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Started by joroboro, June 08, 2011, 11:43:25 PM

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Quote from: seboulba on June 10, 2011, 11:26:28 AM
u are kicked by him every days malaka , and Dule english whore !!!!! :D
we  discuss  about game or we have olympiad of literature ?


Quote from: Neozinhu on June 10, 2011, 11:49:31 AM
I don't think that u can have fun in a clan that u cant barely talk in ally chat if they do not allow u .-. (Just a comment)

Have fun
And whats that suppose to mean ? Mby dont think to much it will hurt your head.  Yes i have quite fun in clan, jelous or somethin ?


Quote from: 0l3j on June 10, 2011, 12:20:51 PM
And whats that suppose to mean ? Mby dont think to much it will hurt your head.  Yes i have quite fun in clan, jelous or somethin ?
U know "whats that suppose to mean" ... if i'm not wrong ...u're member of the clan who cant say "no" to clan leader, even if the decision is wrong, or no cookies right? ;D

No...i'm not jealous about it...bcuz i always could say my opinion in clan...instead of "omg, clan leader said, so i have to do".

And try harder...that cheap flame "Mby dont think to much it will hurt your head" is already used many times, try smth new.

(Topic will be closed soon)
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


You know nothing bout my clan, so spare me this shjts.
Sry i'm not mark, my creativity in flaming is low, i just call retards, retards nothing more.


this is how looks Track when he read that thread...


:D  :D :D
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


Quote from: Evolution on June 10, 2011, 04:39:45 PM
this is how looks Track when he read that thread...


:D  :D :D
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


ahaha +1 yes xD
we're just little spammers xD


Quote from: Kastro on June 10, 2011, 11:20:41 AM
As i can see this dude have nevar be  vs few kamaels in same time who assit on eachther and use 2-3 steal divinity  what`s mean u lost 80% of ur  buffs  what`s mean u allready are on targets on some  dps  what`s mean u are instantly dead .2nd  dancers songer can resong/dance 1 max 2 times  if they are not dead  coz noone have unlimited mana  to over song  for 1 guy all time but what i`m trying to  explan for a retard guy who nevar know what`s mean kamael klas is new  and nevar was in the world of gm`s to be  fix it on land skills like outher rase`s  and to tell u just for ur info dude  cancel got fix how should work chance and random buffs from 1 to 5  but ofc u are to retard lamer who nevar saw some good pvp  and nevar play it on some tactics or set up`s on char who nevar care it to make his char totaly rdy for pvp or where evar  nevar spend a coins for his char  u are dude just simple  rerroler on evry fu cking moon so wont badow to explan u more coz if u know it someting about  this servers  u will know it how many nerf`s boosts we have it till now in this 6-7 years of exsisting on this server so probobly that why u cant  see what mean someting OP what mean something week. before this sh1t of kamaels i must say we have it the most balanced pvp ever bin in this 7 years and i must say was grate but as i see futher of l2 will be just for cancel whore`s  not for ppl who injoy in pvp and we have only ppl who want pvp not cancelwhore`s so if server not adupte on ppl who are keeping him alove will be dead server 

cya around and spam more to protect the lame destoers  of the server

Well that's remember me cryes of some years ago about crit rate of sps. The only thing to do was to learn how to buff (r.water, elemental resist, dance, song etc etc).
I don't know rly that skill, coz i'm playing since 1 week maybe, but i met kamael on oly and that chars seems rly Op, but i think on mass pvp u can do smt against that skill, like use right buffs against cancel, make daggers assist on kamael and i think they can't do so much :P
Fui                 TK/WR    Nobless   [x3 Hero]  "AmongMortal"
TeSpacco        Des/Ol    Nobless
Sceolan           Bp/Pal    Nobless   (Bitch Char)
KillerMachine   Aw/Pr    Nobless  (Glass Cannon)
Stedler             Des             (Horns Maker)

Honor to AmongMortal, much more of a clan..


Quote from: Fui on June 11, 2011, 11:32:19 PM
Well that's remember me cryes of some years ago about crit rate of sps. The only thing to do was to learn how to buff (r.water, elemental resist, dance, song etc etc).
I don't know rly that skill, coz i'm playing since 1 week maybe, but i met kamael on oly and that chars seems rly Op, but i think on mass pvp u can do smt against that skill, like use right buffs against cancel, make daggers assist on kamael and i think they can't do so much :P

hehhe, tell me precioux, wich are the right buffs vs cancel?  ;D vs removing 6-7buffs every 6-8 seconds? :D


Quote from: Lemarc on June 11, 2011, 11:47:31 PM
hehhe, tell me precioux, wich are the right buffs vs cancel?  ;D vs removing 6-7buffs every 6-8 seconds? :D
Steal never worked like that, reuse in 6-8 wasn't possible even on full buff. And sps/ee is hard to kill char with good heal, kamael was weak, no heal, low dmg.
GZ ALL CRYERS, kamael now sux, steal useless, getting 10k+ from archer, dmg still sux, death mark not works.... I heard on our gracia all should be like official, so why all is close to off, but kamaels steal nerfed ? Because few cryers have more to say than others ? Track said something like "steal is nerfed coz it was like who have more kamael winning". Yes, it is something close to truth in this. Same like who have more healers, active wc, etc. We had 2-3 active kamaels on actions in AoD, similar like temps - and for us it was no problem opponents stealed our buffs - we have active buffers to rebuff during fight.  I guess temps had similar situation. So who has problem with kamaels ? some clans with buffers on bot, only dd and healer... yes, they can't handle fight against kamaels... I played and saw pvp on gracia and freya servers - constant parties, rebuffing during pvp - this is where official lineage go. More classes, more skills to use, more solutions against opponents.... and tactic. And looks like we will still here play like: full buff, strong archers, few hits and run.... booooring.


Stfu! Only blinds couldn't see that if things would stay like they where server was running towards ruin!!

Kamaels can't stay like l2off cause this is not l2off server! As i said b4 this is dn costom sub server!

GG Track!


Yea costum sub so there is much more buffers than on oficial and ppl still cry about kamaels...