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Started by joroboro, June 08, 2011, 11:43:25 PM

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Quote from: joroboro on June 08, 2011, 11:43:25 PM
How many ppl must lose serv before GM understand why they stop play? or you think after  6-7 years  for us farm is the best part of game ?  pvp is the best part  of game and if you kill with this   sh1t rate on cancel/steal what  we  do here? before we have alot of pvp at varka - check now  , or you think after merge will be fun ,,,, same sh1t  is before merge .I know what you say - take your sps/kamaels OK but how many ppl you think have now ? 2 000 ppl?  can i w8 all day to gather sps/kamaels ? or can i go alone on pvp when after 2 x cancel/steal i am like elpy ?           STOP KILL PVP

+1 change rate or reuse... cuz its realy incredible.

kk ty bb.
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


Quote from: thehunted on June 09, 2011, 09:31:30 AM
I also played on some server where cancel/steal would simply "block" 4-5 buffs for 30 seconds.
After 30 seconds the buffs would return.
Imo this would be a nice compromis for this server also.

not bad idea... +2
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


Quote from: 0l3j on June 08, 2011, 11:50:03 PM
This skills are made this way, especialy steal, bear with it, how much more topics ppl will create just coz they lost buff... your fault for letting Kamaels/sps live long enough to steal them xD. Just get over with it already like a lot of ppl already did...

sps and kamaels don't stay dead for longer then 5 seconds since 7/9 people from that party probably have ressurection skill. Also there are lamers who build their whole party strategy on cancel skill so they do everything to keep these classes alive.
Flatline Delivery:



Quote from: PainMaster on June 09, 2011, 12:11:26 AM
they stop coz of kamalol ? cancel ?  .... plz grow up  ;)
i know what talk ppl near me , i know what i do ..cuz no reason to play w/o buffs  ppl just stop play cuz we play only  for pvp when Gm make this  impossible we just stop ... simply after merge we pvp  ~ 150 ppl  now we are ....  80  after  and what ? next merge ?i dont know if cancel/steal  with this rate  if too much impotant for Gm from ppl activity ... OK np :)


Quote from: flamingAwe on June 09, 2011, 12:21:53 AM
call me whatever, but ppl here should learn to play with what they are given, and stop crying
all your QQ, if admins listen to it and change something, brings only more crys
and ppl have much more reasons to leave this server than you imagine... most of them just have lives
ofc ppl have another reasons to leave  but ( for me , my friends ) pvp is  the best part of L2 and when GM make this imposible what  we to do here ?


Quote from: joroboro on June 09, 2011, 10:22:58 AM
ofc ppl have another reasons to leave  but ( for me , my friends ) pvp is  the best part of L2 and when GM make this imposible what  we to do here ?

they cancel you, you cancel them, wha's the problem? everyone, everyside has same possibilities.
it's like saying, oh freak, remove all healers, we want to kill, and need to keep slot for stupid, useless bishop!!!!


this shit never gets old


Gzz how come sp many ppl have problems with Kamaels? I'm making my pvp and rarely get pwnd by Kamaels.


Its few of them from my perspective and easy to wipe with proper guns.


Quote from: flamingAwe on June 09, 2011, 10:53:04 AM
they cancel you, you cancel them, wha's the problem? everyone, everyside has same possibilities.
it's like saying, oh freak, remove all healers, we want to kill, and need to keep slot for stupid, useless bishop!!!!

i dont know what`s wrong with u ppl and how u can injoy in game  where is there no more set up`s on chars  {like evasion ,p.def m.def set up`s on ur chars what can keep u more alive like before} no more tactic`s   only  what`s left is this server is cancel cancel cancel that the think  what`s ruing evryting  anymor eis not inportant if u have good wepoan if u have good armor if u have good atributs  if u have enchanted skills  nothing not mather anymore  is simple pvp f1  from fighters and  and cancel/steal divinity from  mages and kamaels there is pointles having bp`s in party anymore  noone can heal u if u runing all time with buffs  and each day  +1 kamael coming up in pvp no mether wich side is  and mostly kamaels make it  by ppl who was dieing like fly`s in pvp coz low gear  or pure 0 skills in pvp who dont even spend few coins on main chars on fs`s on enchanting skills   who rerrol evry moon  so that why ppl leave  that why ppl stop playing  on this sh1t  coz there is no balance at all to somone can stay on main char  all who protecting this kamael rase are ppl who allready make kamaels or stupid ppl  who dont care for server population and dont care for fun so flame cry not cry  will finish very fast  if continue remaining like this

p.s : just for info this ppl who are onlline now on server mostly w8 gracia  to see what will heppand with huge hope that  owners of this community will do something agenst  this lame few skills what`s kick all ppl out of game each day so cya around


Quote from: flamingAwe on June 09, 2011, 10:53:04 AM
they cancel you, you cancel them, wha's the problem? everyone, everyside has same possibilities.
it's like saying, oh freak, remove all healers, we want to kill, and need to keep slot for stupid, useless bishop!!!!
how can  cancel them if i'm not mage ? where is old pvp 1 vs 1 , 2 vs 2 , 3 vs 3 now one sps/kamael make this configuration meaningless ? now  we must w8 ppl log sps or kamael  to can pvp ? why i can go to solo pvp ?like we have  xxxxxxx ppl ons erver  not only  ~ 150  ?


Quote from: thehunted on June 09, 2011, 09:31:30 AM
I also played on some server where cancel/steal would simply "block" 4-5 buffs for 30 seconds.
After 30 seconds the buffs would return.
Imo this would be a nice compromis for this server also.
coming to DN 2012...?


Quote from: joroboro on June 09, 2011, 11:55:48 AM
how cancel them if i'm not mage ? where is old pvp 1 vs 1 , 2 vs 2 , 3 vs 3 ? now  we must w8 ppl log sps or kamael  to can pvp ? why i can go to solo pvp ?like we have  xxxxxxx ppl ons erver  not only  ~ 150  ?

this is best!  You can't kill kamael in 1 vs 1  ;D ;D ;D
GL crying here, you just showed that you care about your ass, not about server wide PvPs
damn, such cryers make me wanna make kamael, or at least sps/sorc to get rivers of tears here  :D