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Started by FIREBLADE, October 07, 2011, 12:53:53 AM

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Quote from: mark_elesse on October 07, 2011, 04:44:12 PM
theres just a zerg of nobrainer ppl here ... if you dont get the difference between flaming someone with smth like " you fckin polish retard " or threating someone with well know fasist group,  its your problem.
about my flames : you know why? BECAUSE F.UCK YOU, thats why...drama,windb1tch you both can inhale my penis. <3

Ye and you're leading that zerg.
Windoo SH/PS - noble // Phayveroth TH/PAL - noble //PerveroTH TH/WK - noble // Yoshihana AW/SK - noble


Quote from: mark_elesse on October 07, 2011, 04:44:12 PM
theres just a zerg of nobrainer ppl here ... if you dont get the difference between flaming someone with smth like " you fckin polish retard " or threating someone with well know fasist group,  its your problem.
about my flames : you know why? BECAUSE F.UCK YOU, thats why...drama,windb1tch you both can inhale my penis. <3

haha  :D

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


Quote from: mark_elesse on October 07, 2011, 04:44:12 PM
theres just a zerg of nobrainer ppl here ... if you dont get the difference between flaming someone with smth like " you fckin polish retard " or threating someone with well know fasist group,  its your problem.
about my flames : you know why? BECAUSE F.UCK YOU, thats why...drama,windb1tch you both can inhale my penis. <3

u shown ur tardness 1 more time and im even not surprised. u just proud to be idiot.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Wtb moderators....wtb balanced gm..


well to be honest this is a shit stuff,  why? easy!, cuz we have no balance in server, what i mean is that all ppl should get the same ban time, etc, it doesnt matter if they are from infi or Nightmare or donator or not, cuz then the only thing that gm will do is to quit players to play in this server and same to not let new players come to server.

65% of this server is all about Donation, and if u dont donate then go to farm and try to sell, get some coins and buy, but even with that we can live, but with this kind of things is hard to believe that server will remain with more then 50 ppl playing on (at least at night when im on, cuz at day i see much more xD ); i dont defend brokie, Earl or other ppl, i just say that insults are part of game, and yeah a racist insult needs to be part of a ban, but what about when ppl tells u "ur fuking mother", "bitch" "pussy" etc, all of them are insults, and maybe in one country means nothing and in other are so damn hard insults, who determinates how big it is the insult? do we have a international lvl insult dictionary?, cuz well if we dont have one, then at least give same penalty to all, not one 24 hrs, others 48, 120 , perma man , etc, so just think about it and be fair with all.

P.S. im not polish, hungary, german, spain, etc im from mexico and i get so damn fuking insults all time but i dont give a damn for them, it just go into one ear and comes out from the otherone :D
DX Brain Doctor, Not Miracle Doctor!!!


Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


It is great idea to make this server more friendly by banning flamers ! I decided to support this idea by helping our dear GM by finding next flamers deserved to bans. Ofc to be good in my new work I checked rules form http://dragon-network.net/account/register.php and found:
2. You may not use harmful, sixually, abusive, hateful, obscene, ethnically or racially names or language.

So, what I found at the beginning :

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Ofc I'm not going to disturb our dear GM rest in the night by calling , texting him in the night like others do to ban some1 immediately - and ofc I haven't his phone number XD. I'm patient man, this ban can wait till tomorrow XD


Quote from: EvilPL on October 08, 2011, 04:00:04 AM
It is great idea to make this server more friendly by banning flamers ! I decided to support this idea by helping our dear GM by finding next flamers deserved to bans. Ofc to be good in my new work I checked rules form http://dragon-network.net/account/register.php and found:
2. You may not use harmful, sixually, abusive, hateful, obscene, ethnically or racially names or language.

So, what I found at the beginning :

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)







Ofc I'm not going to disturb our dear GM rest in the night by calling , texting him in the night like others do to ban some1 immediately - and ofc I haven't his phone number XD. I'm patient man, this ban can wait till tomorrow XD
Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


Quote from: EvilPL on October 08, 2011, 04:00:04 AM
It is great idea to make this server more friendly by banning flamers ! I decided to support this idea by helping our dear GM by finding next flamers deserved to bans. Ofc to be good in my new work I checked rules form http://dragon-network.net/account/register.php and found:
2. You may not use harmful, sixually, abusive, hateful, obscene, ethnically or racially names or language.

So, what I found at the beginning :

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)







Ofc I'm not going to disturb our dear GM rest in the night by calling , texting him in the night like others do to ban some1 immediately - and ofc I haven't his phone number XD. I'm patient man, this ban can wait till tomorrow XD

so track, dunno if u remember or no, but some time ago i got ban for "constant gender" insult such "nice and saint" person like immaculate w/o any normal prof and my "constant insults" were not so hard as u can see on evil's screens. lets see now, have u same rules for all, or for ur friends insults allowed and for AOD members no.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Shadow21 on October 08, 2011, 11:19:22 AM
so track, dunno if u remember or no, but some time ago i got ban for "constant gender" insult such "nice and saint" person like immaculate w/o any normal prof and my "constant insults" were not so hard as u can see on evil's screens. lets see now, have u same rules for all, or for ur friends insults allowed and for AOD members no.

kinda must agree...
Earl was constantly saying in clan that imma is insulting her (actually several girls said same, as she just has gender wise hate)
so after so much provoking, she exploded and said, what she said (i don't say it's normal), so imma, with such many screens, really deserves ban, if she didnt' start provoking, this story would't happen.
So, before flame wars continue, stop provoker

PS: if such behavior allowed for that side of conflict, unban Earl, and don't get involved,   we'll continue use thier weapon. :P
and since they cry, they don't like their own means...


Quote from: mark_elesse on October 07, 2011, 04:44:12 PM
theres just a zerg of nobrainer ppl here ... if you dont get the difference between flaming someone with smth like " you fckin polish retard " or threating someone with well know fasist group,  its your problem.
about my flames : you know why? BECAUSE F.UCK YOU, thats why...drama,windb1tch you both can inhale my penis. <3

Where are the mods? Not so long ago we got ban on forum for this.


Quote from: darkcore on October 07, 2011, 08:52:31 PM

Hahah , Earl wants to become a better person, cmon guys   ;D
[img width=500height=200]https://i.imgur.com/PVvmb0S.jpg[/img]