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Time to change this stupid rules - Page 17



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Time to change this stupid rules

Started by JoeDoe, March 30, 2011, 08:19:26 PM

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Wanna Rules from x5 ??

44 (53.7%)
38 (46.3%)
something different?
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Avoid exploit thx
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 78

Voting closed: April 19, 2011, 02:22:47 PM


Hm, and whats the point of this Sethan ? Coz i dont know what it have got with you, that some
one from fun ( yes it was me :D sry guys :P ) write "fock ba" (we were killed by them so being angry is normal  ;P ) , that shouldnt matter to you.

You're so concerned that this ugly Funs are now in ba ?
Why you're sticking your nose where it dont belongs ? Dont you realy have your own life (even this virtual ), that you are non stop looking at what others are doing ? I still dont see a point of postings this shits, it only makes you look more miserable, coz you're proving (without even our help ) that you're wrong :D, how retarded can you be ? :D

If you're trying to make us kickes from ba, you're doing it wrong :)
If you're trying to look smart, you're doing it wrong
If you're just showing off your retardness, yes you're doing it right :D

Arienrod, but its true, not to all guys, but to most yes it is true. The same for running thingy . When infy was alone, there wasnt so much (they where, but still  not so much) "runinng enemys", now after merge they're everywhere, and where is fun when you run xD


Quote from: sirSethan on April 13, 2011, 01:43:34 PM
And on forum F.U.N. all write  F.u.c.k BA when they pk them at golka it was  also was jokes?:d

oO Another bad infos :] No one said that but i remeber this situation and it is normal Part of game ..... Your post prove that u r
jealous for situation that FUN merge with BA ....

Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer 83 --- Infinty
Craft/Spoil  81 - 7 x Hero --- Infinity
Eva Templar/WindRider 85 --- Infinity
Only F.u.N


Quote from: 0l3j on April 13, 2011, 02:04:00 PM
Arienrod, but its true, not to all guys, but to most yes it is true. The same for running thingy . When infy was alone, there wasnt so much (they where, but still  not so much) "runinng enemys", now after merge they're everywhere, and where is fun when you run xD

about QQzors just consider that 95% of players don't read or read but don't write on this forum. If some players have time and need to cry all the time ... good for them. it's the main problem of internet and the fake tendancy to think few people can be leader of opinions

about run... well from NM we are used to don't run anymore about these runners who are just seeking some fraggs. if infy people are still running it's coz they are not used XD (ps: place summoners near their spawn point and fck their race strategy^^)



Point was that all running instead of fighting came with merge , before merge i wasnt seeing this happen  :)
Well I think its more about INGAME QQ than  this on forum , but oh well its not so important, everyone QQ about something, its just how much one can do :)


running people exist when they want fraggs and are outnumbered... and always existed on NM (varka notably)  :P

mby since X30 permitted to take more time on pvp and will to fragg rather than X5 more focused on XP


Quote from: YaHoYaH on April 13, 2011, 02:07:59 PM
oO Another bad infos :] No one said that but i remeber this situation and it is normal Part of game ..... Your post prove that u r
jealous for situation that FUN merge with BA ....

omgf. u wirte on fun forum somthing diffrent that u post here:p
Anyway im not jelous becose idiots make merge with idiots :P
Now u can make really pt of stars: R4ul, W4lker, Nielin, Anorektica, 0lej, Ho, Mmiu, Ylimis and Inga.
BTW i was today on HB and i saw W4lker got new person to his fan club :P

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)
:D :D :D :D :D :D
Always in Dragon-Network since c3

Quote from: Enerilla on June 28, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Olej, i really thought we can have a conversation without calling each other tard in the same clan. :S


Quote from: ylim on April 13, 2011, 12:10:15 PM
u just show what im talking about  :-*
i see only infinity QQers (check signature)


Quote from: sirSethan on April 13, 2011, 01:43:34 PM
And on forum F.U.N. all write  F.u.c.k BA when they pk them at golka it was  also was jokes?:d

OMG! Tuki! They said bad word about us! Lets PK and kick them all! More, lets travel to their houses! We will eat their animals!

BTW Seth. Why do you care so much?

They are in BA you are in WS but you see more problems than we* do. Do you think your words will change anything? Cuz we* know the answer :D

*we = BA members
Why are you looking at my Avatar?

Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005


Quote from: PolSilv3r on April 13, 2011, 05:13:48 PM
More, lets travel to their houses! We will eat their animals!

Kinda weird... eat their animals??  ;D at least their wifes...  :-X


Sethan ><

Stop this please mon 99% of this thread is pointles already.


Quote from: zenice on April 13, 2011, 05:28:15 PM
eat ....................... their wifes...  :-X

u should try to find better action with wifes instead eating
Quote from: ShowStopper on July 02, 2012, 11:11:53 AM


Quote from: cerebelo on April 13, 2011, 05:53:15 PM
u should try to find better action with wifes instead eating

