useless in a formula and/or needs to be replaced with a correct one, so you (=chars) lose a great benefit which was given in case of root.
Tukann (DE/WC)  @ Blackarmy, Infinity


Quote from: GekKey on February 09, 2011, 04:36:18 PM
i know  my arrest +12 chance never landing in oly.

If root and arrest got same base land rate, then something is wrong with root

arrest work kinda good on oly  ;D