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Started by Sp3ctre, September 05, 2011, 07:28:44 PM

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Quote from: Alex on September 08, 2011, 02:42:14 PM
seems u dont even understand what skill I am speaking about :DDDD
Well if u rly speak about doombringer stun skils is even worse; i give u too mutch credit:)
Using those skils need like 300-400 disatance to the target and for that is needed to turn the back to dager run this distance and then use them.
But nvm u are still a pro in my eys!
u still win with 8k dmg ;)
I have to say again this is not about kamael...


We already see dagger nerfed, like it happened in older chronicles, and if this goes on we gonna have a lot more nerfs comming, just cause of the fact people don't know the real power of some classes on Official server.

Ofc some changes need to be made for some skills cause we have stacking subclass system, like stacking masteries that makes some chars much more OP than others, but daggers r fine atm (but already nerfed).

People here r trying to compare damage of the best geared daggers on our server against their chars, that i bet isnt the best geared, add to that the fact that Kamael f.e. don't have a good p. def. On Official Daggers and TY r for a long time the oly farmers there, and they still be for a long time, cause they r chars that can make massive damage rly fast.

Let's think 1 moment what could happen if those daggers become nerfed.

People like Alex, Mike will hit u for 2-3k max on crits, uiuistrov will hit u for 1,5-2,5k max. Ok fine u can survive against then and will be probably harder for then to kill u (u wont be 1 hit, but in 3 hits u will be dead anyway), now think about ALL other dagger users that dont have the same equips as then, they will crit for what?!? 500 for crits?!? What a joke!!!

Then this same dagger users that crits 500 in oly will crit what in normal pvp or siege?!? 300?!?

As always people ask nerfs cause some OP CHARS, but ask to nerf a WHOLE CLASS, the problem isnt the dagger or tanker class, the problem is that some people have rly good gear, know how to play their chars and they r rly good chars to play.


Quote from: Weezer on September 08, 2011, 03:37:12 PM
We already see dagger nerfed, like it happened in older chronicles, and if this goes on we gonna have a lot more nerfs comming, just cause of the fact people don't know the real power of some classes on Official server.

Ofc some changes need to be made for some skills cause we have stacking subclass system, like stacking masteries that makes some chars much more OP than others, but daggers r fine atm (but already nerfed).

People here r trying to compare damage of the best geared daggers on our server against their chars, that i bet isnt the best geared, add to that the fact that Kamael f.e. don't have a good p. def. On Official Daggers and TY r for a long time the oly farmers there, and they still be for a long time, cause they r chars that can make massive damage rly fast.

Let's think 1 moment what could happen if those daggers become nerfed.

People like Alex, Mike will hit u for 2-3k max on crits, uiuistrov will hit u for 1,5-2,5k max. Ok fine u can survive against then and will be probably harder for then to kill u (u wont be 1 hit, but in 3 hits u will be dead anyway), now think about ALL other dagger users that dont have the same equips as then, they will crit for what?!? 500 for crits?!? What a joke!!!

Then this same dagger users that crits 500 in oly will crit what in normal pvp or siege?!? 300?!?

As always people ask nerfs cause some OP CHARS, but ask to nerf a WHOLE CLASS, the problem isnt the dagger or tanker class, the problem is that some people have rly good gear, know how to play their chars and they r rly good chars to play.



dont like weezer but  ;D


TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


IMHO stop nerfing ANYTHING, fix bugs, real bugs, to which you can't put so called(by lamers usually) "OP skills"
simple examples: TW, dino quests, soulbound weapon SA. (all explained in corresponding topics)


Quote from: Weezer on September 08, 2011, 03:37:12 PM
We already see dagger nerfed, like it happened in older chronicles, and if this goes on we gonna have a lot more nerfs comming, just cause of the fact people don't know the real power of some classes on Official server.

Ofc some changes need to be made for some skills cause we have stacking subclass system, like stacking masteries that makes some chars much more OP than others, but daggers r fine atm (but already nerfed).

People here r trying to compare damage of the best geared daggers on our server against their chars, that i bet isnt the best geared, add to that the fact that Kamael f.e. don't have a good p. def. On Official Daggers and TY r for a long time the oly farmers there, and they still be for a long time, cause they r chars that can make massive damage rly fast.

Let's think 1 moment what could happen if those daggers become nerfed.

People like Alex, Mike will hit u for 2-3k max on crits, uiuistrov will hit u for 1,5-2,5k max. Ok fine u can survive against then and will be probably harder for then to kill u (u wont be 1 hit, but in 3 hits u will be dead anyway), now think about ALL other dagger users that dont have the same equips as then, they will crit for what?!? 500 for crits?!? What a joke!!!

Then this same dagger users that crits 500 in oly will crit what in normal pvp or siege?!? 300?!?

As always people ask nerfs cause some OP CHARS, but ask to nerf a WHOLE CLASS, the problem isnt the dagger or tanker class, the problem is that some people have rly good gear, know how to play their chars and they r rly good chars to play.

+2 Some people still don't get it over the years they're brain is capped !
Tarantula SS2 Ninja TrIBaL The Shaman!
Dragon x15 Severance Ninja!
gl/he c2-c3 begin
TrIBaLu th/wl c3-c4-il-Hb
|TrIBaLu| he/pp c4-il-Hb
Always outnumbered! Never outgunned!


All nerfs that have been made on Dragon Network during the years were because of op gear and oly ! And other classes suffered allot because of this ! Instead of nerfing all classes every chronicle because of people cries and they're sh1t knowledge about L2, better let all classes take full advantage of they're 2 stacking subclass skills : passive and active, like it's supposed to be ! Dragon Network is stacking subclass server ! Not official ! Some people still don't get it ... For what is subclass for? To take advantage of both chars skills.For that Dragon Network custom server was made. So instead of nerfing skills every chronicle, let the skills of all classes work at they're full potential like is supposed to be !
It's simple, here an example : Full op char hits 8k dmg archer / dagger or other class doesn't matter, normal char hits 2-3k ( im not talking about A grade or No grade :D S grade equipped ). So instead of nerfing skills of all classes make a global dmg reduction: Full op char will hit 5-6 k and normal char 3-4k and this will be the best balance and ppl will stop qq like they to since years here !
Hope smart people will understand this message and bump it! No intention to flame no one. Peace !
Tarantula SS2 Ninja TrIBaL The Shaman!
Dragon x15 Severance Ninja!
gl/he c2-c3 begin
TrIBaLu th/wl c3-c4-il-Hb
|TrIBaLu| he/pp c4-il-Hb
Always outnumbered! Never outgunned!


bogdan rly im lazzy to read ur post ;D !
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNLhjLpc4gs  old times <3


Damn daggers hit way to much!
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord


Quote from: romancenk on September 08, 2011, 05:48:26 PM
bogdan rly im lazzy to read ur post ;D !
Haha :D Cenk, I think this is my longest post ever. It's my rage during all the years here  ;D
Tarantula SS2 Ninja TrIBaL The Shaman!
Dragon x15 Severance Ninja!
gl/he c2-c3 begin
TrIBaLu th/wl c3-c4-il-Hb
|TrIBaLu| he/pp c4-il-Hb
Always outnumbered! Never outgunned!


On official u all right dagger hit hard... BUT THEY TAKE MUCH DMG TOO, good mage was able to few shot him thats why no1 cries about it there... here 98% daggers (80% total oly players) a re dagger/tank what make impossible to kill that way....


Quote from: DKociak on September 08, 2011, 08:41:32 PM
Hire u can make sps/ee - u can nuke , u can debaf, u can baff ur self, heal ur self  ...so stop talikng about dagger/tank class and GTFO noob. QQ MOOOAR .
and get 10k 1 shot dead :D