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Share with us your memories INF & NM. First Baium on Infinity Aka Zenith?

Started by KaSaNoWa, October 04, 2011, 11:57:30 PM

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200 others=RIP
AN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpLRMVZGFY4&feature=
L2 Movies http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4DB09DE09B4713E0


Quote from: Lopes on October 05, 2011, 01:30:06 PM

if you dont mind, i got some more "firsts"

first giran owners - Oni, alliance Insomnia, CL Sappho
first SoES - either Sappho or J4ckDan13L, i know that Sappho had two, screwed the SA on the first one. :D
first subclassed char / first wyvern owner - xSkunKx
first SH/PS - that would be me :) PS was broken back then, nothing working, but i took a leap of faith and didnt go SE :)
first war - Intocables vs. NW right? they were friends first, enemies for the longest time and then friends again. fun times.
most karma (C3) - UnnamedPlayer, they were cleaning him for what, 3 days in LoA?
most karma (C4) - i believe Gibra. he refused to make quest for good 6 months. Felissin had to be fairly close.
first character to have their gender changed - Delmora
first couple to marry IRL over this game - Playfulone and Delmora :)
first pvp movie - We Are DoomBringers by PoToSi i believe.
clan holding Aden for over a year, while not taking a side in a major war? - Merowinger, CL Cyberia, uber diplomatic skills. ;D
first antharas earring - still in my inventory ;D
first valakas necklace - Saturios, right?
the most influential player to ever play on server - its just my opinion, but i say DragNeR. Last Call to War, enough said.

2)imo i thought jack had the first with or without sa
3)i thought pendrak was the first whyvern owner
4)don't know xD
5)Una lol, clan member of me (db, doom bringers), it cost us a full day to dellvl him, then exp him, delvl, exp, delvl till his karma was cleared and had a reasonable lvl :)
6)Gibra, also a DB member :)  was a lot easier to delvl and decrease his karma
9) patato made the first movie? i can still remember he asked us to stop running on the toi stairs so he could film it xD, but i don't know if he was the first steven spielberg
11) off show off xD
12)ahh satu, good memories :)
13)i couldn't agree more

I will post some doombringers pics as soon as I found them xD

p.s. i rlly miss the c3 times too. where is the time that you engaged a pvp wearing zubei light set (puff crap set) + kris focus or the might mortal dagger!

/mybirthday 14/08/2005
/mybirthday 20/09/2005

The Last Doombringer member online!

Zenith Infinity Raven

Vassility SPS/ES
Valima PW/SWS


Quote from: Tinus on October 06, 2011, 03:58:28 PM
p.s. i rlly miss the c3 times too. where is the time that you engaged a pvp wearing zubei light set (puff crap set) + kris focus or the might mortal dagger!

power of crystal dagger+mighty mortal!!! ;D

Do u remmember vikkuta dagger+16 ???

200 others=RIP
AN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpLRMVZGFY4&feature=
L2 Movies http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4DB09DE09B4713E0


if U want some old old screen I have my old PC full of that... xD

btw I did the 2nd soes... sappho did it few days before than mine... same as Avadon robe set...
Storm Screamer/Shillen's Saint 85

Infinity player since 15:53 gmt+1 of 28th june 2005 goddammit!


Quote from: KaSaNoWa on October 05, 2011, 07:18:48 PM
About this LOA do you remmember when they change hp X on kariks and ppl run to save ass on 3 way  :D? That was so funny..

Yes Kasa xD
The best was they foked smth in update and 1 night was exp was totally foked.
In one night I maked 4 lvl's xD
But after they fixed it.
Was cry on forum later, ofc cryied those who was offline xD

Zenith / Infinity server
Felissin - Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer

Prayer for the wild heart kept in cages

Tarantula server
FelissinII - sps
Felissin - SH


Quote from: lasombra on October 07, 2011, 09:23:35 AM
Yes Kasa xD
The best was they foked smth in update and 1 night was exp was totally foked.
In one night I maked 4 lvl's xD
But after they fixed it.
Was cry on forum later, ofc cryied those who was offline xD
well, to be fair - back then a party of mages AoE killing karik trains made about 2%/hour. who wouldnt be pissed to miss such "xp event"? i know i was. :)

90210 movies: http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,20187.0.html


Quote from: Lopes on October 07, 2011, 09:35:54 AM
well, to be fair - back then a party of mages AoE killing karik trains made about 2%/hour. who wouldnt be pissed to miss such "xp event"? i know i was. :)

I was the lucky one who didn't missed it ;p
Next day in work was totally zombie mode but it was worth it ;p

Zenith / Infinity server
Felissin - Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer

Prayer for the wild heart kept in cages

Tarantula server
FelissinII - sps
Felissin - SH


Quote from: lasombra on October 07, 2011, 09:39:16 AM
I was the lucky one who didn't missed it ;p
Next day in work was totally zombie mode but it was worth it ;p

Didn't missed it too!  I was with Vassility (es) and some other summoner guy who took like 2 rooms at once :).

But the best part of c3 was killing raids by the town guards ! ;D.  I always took the stupid tree raid at aden, hehe, that focker had a aoe spell which attracted the guard and then killed it in 4 hits :).  Had L I N E A G E II in like 1 day :), took maj light set for it, damn i thought i was the bomb with the dawn buff! hahaha

/mybirthday 20/09/2005

The Last Doombringer member online!

Zenith Infinity Raven

Vassility SPS/ES
Valima PW/SWS


I've lost all my old screens. But since I was from 15x, doesnt matter now anymore xD.

I remember that my 1st sub (SH/SE) I stole the golky from Sesame Street 2 using Aura Simphony (5k~10k dmg rules!). After I got the horn, a major mass pvp started (Aplhas vs SS2 ally).

Ah... Good times spending hours at LOA, FG (C3) and Goodard (C4). Damn Grendel giving like 0.02% exp  ;D

Also remember when I lost my homunukulus+acu+8. Enchanted it to +8, got all happy, went to FG to pvp, got pk and dropped it. Fvck  >:(

I remember when my friend "Father" (that recently passed away on RL  :( ) made my first MJ set with his dwarf (one of the first subbed dwarfs). Also remember to be called a "donator" because I had MJ set and Som+ac+4. hahahaha
Proud to be brazilian.

nightmare 30x
CottonMouth - Hierophant/Soultaker - Nobless


Quote from: 666VeNoM on October 25, 2011, 07:43:02 PM
I've lost all my old screens. But since I was from 15x, doesnt matter now anymore xD.

I remember that my 1st sub (SH/SE) I stole the golky from Sesame Street 2 using Aura Simphony (5k~10k dmg rules!). After I got the horn, a major mass pvp started (Aplhas vs SS2 ally).

Ah... Good times spending hours at LOA, FG (C3) and Goodard (C4). Damn Grendel giving like 0.02% exp  ;D

Also remember when I lost my homunukulus+acu+8. Enchanted it to +8, got all happy, went to FG to pvp, got pk and dropped it. Fvck  >:(

I remember when my friend "Father" (that recently passed away on RL  :( ) made my first MJ set with his dwarf (one of the first subbed dwarfs). Also remember to be called a "donator" because I had MJ set and Som+ac+4. hahahaha

Cool but who foking cares about you since you are from x15? ???

Don't answer - you don't need to ;)
Why are you looking at my Avatar?

Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005


Quote from: 666VeNoM on October 25, 2011, 07:43:02 PM
I remember that my 1st sub (SH/SE) I stole the golky from Sesame Street 2 using Aura Simphony (5k~10k dmg rules!). After I got the horn, a major mass pvp started (Aplhas vs SS2 ally).
Ahahaha, I remember that PvP! I dropped one of my daggers during that fight :D good times ^_^
Noventa | ChoDeLaBite | Suicidal | Suicidalist | MadnessJr | LimitedEdition | Delevus | SuperSly | Sephize | Sevarious | NovaSphere



Quote from: PolSilv3r on October 25, 2011, 10:00:25 PM
Cool but who foking cares about you since you are from x15? ???

Don't answer - you don't need to ;)
he play on infnm just in c3/4 he was dragon player . use common sence
  Nightmare 30x