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Some1 can tell me what's going on?

Started by Sev3n, February 28, 2011, 05:28:18 PM

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GM'S also check it!
Nightmare x30:
DraksLord TH/PP OFF
St1ngerx HE/BD OFF
Valkyria x9:
MasterGhost SPS + TY/DE + DE/TY + EE/SPS OFF
St1nger GL + HE/GL OFF
iDraksLord TH + TH/PP OFF



Nightmare x30:
DraksLord TH/PP OFF
St1ngerx HE/BD OFF
Valkyria x9:
MasterGhost SPS + TY/DE + DE/TY + EE/SPS OFF
St1nger GL + HE/GL OFF
iDraksLord TH + TH/PP OFF



it s easy ultimate evasion/talisman evasion/wind riding/tato ghost and sixth sense


Quote from: TheFranz on March 01, 2011, 03:43:38 AM
it s easy ultimate evasion/talisman evasion/wind riding/tato ghost and sixth sense

just look the bar xDDDDD


you simply should not play a dagger xd
good things


Quote from: Sev3n on February 28, 2011, 05:28:18 PM

GM'S also check it!
how the hell you made hero on NM ?


Quote from: TheFranz on March 01, 2011, 03:10:31 AM
check what?how u fail all your blow?

Quote from: TheFranz on March 01, 2011, 03:43:38 AM
it s easy ultimate evasion/talisman evasion/wind riding/tato ghost and sixth sense
Evasion = Doesn't matter to land skills ( Blows ) Fail.

Quote from: k0rina on March 01, 2011, 11:24:54 AM
i will explain u m r  pro

dodge  "dodge" better skills instead  exc advent    and ue  ( cuz  rate sucess is lowered)

its 5 sec why dont u try run while or  use melee?

he used dodge+wind riding+ue =  75% dodge + u failed blows +u so slow  by pressing buttons with  click   + ( what he said upper)  and also  ench ue on switness attack   speed , it works  better   in oly  instead  5 sec more ue  ,it gives bonus near 100 at.sp

Dodge time it's 5 sec and i fight with him 14 sec = 0 blows land.
Btw. I Have AS+H so i have more att speed than him, ofc when he use AS+CD
Btw 2. Don't explain me anythink, becouse i playing as dagger more than u playing l2.
Before on D-N was bug with UE+Exciting Adv/Ghost Walking etc. That can't land blow's when skill it's opened, now it's smth same.

Quote from: Akira on March 01, 2011, 03:26:30 PM
you simply should not play a dagger xd
You simply shouldn't answer here anythink when u don't know what's going on.

Quote from: QuadCore on March 01, 2011, 04:46:36 PM
how the hell you made hero on NM ?
Just on NM everything work fine,not was so much bug's, when i playing was only bug with M.Critic from SPS ( On Oly )
Nightmare x30:
DraksLord TH/PP OFF
St1ngerx HE/BD OFF
Valkyria x9:
MasterGhost SPS + TY/DE + DE/TY + EE/SPS OFF
St1nger GL + HE/GL OFF
iDraksLord TH + TH/PP OFF


Btw. I Have AS+H so i have more att speed than him, ofc when he use AS+CD
(fail) i use as+haste ;)


draks, after you get your english lessons, try to think twice before answering to anything.
You're not a skilled dagger-class player, face it. Tbh, you shouldn't talk about how long you've been playing with your dagger, cuz it makes you look even more pathetic(so many years playing such class, and yet, you still are weak).
p.s. try to check real dagger pvp on a retail-like server ^^
good things