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Constructive topic Daggers Vs Mages

Started by =^TrackZero^=, October 13, 2011, 04:17:36 PM

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decrease max atribuet value in armor and we will see, because 600 is a joke  :D


any kind of nuker with full buff including counter critical and resist shock + full attributes in armor will beat daggers by far
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢




Quote from: Sesshomaru on October 13, 2011, 04:48:50 PM
3-4 stabs in mague/tank and 1 stabs for mague/ no tank?  i think that is no good XD
It's normal. bd/se+kama+sk/aw+ol/wc (like minimum dagger set up) = 3.5-4 k on 250 attrb def of Vesper robe +6.
Quote from: Sesshomaru on October 13, 2011, 04:48:50 PM
because dagger whit pvp weapons cancels buff now, and they hit hard th/pp(dyna dagger +6-7) hit me for around 4.2k(bastacks) in my sws/ee ( vesper robe +5 atribute 350+ for each part) so maybe the problem is tank class.
* pvp bonus was already nerfed atleast on Dn and it's LOL cuz it was fine just some dn QQers cant pwn few daggers at olly.
* Since we have sub class sistem we will have allways problem with EXTRA dmg or EXTRA def like with tank's/mage or tank/dagger.
And for sure problem is not in tank class but in stucking of classes.
* just chek pvp party on any serv w/o sub sistem.3/4 dd+3 buffers + 2 healers/1 tank. & 2/healers + 1 buffer + 5/6 dd (3-4 of them tanks) - it's our pvp party.
ЕсÑ,ÑŒ ПуÑ,ин â€" есÑ,ÑŒ Россия, неÑ, ПуÑ,ина â€" неÑ, России ! (с)


anyway they will keep nerfing archers, tanks are so damn OP and still nothing about them,critting 200 on mage/tanks isnt normal imo...next nerf will be -2k to all archers classes and still didnt get why u nerfed duelist spirit since just 3/4 players are using that char.
daggers and mages are fine, if u got some decent attr res u can handle them.
i wont even talk about vesper heavy comparing to others 2 cuz its obvious its far away that balanced.


forgot to add that after nerf focus death/power bonuses are simply a joke, daggers have 2x lower mana pool, 1.5x higher mana cost on skills and mana burn is still there as well

while most of nukers are subbed to supports and can just spam heal until u run out of mana without any possibility to outdamage the heal.
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on October 13, 2011, 05:16:22 PM
forgot to add that after nerf focus death/power bonuses are simply a joke, daggers have 2x lower mana pool, 1.5x higher mana cost on skills and mana burn is still there as well

while most of nukers are subbed to supports and can just spam heal until u run out of mana without any possibility to outdamage the heal.
I fought with +4vesper r set 180-250atr all vs th/pp ic+8 in hand and vesper hvy +3/6(doesnt matter ofr me) dunno what atr, and he was hitting me 2.5k per blow (i have around 6k hp inside) and 5k from critical, so tell me how i can heal my ass if even im bp and i cant do it? Also th/pp with condition+pof have really huge mana level so it not so easy to drain it like u think, it cost US (i mean supports) 100~mp per use.


ye it was sux idea to nerf duallist spirit.
Quote from: Tabbox on October 13, 2011, 05:16:05 PM
anyway they will keep nerfing archers, tanks are so damn OP and still nothing about them,critting 200 on mage/tanks isnt normal imo...next nerf will be -2k to all archers classes and still didnt get why u nerfed duelist spirit since just 3/4 players are using that char.
daggers and mages are fine, if u got some decent attr res u can handle them.
i wont even talk about vesper heavy comparing to others 2 cuz its obvious its far away that balanced.
Archer/dagger part > all xD Why do you think that 7 archer- party should rape all badly ? :< You ppl are thinking that wining in pvp is the issue of dmg only ... debuffs - that  is the way. Not even debufs but combo of them & and as i saw from almost all movies here warrior party are almost all the same sh1t.  
pwn pt :D -bd/se + ol/wc + sws/sr(  or sws/ee) + he/wk + aw/sk + bp/tank + kama(or one more dd) + 2 dd (dagger or w/e)
ЕсÑ,ÑŒ ПуÑ,ин â€" есÑ,ÑŒ Россия, неÑ, ПуÑ,ина â€" неÑ, России ! (с)


hahahaa funny topic :)))

after brokie and alex not the only with full attr and they cant deal 10k dmg anymore they cry for track ? :DDD

this topic made my day:)

u wanted 600attr. now others have too live with it :)


Quote from: qwertyzxc on October 13, 2011, 04:31:36 PM
u mean uiuiostrov with vesper +15 and set full atribute ( 600 each ) ? xD i dont see any problem kill someone if u have items like this :D

i dont have set with 600 atributs and i  dont have dual dagger +15 F4cking IDIOT wake up pls

                                                                       WHEN IM SAD I STOP BEING SAD AND BE AWESOME INSTEAD ;)


Ye 600 attrb was not so good idea if you are lazy to farm :D
// Donators VS lazy farmers !
ЕсÑ,ÑŒ ПуÑ,ин â€" есÑ,ÑŒ Россия, неÑ, ПуÑ,ина â€" неÑ, России ! (с)


Quote from: mr_Facke on October 13, 2011, 05:33:01 PM
ye it was sux idea to nerf duallist spirit. Archer/dagger part > all xD Why do you think that 7 archer- party should rape all badly ? :< You ppl are thinking that wining in pvp is the issue of dmg only ... debuffs - that  is the way. Not even debufs but combo of them & and as i saw from almost all movies here warrior party are almost all the same.  
bd/se + ol/wc + sws/sr(  or sws/ee) + he/wk + aw/sk + bp/tank + kama(or one more dd) + 2 dd (dagger or w/e)
my point is another, i meant critting 200 isnt normal for an archers imo,i didnt say i wanna kill every1 in 1 hit but all archers got no chance vs dagger,tanks and combo like mage/tank thats a fact.they still keeping nerfing archer class whit no reasons. dunno on dragon but here in NM almost every1 plays or a dagger or any sub whit tank, all archers in server are rerolling cuz is not worth play it.

another "cool" thing that i forgot is speed capped to 250,thats make mages and chars whit heavy set run like archers or daggers.