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Started by Luthor123, October 03, 2011, 09:23:48 PM

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What should be the max enchant in Grand Olympiad?

Max+3 weapon/3 armor.
17 (22.7%)
Max+4 weapon/4 armor.
5 (6.7%)
Max+3 weapon/6 armor.
0 (0%)
Max+6 weapon/3 armor.
2 (2.7%)
Max+6 weapon/6 armor.
25 (33.3%)
Max+oo weapon/oo armor.
31 (41.3%)

Total Members Voted: 75

Voting closed: October 17, 2011, 09:23:48 PM


Quote from: Dr_Genius on October 04, 2011, 10:22:18 AM
i prefere +4 for weapon , dunno +4 or +6 for armor ... but surely +4 for weapon for those who use dual swords to be able to have their SA on :)

nice idea btw .. then oly won't be just a matter of +++++items .. but a matter of skills  ... as a hero is supposed to be the best one who can play his class .. not the best farmer ;)

it's even not the best farmers :D


Hmm so I cant join with my Draco bow +13 and some1 else can with vesper+3 (same P.atk)

A little bit strange

better nerf attribute in armor coz i prefer to fight with mage with vepser armor +10 with normal att then +3 with 600 att ;/
Pround AoD member

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Quality > Quantity

Fak Ju pica diktator .!. ju łil not łin cziter


Quote from: Vargine on October 05, 2011, 07:30:16 PM
Hmm so I cant join with my Draco bow +13 and some1 else can with vesper+3 (same P.atk)

A little bit strange

the point of topic is that system inside olympiad will read weapon as +3 not as +10 -50 so even with weapon +15 u ll ve same p atk like with +3 thats the point of this topic
  Nightmare 30x


i quit also oly

i make every month 9 fights ,i dont see the purpose any more to spend 300 fights  1100 points to make ,for a lame 20 dc

its not worth  for me any more all people have fun this was mine last month as hero 
Retired for ever =)

Lvl 99/99/80/80 dagger/iss enchanter innova core :)


Quote from: andreww on October 05, 2011, 07:59:51 PM
i quit also oly

i make every month 9 fights ,i dont see the purpose any more to spend 300 fights  1100 points to make ,for a lame 20 dc

its not worth  for me any more all people have fun this was mine last month as hero 

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


Quote from: andreww on October 05, 2011, 07:59:51 PM
i quit also oly

i make every month 9 fights ,i dont see the purpose any more to spend 300 fights  1100 points to make ,for a lame 20 dc

its not worth  for me any more all people have fun this was mine last month as hero 

sad story  :-X


Quote from: andreww on October 05, 2011, 07:59:51 PM
i quit also oly

i make every month 9 fights ,i dont see the purpose any more to spend 300 fights  1100 points to make ,for a lame 20 dc

its not worth  for me any more all people have fun this was mine last month as hero 
I dunno how i'm gonna live on right now....my life lost it's meaning without his spam on hero chat. :'( :'( :'(
Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


with +18 i have to click?? ::)

Max+oo weapon/oo armor.

200 others=RIP
AN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpLRMVZGFY4&feature=
L2 Movies http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4DB09DE09B4713E0


If you are interested in ppls opinion you should not restrict voting possibilities to only max+6. Maybe there are ppl who wants more.


Quote from: Luthor123 on October 03, 2011, 09:23:48 PM
It doesn't mean that people with +8-11-252-15125 weapon/armors can't join,it just means that their +12 f.e. will be counted inside of oly as +3 or 6 or 4 and have same p.atk/p.def/m.atk as the normal +3/4/5/6 ,i know there is this possibility to make that option cause many other servers have that feature.

So ,seriously vote ,say opinions,without flames etc.....for just THIS ONCE please. :)

The poll is going to lat for  2 weeks.

P.s.Last option of poll the "oo" means infinite,max.

+1 for making max weapon p atac, armor p def inside oly.
I post this idea  below few time ago, now just repost it. This could make oly balanced too:

To make oly balanced  somthink like this will do:
Make sets, jewels and weapons just for oly (i know it sounds starnge but read till end  Smiley )
Make the oly gear like shadow weapons are now ( to disapear after 6 mins =~ time from when u got tp inside and till fight finish)
So there is an npc (Oly Donny= modify version of Donny) where if a player that wanna join oly must pay lets say 1 dc / month and for a full month he can take from this npc oly gear.
The oly gear will be set to be used only inside oly and will last 6 mins after will disapear(like shadow weapons now).
After u tp inside arena u will be able to unpack this oly gear (like u unpack now sets from donny) use it diring the fight then gear will disapear and so on. Only oly gear will be used in oly.
This way ppl will spent some coins (pay the oly gear every month), evry player that join oly will have top echip,
oly will regain its porpose to show the thrue best skilled heroes of each class and we will have alot of ppl plaing oly.
I gues will be the main atraction of server.



Quote from: Sp3ctre on October 07, 2011, 01:46:31 PM
+1 for making max weapon p atac, armor p def inside oly.
I post this idea  below few time ago, now just repost it. This could make oly balanced too:

To make oly balanced  somthink like this will do:
Make sets, jewels and weapons just for oly (i know it sounds starnge but read till end  Smiley )
Make the oly gear like shadow weapons are now ( to disapear after 6 mins =~ time from when u got tp inside and till fight finish)
So there is an npc (Oly Donny= modify version of Donny) where if a player that wanna join oly must pay lets say 1 dc / month and for a full month he can take from this npc oly gear.
The oly gear will be set to be used only inside oly and will last 6 mins after will disapear(like shadow weapons now).
After u tp inside arena u will be able to unpack this oly gear (like u unpack now sets from donny) use it diring the fight then gear will disapear and so on. Only oly gear will be used in oly.
This way ppl will spent some coins (pay the oly gear every month), evry player that join oly will have top echip,
oly will regain its porpose to show the thrue best skilled heroes of each class and we will have alot of ppl plaing oly.
I gues will be the main atraction of server.

Are u sure you don't use crack or any narcoticum? :))))
Oly was allways, and will be for the best skilled AND geared players. You farm for your gear (or buy it, doesn't matter in this discussion), you practice your skills, and go in to bash your opponents, simple as that. Do you REALLY think that ANYONE will pay more for a shit gear to enter oly to suck against some classes what you could defeat if you have superior gear, but have no chance against them otherwise?? Use common sense...

Astramael      [db/tr]


Quote from: andreww on October 05, 2011, 07:59:51 PM
i quit also oly

i make every month 9 fights ,i dont see the purpose any more to spend 300 fights  1100 points to make ,for a lame 20 dc

its not worth  for me any more all people have fun this was mine last month as hero 

for what u want more coins if ur buy them for euro lol2 muahahahah ur crazy dude