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Time to change this stupid rules

Started by JoeDoe, March 30, 2011, 08:19:26 PM

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Total Members Voted: 78

Voting closed: April 19, 2011, 02:22:47 PM


Quote from: flamingAwe on April 04, 2011, 04:40:55 PM
what is really funny, no comments from real (old) WS  members, only some new recruitments try to show heads xD
fock, this forum is funny to visit  ;D

Well since awe is calling then it's time to say few words.^^

Onu don't know what’s your problem and i don't care. You wana be in happy place where everyone that's not on your side are asslickers? fine with me.

You wana say something about Infi history? Lets go this way.

I remember SempleFidelis time..think there was an AOD clan there huge independent clan with superb players and....oh wait back then you guys were small/middle clan who was part of big winning side for like 2 years. Someone , and i mean someone with no imagination, could say that you were asslickers of bigger clans such as NW or FI(core of this ally).But thats not the case, right Onu?:) Only WS was the "asslickers" so we were asslicking in SF whyle AOD was in command blablabla and they lived happily ever after.

Enough of history Onu?

Now galactics? let me think..hmm.. yup they were AOD asslickes:) you focked them hard btw:)

Now you’re one of those guys that runs happy go lucky when winning on the servers(then everybody else is noob/idiot/whatever) if something changes and you get your ass kicked then its hmm becouse uhmm.. AH YES ASLICKERS AND ZERGS. No human could ever win pvp with Legendary Onu so it had to be god damn zerg with asslickers..uff what a relief your god complex is save  8)

Regards to all good old AODs that do remember the the ancient art of "Gf guys!".


Quote from: Shadow21 on April 04, 2011, 01:17:00 PM
seti  katamorons wont be with AOD, they tried help us but their help refused.

about bh and lemons, they took temps side and fight together not 1st day, so better stop make theories and go sometimes out of town for pvp, u will know.

about ur great clan, whole history of WS is asslicking to some side from day when this clan was created xD

about ally AOD+BA. lets say from start i was not so happy cuz of this ally, but now i see this works fine and mb its rly time for "Reborn2" :) I dont need like every1 in ally, but i can cooperate with them cuz this is needed for clan.

and at end about win any epic or pvp. we won and won alot, even with less number, but temps start recruting every1 and take for every pvp ur clan and nemezis, so 40 vs 110-120 was not so funny. for now we will have some balance. ur clan btw w/o temps can just stay in town and camp stairs.

With that in half agree. Last time they was 1 hour with us and...next hour with aod...
Nut katamorons is good name of that clan  :D

If u dont know BH and lemons walk and pvping with (no against) Aod members (example pedobear)

You still dont see difrence about political and asslicking. Aod do this same to BA but i dont call it asslickin  but political
Strategy of aod: we cant win we need ppl. Meybe "lick" tukan again?

And? When aod recruting all who wanna like was in old times. Remeber imperio members in B/A grade?
Truth is that Aod is not 1 clan but few clans in 1 (partisants, imperio, Bandits, Nemezis).
Aod do this same like do temp or ba. WE also get some clans  and merge with WS.
Anyway  we are still as WS and we dont join inside Temps clans. U call it asslickin and we call it own authonomy and we stay with them becose max slots in ally is 3 now.

And BTW try as  alone aod kill epic also :P  We go ride on this same train. No one can do nothing without others.

Quote from: maslina on April 04, 2011, 07:42:48 PM
Keep dreaming,we`ve seen your great clan/ally(zerg) failed at ADEN so badly...so shhhhh about how pro you guys are

And u see what happen when they again start losing all.
BlackArmy mentality is really poor on that situations and will be again flame on allt chanell :D
(I heard that when Aden siege was only ylimis make flame on ally :D)

Quote from: ylim on April 04, 2011, 04:17:56 PM
ws is 2. galactic !!!!!

shake hand with solarwind pls  ;D

and u are master of engralve :D
Im sad that u not leader of Ba... it could be nice look when u try engralve Aden  :D :D :D
Quote from: fenrris on April 04, 2011, 07:54:54 PM
Onu don't know what’s your problem and i don't care. You wana be in happy place where everyone that's not on your side are asslickers?

And it is point of this conversation. All who is not with aod= asslicker  ;D

Quote from: fenrris on April 04, 2011, 07:54:54 PM
Now you’re one of those guys that runs happy go lucky when winning on the servers(then everybody else is noob/idiot/whatever) if something changes and you get your ass kicked then its hmm becouse uhmm.. AH YES ASLICKERS AND ZERGS. No human could ever win pvp with Legendary Onu so it had to be god damn zerg with asslickers..uff what a relief your god complex is save  8)

Fen now u broke me heart... That what u write im also Aod asslicker becose i was in ally with them  :D :D :D

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Quote from: fenrris on April 04, 2011, 07:54:54 PM
Now you’re one of those guys that runs happy go lucky when winning on the servers(then everybody else is noob/idiot/whatever) if something changes and you get your ass kicked then its hmm becouse uhmm.. AH YES ASLICKERS AND ZERGS. No human could ever win pvp with Legendary Onu so it had to be god damn zerg with asslickers..uff what a relief your god complex is save  8)

its not about my god complex, i just tired read in game and on forum everyday aod noobs, asslickers of ba etc and ws+ temps pro. so i decide write what i think about ur clans too.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Shadow21 on April 04, 2011, 09:15:28 PM
its not about my god complex, i just tired read in game and on forum everyday aod noobs, asslickers of ba etc and ws+ temps pro. so i decide write what i think about ur clans too.

woooooow mate if some dumb asses are writing stuff like that then what are you doing? disregarding it or flame same as those idiots?

if someone was insulting you then you decided to start writing shit about my whole clan???

well that makes you on the same level as those  who started this pointless flame.

C’man how old are you 12??? God damn it you’re grown up person!!!!

I don’t give a fck about dumb post or shouts in game with "OMG xxx clan are fcking nooooobz". Don’t have to much time for game that’s why i log during weekends look for party and good pvp enemy with whom i can write gf after each battle.


Quote from: fenrris on April 04, 2011, 09:25:47 PM
woooooow mate if some dumb asses are writing stuff like that then what are you doing? disregarding it or flame same as those idiots?

if someone was insulting you then you decided to start writing shit about my whole clan???

well that makes you on the same level as those  who started this pointless flame.

C’man how old are you 12??? God damn it you’re grown up person!!!!

I don’t give a fck about dumb post or shouts in game with "OMG xxx clan are fcking nooooobz". Don’t have to much time for game that’s why i log during weekends look for party and good pvp enemy with whom i can write gf after each battle.

sry dont have time read my posts now and make quote, but i clearly wrote ws have good players and yes i respect some of them.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


Quote from: Shadow21 on April 04, 2011, 09:27:30 PM
sry dont have time read my posts now and make quote, but i clearly wrote ws have good players and yes i respect some of them.

think thats best we can get here. we are asslickers but you respect some of us ::)

well one has to be play with the cards that he gets ^^



only me made flame on aden siege ? :D
funny that i even wasnt on aden siege still end of last 20min :D
and i said only 1 thing that move out from town :D
but u know everything better :D

i didnt flamed yet since we are together :P
sethan u can kidding with engrave, but it wasnt me so asshole u selfowned, i just post it on forum  :-*
sethan i guess i engraved more time succefully then u. (ohh i forget that u are owner for sh1t casles). how many times u had rune or aden and how long ?  8)

ps sethan u r an idiot who wanna be i know everything better , but u fail 99% of time :P


Quote from: fenrris on April 04, 2011, 10:12:12 PM
think thats best we can get here. we are asslickers but you respect some of us ::)

well one has to be play with the cards that he gets ^^

ok ill explain, i consider this clan as asslicking clan type but i respect some old good players. now better?
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Shadow21 on April 04, 2011, 10:29:54 PM
ok ill explain, i consider this clan as asslicking clan type but i respect some old good players. now better?

My self estime was saved 8)