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Steal Music QQ

Started by Ingela, August 10, 2011, 09:08:09 AM

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This how it shoudl name now Steal Music becose it's all that Steal Divinity can do. Always last 3 buff. Why it is nerfed reuse and number of bufss that are stolen. Why only kamel skill is nerfed not sps/sorc/dark panther....


i tell u why - becose many ppl cry about steal divinity
and now is a totally useless skil

sps has ~ 8 s reuse for cancel
sorc ~10 s reuse for cancel
panther not sure

kamael  - 60 s reuse for steal divinity and take only 3 bufs
             from 15s reuse and up to 7 bufs as it should be  :D
and  soulhound casting speed -this class should be able to play as mage his casting speed and m atac is same as a normal figter

Now i see max 15 ppl plaing kamael as main


15 kamael ?:P 5-6 mby Gagen Vergo Wevoky Diva SpulReaper sorry if i mistyped some nick.


Quote from: Sp3ctre on August 10, 2011, 09:55:49 AM

sps has ~ 8 s reuse for cancel
sorc ~10 s reuse for cancel

hm, i just wonder, how can independant of cast speed skill have different reuse on different chars  ::)

and also i wonder, why all QQers about cancel don't reroll to those chars... maybe cause they would get hardly owned on those OP chars? xD

it's not cancel OP, its's attribute system focked, but you can donate (can you farm, dunno) and make over 250 (saw) or 600(heard) attr in each armor part and tank anything w/o buffs


sh has ~ 11 s reuse for cancel
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: flamingAwe on August 10, 2011, 11:12:33 AM
hm, i just wonder, how can independant of cast speed skill have different reuse on different chars  ::)

and also i wonder, why all QQers about cancel don't reroll to those chars... maybe cause they would get hardly owned on those OP chars? xD

it's not cancel OP, its's attribute system focked, but you can donate (can you farm, dunno) and make over 250 (saw) or 600(heard) attr in each armor part and tank anything w/o buffs
cancel for mages is fine as it is they just need to fix bufs  that give resist  cancel
those skils were designed to work as they do for good reasons from ncsoft
cancel and steal divinity is part of the game and when i say this is becose some clases have a set of skils others  others
chars  were  made to have strong parts and weaknes parts
when ppl start to cry wanders hapens  :)
Ps: the majority of crayers do not even care of balance or diversity of game
they cry about other clases beeng op when they have no idea what they talking


There is so much buff now that one cancel is nothing wrong:P