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Started by FIREBLADE, October 07, 2011, 12:53:53 AM

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Just curious how u banned Earl...Could i chek this "racial insults"? Im sure whole server want see them...I get 6478164986 each days and never saw any ban for this...

so u can flame me..



second time happened, trackzero banned only 1 side of conflict. and ofc immaculate untouchable even if she flame ppl like hell.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


InfiniteNightmare x20, Proud BA Member

DevilsNation always in my heart...


Track really.

Earl is insulted by enemys every day, called b1tch etc. Same like others womans in my clan.
But difference is we do not cry about this.

Yes as I know earl answer smth, she just get pissed after lot of flame.
Is it reason to ban ? half enemys would be banned if You ban them for insult us...if we would be screen etc every flame.

Zenith / Infinity server
Felissin - Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer

Prayer for the wild heart kept in cages

Tarantula server
FelissinII - sps
Felissin - SH


FREEEE EARL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Who said to me "I don`t read pm`s from your clan members"?

so I guess this topic will not be read....

Assassanya th/wl
Nomad     th/pp
NomadII  bp/pal


I rly dont understand for what u merged servers if u are so unbalanced and trying to destroy ppl that come from infinity...look how many leaved from that server..rly track dont know what u are doing..


this is truly not ok, people insult me and my family, i post topic in forum, GM lock my topic. every pvp people insulting and talk bulshit and nothing. and  some1 that usally very nice and sometime get mad on other people insult  they get ban...
i dont know what happend today,but EARL is my enemie, and she always very nice, i sure if she used heavy insult it had a reason...
EvilTiptip - SH\BD    Tip Clan
Fistok - Glad/DA      WS Clan


Point is: No1 see screens of insult...i wonder what kind of racial insuld earl done cause me and many of my friends have ton sof screens with racial insults..so im curious thats all..


and call ppl "tard" or "bitch" like u do all time is not flame?I wounder how much big is each offence..U should balance better what u say and u should get even ban for call ppl tard cause there is ppl with some problem in rly that u can offence...is not about hungarian or german,,is about respect..if u dont have for other ppl how u expect to get it?...For me call ppl TARD is a great offence and for me u too should be perma...But ofc gm will not do anithing..will ban just earl cause she get thousands of offences all days and 1 time he offenced..



Quote from: mark_elesse on October 07, 2011, 01:41:10 AM


LOL,I got busted singing.:O

p.s.Whats the censored thingy in middle of screen?
Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


Quote from: Luthor123 on October 07, 2011, 02:11:52 AM
p.s.Whats the censored thingy in middle of screen?
Paint fail. xD


Quote from: mark_elesse on October 07, 2011, 01:41:10 AM
he said exactly this :

" fu.ckin romanian gipsies, the Gárda coming for you to beat the sh1t of your asses "

the "Gárda" is a hungarian paramilitar organization, established by brainless neo-nazi idiots.

for more info: http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,502184,00.html

120h ban for such things is a joke, everyone who talks like that deserves insta perma. well you know me, i like to flame, and hell yeah im pretty good in it BUT, there are plenty things no one allowed to say. its far away from a simple shit like " you fckin american/hungarian/venezuelan/romanian etc etc tard. " ...


p.s.: yes, i am from Hungary, and i am pretty ashamed cause of tards like Earl.


xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)