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is it possible to make it again?

Started by romancenk, August 23, 2011, 09:32:32 AM

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who cry about tanks (pls nick in game:P)

TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


Quote from: Javardsnegger on August 28, 2011, 09:14:57 AM
evil3 have more 450 resist vs my element im hit him at oly 150 crit and 200-300 from stabs
so just put atribute in ur armor and all will be ok


Quote from: garikUA on August 29, 2011, 10:14:15 AM
evil3 have more 450 resist vs my element im hit him at oly 150 crit and 200-300 from stabs
so just put atribute in ur armor and all will be ok

is not only the attribut who protecting his ass is all the buffs who deacrese the critical dmg what`s the the power of dagger exaclly is  and if u dont know wich buffs are vs daggers i wont evan badow telling u but just dont say sh1ts that  there is no ressist vs daggers

2nd : i dont know by how many times heed tell that switch /trick , bluff not removing target  i will say at all  but ye remove 1 time per life so dont count thet skill what`s is 3 of the Most important skills on dagger + allready dagger`s got nerf on focus death and power + from start the nerf on bluff to not land  like all rest stun shock`s attacks are like for example archer`s stun on 50 con  land 90%  like i have 25 CON
and next time dont go alone vs dagger  coz is normali dagger to win ur ass  try play dagger in mass pvp when u get  cancels  coz u are in middle of all and cancel`s like 5-11 buffs   pls mister archer who want kill tank so easy tell me how that dagger should survive if evan not  make dmg vs nobady

QQ more nerf more archer  but if u think a bit and if u have 10% knowlege about this game u will say something about mage/tank what u dont hit them more then 1k what deflect arrow working on  robe set  and that 1k dmg u make if the mage/tank dont have ur attribut outher wise he will dance infront u and laugh in ur face and that mage hit u each hit 1k+ damn that is not dmg right u are all just add it and spam  just fu ck it again dagger to not be playable  start spending money on attributs afther spick what dmg daggers will hit u coz i will give u example i hit allex for 500  on his aw/sk and he hit me 600  dmg  by backstab  with focus death  on my TH/PP so fix ur armor  afther spick they hit u so hard not only open cry topics nerf this boost this ......


Quote from: Kastro on August 29, 2011, 10:47:00 AM

It's so fking easy to say: "buff your self, fix your atribute, fix your skills..." freak you men, i play this stupid game long enough to recognize an OVER POWERED class when i see it! I understand you have your head so far up your daggers ass that you won't recognize even for a sec that what i'm saying is the truth! Never the less i never said anything about nerf! I just said archers should get boosted a lil considering the loss of atk speed and all resists/protection buffs atm!

And no, mr. knowitall, there are NO resists vs dagger! What you are talking about are resists vs critical dmg, etc... for general not specific like in the case of bows!

But hey, i don't give a flying fuk about it! It's not like i spend alot of time ig these days anyway. I'm not expecting you guys to say "you know what, you're right, my class is Op indeed!"

Have it your way! Time (if all stays like this), will show i'm telling the truth!

About mages/tanks, yes, imo they are Op to. Imo they should have some % p.def loss when they use rode but some how i manage to kill em from time to time! Not like daggers/tanks wich i killed 0 (even the noobest of 'em killes me) and saw few dizimate entire partys alrdy!

but hey. You know what? The sun is shining outside. Cya  :D


funny how lame people always whine only about low/high damage totally ignoring other factors lol
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Javardsnegger on August 29, 2011, 12:08:42 PM
It's so fking easy to say: "buff your self, fix your atribute, fix your skills..." freak you men, i play this stupid game long enough to recognize an OVER POWERED class when i see it! I understand you have your head so far up your daggers ass that you won't recognize even for a sec that what i'm saying is the truth! Never the less i never said anything about nerf! I just said archers should get boosted a lil considering the loss of atk speed and all resists/protection buffs atm!

And no, mr. knowitall, there are NO resists vs dagger! What you are talking about are resists vs critical dmg, etc... for general not specific like in the case of bows!

But hey, i don't give a flying fuk about it! It's not like i spend alot of time ig these days anyway. I'm not expecting you guys to say "you know what, you're right, my class is Op indeed!"

Have it your way! Time (if all stays like this), will show i'm telling the truth!

About mages/tanks, yes, imo they are Op to. Imo they should have some % p.def loss when they use rode but some how i manage to kill em from time to time! Not like daggers/tanks wich i killed 0 (even the noobest of 'em killes me) and saw few dizimate entire partys alrdy!

but hey. You know what? The sun is shining outside. Cya  :D

read again on the skills  what are u takeing like a buffs  {if u buff ur self at all }  is saying deacresing critical dmg /critical chance { cop.counter critical and the buff from OL} add attribut on ur ass   and tell me  afther what dmg u get by any dagger on this server and  aslo if u fight vs somone who dont have deflect arrow dont have cop dont have counter attack dont have windstorm  evan if is tunk u will hit 3-4-5k   and like u say by ur self  u dont spend much time in game  so pls stop crying here  somone is OP somone is nerfed check all the resultats  from some testing afther spick what is OP what is nerfed  coz form all this crying from ppl who play like naked somone who spend moeny /coins time for his char need reroll evry restart on server  so pls do me a faver fix ur char  first  and afther tell me if evan noob dagger can kill u and dont make more lame post coz reading somthing from somone who play  long time  and is to lazy to work on his char looking only for  power what is not nesesry and nerf somone u cant kill coz ur char u have loging 1 time peer month and u want rape all   ..... want do that  simple donate dude like somone who dont want lose time  and want have fun only if not spear us and go beck in ur cave  play super mario


Quote from: Kastro on August 29, 2011, 12:48:14 PM
spear us and go beck in ur cave  play super mario

Dude, if i spear you, i'll get arrested and will go to jail!


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNLhjLpc4gs  old times <3