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4:30-5:30 gmt+1 oly

Started by Kishin, March 01, 2011, 01:33:49 PM

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make it all day olympiad, people from mongolia need chances to play also


Quote from: wildpussy on April 20, 2011, 10:42:49 PM
make it all day olympiad, people from mongolia need chances to play also

agree :D Even ppl from arctica too...  :P
Always in Dragon-Network since c3

Quote from: Enerilla on June 28, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Olej, i really thought we can have a conversation without calling each other tard in the same clan. :S


Quote from: sirSethan on April 20, 2011, 10:10:16 PM

I see u was long time out oly if u dont saw circus on oly since merge :P

IT is european server... and U SHOULD  agree with our times...
Anyway GM del class-bassed becose aod wrong use it now sout america ppl  using it wrong... 
Some ppl playing fairly dont have chance becose on 4:30 south america ppl have 100% chance to ransfering..
I hope in gracia all back to normal and they del oly on 4;30 giving all ppl this same chances.
they did the  same chance atm . some ppls at our 20 aka oly time ve 4-5 am lol  stop thniking only about urself but about rest also and being hero now means a sh1t since most r transfered anyway and most r transfered at 20 or at 14 not at nights
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: jygh on April 21, 2011, 12:37:37 AM
they did the  same chance atm . some ppls at our 20 aka oly time ve 4-5 am lol  stop thniking only about urself but about rest also and being hero now means a sh1t since most r transfered anyway and most r transfered at 20 or at 14 not at nights

not person whos got +150
Even LeeeeO make on 4:30 and if im not wrong he is from Sweden not south america...
Always in Dragon-Network since c3

Quote from: Enerilla on June 28, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Olej, i really thought we can have a conversation without calling each other tard in the same clan. :S


Quote from: sirSethan on April 20, 2011, 10:10:16 PM

I see u was long time out oly if u dont saw circus on oly since merge :P

IT is european server... and U SHOULD  agree with our times...
Anyway GM del class-bassed becose aod wrong use it now sout america ppl  using it wrong... 
Some ppl playing fairly dont have chance becose on 4:30 south america ppl have 100% chance to ransfering..
I hope in gracia all back to normal and they del oly on 4;30 giving all ppl this same chances.

since i know u have 4h in ur time and we have 1h in our time..... or smthing like it..... whats the big deal?

there was transfer always.... now just coz americas have opportunity to do it u are mad? anyway if u think its just transfer on this oly time.... go and check it.... coz since i'm watching most part of days..... there are around 20 ppl participating it and just 1/4 of it is trying transfer...


Making separate oly for ppl  from different time zones doesn't make them to fight agains each other.
It's like 2 separate olys  (normal olympics and para olympics, for example) with best result of 2 of them for a win.
Brilliant idea  :D  ::)


Quote from: flamingAwe on April 21, 2011, 07:53:47 PM
Making separate oly for ppl  from different time zones doesn't make them to fight agains each other.
It's like 2 separate olys  (normal olympics and para olympics, for example) with best result of 2 of them for a win.
Brilliant idea  :D  ::)

I have better - delete all benefits of hero status beside shining char and hero weapons. Since its all shi.t worth and matters only who have more noble chars for transfers dont give them benefits for it.


Quote from: tomogara on April 21, 2011, 08:29:56 PM
I have better - delete all benefits of hero status beside shining char and hero weapons. Since its all shi.t worth and matters only who have more noble chars for transfers dont give them benefits for it.

4:30 oly is almost like class bassed ... win who have more chars with nooble.. and chances to choise  own char is 99,99%
If trackzero still wanna play with this sh1ts beter return class bassed..

Quote from: flamingAwe on April 21, 2011, 07:53:47 PM
Making separate oly for ppl  from different time zones doesn't make them to fight agains each other.
It's like 2 separate olys  (normal olympics and para olympics, for example) with best result of 2 of them for a win.
Brilliant idea  :D  ::)

its a point of this problem...  +1
Always in Dragon-Network since c3

Quote from: Enerilla on June 28, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Olej, i really thought we can have a conversation without calling each other tard in the same clan. :S


make smth like that

50 matches  / 30 wins   and max oly matches  for example  150 or 200 fight.   If u already have  150 fights on your char you cant sign more and cant transfer :D


Quote from: qwertyzxc on April 22, 2011, 06:35:47 PM
make smth like that

50 matches  / 30 wins   and max oly matches  for example  150 or 200 fight.   If u already have  150 fights on your char you cant sign more and cant transfer :D

can be also good resolution.
But some ppl join to oly only for fun and have some epic action in ass like kishin :P
He is person whoo go to oly for fun. 
I think  the best will be del oly at 4:30, 14:00 and be only one oly 20:00 - 0:00 like in old times and transfering probably will be but  ALL get this same chances.
Always in Dragon-Network since c3

Quote from: Enerilla on June 28, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Olej, i really thought we can have a conversation without calling each other tard in the same clan. :S


Quote from: sirSethan on April 22, 2011, 09:24:23 PM
can be also good resolution.
But some ppl join to oly only for fun and have some epic action in ass like kishin :P
He is person whoo go to oly for fun. 
I think  the best will be del oly at 4:30, 14:00 and be only one oly 20:00 - 0:00 like in old times and transfering probably will be but  ALL get this same chances.

Not ALL will have same chances, what about South America players?!? At ur GMT (20:00 - 0:00) most of us r working so we cant join on oly, we can only at 4:30-5:30.

So it's not about give chances for ALL players, but give more chances to YOU.


+1  to weezer and for transfering you dont need to wake up at 4:30 couse there its lalot more ppl than at the day
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