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Started by Rasher, December 08, 2011, 02:56:57 PM

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hello guys !!!
what's up in game ? there are a lot of people but i'm wrong or someone gone ?
hope here will no have problem
E comunque, meglio un melo che du prunche !!


Quote from: Rasher on December 08, 2011, 02:56:57 PM
hello guys !!!
what's up in game ? there are a lot of people but i'm wrong or someone gone ?
hope here will no have problem

We have no problem at all, which ill show you in following days. However im sick and tiered of forum blabling just log in game and play instead of wasting time on forum reading bullcrap and hate from peopele who dont even play since years and have no clue whats going on in game.

P.s I wasnt refering to you specificly was tellig generally to all.
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Quote from: TrackZero on December 08, 2011, 04:07:31 PM
We have no problem at all, which ill show you in following days. However im sick and tiered of forum blabling just log in game and play instead of wasting time on forum reading bullcrap and hate from peopele who dont even play since years and have no clue whats going on in game.

P.s I wasnt refering to you specificly was tellig generally to all.
its no the reason track mby is bcs OFI IS FREE NOW ??? now was opened ofi in eu and ue server like innova and shilent
VierkaBerkyova SH
AlinaPetrov Warlord
TinkerBel Bounty Hunter - Tarantula
TinkerBel Othell Rogue/Aeron Healer
Melkkor Wynn Summoner/Yul Archer
Deeplove Feoh Wizard / Aeron healer Shilen
IiIMIKAIiI        Wc/Bp
IiIKEILYIiI       He/Gladi
Mybestproyect Ty


Quote from: Rasher on December 08, 2011, 02:56:57 PM
hello guys !!!
what's up in game ? there are a lot of people but i'm wrong or someone gone ?
hope here will no have problem

BTW who are u ? xD
VierkaBerkyova SH
AlinaPetrov Warlord
TinkerBel Bounty Hunter - Tarantula
TinkerBel Othell Rogue/Aeron Healer
Melkkor Wynn Summoner/Yul Archer
Deeplove Feoh Wizard / Aeron healer Shilen
IiIMIKAIiI        Wc/Bp
IiIKEILYIiI       He/Gladi
Mybestproyect Ty


Quote from: IiIMIKAIiI on December 08, 2011, 04:44:53 PM
its no the reason track mby is bcs OFI IS FREE NOW ??? now was opened ofi in eu and ue server like innova and shilent

so gtfo there  ...and dont back..

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


Even i didn't  want to express my own attitude nor give attention to l2of, since we are 2 different worlds reading all this things lately ill bring my own attitude, trying to be as objective as i can after all this years in world of games.
Ill just mention that after (lets say 7 years in total <OMG :/> ) ,ive been hardcore player of many games (all l2off) , L2prelude,GW,WoW,Aion,Rift,FFXIII, all those games ive been playing weeks/months/years over years , so after i expressed this ill state my objective opinion about OFF servers.
Okey lets speak 1st about positive sides:

- Big amount of players which guarantee a lot of actions and constant market flow , which in the end you can sell for $$
- Big company behind it , guarantees (not always!) good and constant updates
- Security and support service of accounts (not always true, faced on my own skin when i got scammed) but well lets say in most of cases they do help
- Huge dev team who can provide Bigger (not beter) updates then pvt servers cause well they receive full time salary for it
- Feeling of stability and well more balance, even more further feeling that all players are equal and no OP people etc...
- Effect of mediocrity to be a first or best in something that you was expecting so much

Okey those were more or less all good sides why i (we) playing/ed on off servers on any game , but lets focus mostly on l2 since well thats what we do here.

Now ill express some negative sides of off servers from personal view trying to be objective as much as i can:

- In 1st place its x1 rate (dont count boosters/donations/promo periods etc.. im talking about general rate) , thats something i will never EVER accept to play, it consumes unlimited amount of time and is booooooooring to the hell, 29years i have atm maybe affect it BUT seriously its too damn low and is made for really no lifers. Your next reply will be , but its QUEST orientated you dont have to click anymore, TRUE , but questing is boring to hell Speak to NPC A go to NPC B give him bones , go back to NPC A he gives u elixir to bring to new NPC C etc.. etc..., and also dont tell me "HEY I MADE FROM 1-50 IN FEW HOURS" cause 1-50 is not problem at all, it REALLY REALLY becomes badly slow after 75+
- NO LIFE effect (i was in this circle too), to become strong/famouse or gain something you really have to play everyday A LOT of hours without stop to follow the power of the others (sadly on l2off servers MOSTLY L2W HORDES wondering around), not to mention SPAM COIN BOT SELLERS etc.. etc.. . Casual playing and off servers simply dont go together.
- Becoming strong/powerful and famous, lets face it most of us who play this kind of games wanna be "pro" and known on servers by his nick and the person that others will talk about, none of us accept to become "noob" 4 life. Becoming someone or at least called by the name on off will rarely or never happen. While on pvt (good) servers you can get a good clan, known by name , generally you can get more connected with whole server community then you will ever do on off servers
- Full battlegrounds , this is something i hated a lot on off servers all areas full of bots (mostly) who are KS shit out of you making your leveling even more slower on rate x1, unlimited amount hours for camping raids (then in most of cases STRONG clans arrive kill everyone and pick the drop), and your hours of waiting ....bb.
- EQUIPPING your char with top gear, this is something that i hate also, because on off servers this really REALLY consumes a lot of time , unless you have friends in top clans who are willing to help you, this can take even a year .
- Monthly fee , in our case is f2p, but IS IT F2P for real? As you can see you can donate for BOOST exp time cards which on x1 server QUITE HUGE DISBALANCE AND ADVANTAGE TO DONATORS, so in the end you have a donators over players reaching top x2 faster then average player
- KIDS seriously , its kids playground wondering around, while pvt servers is mostly mature area , a persons who have a life and play casually

In the end to sum up , x1 off is for someone who really have a lot of time to spend on game (we are talking about 10h+ of playing daily) or for someone who really living a rpg life as a hobby and enjoying full time quest for every aspect of the game !
GoD update is 1 graphically beautiful game, thats for sure! But they totally changed a concept of Lineage 2 basics trying to compete Aion and WoW phisics , in this they failed because Lineage should stay as Lineage.
So when you read all this you clearly see that Pvt (we are talking only top pvt) servers are totally different world from l2off and those 2 units cant be ever compared! And i dont believe that all this years 7e/m was a problem to most of the players who are l2off frenzy talkers and supporters , even worst i dont know if you people know but l2.ru was like f2p for past 2 years .... Anyhow for all who moved there good-luck i hope you will enjoy your staying there and find a lot of fun, but please as i respect your decision to go there , respect my decision and dont come here to shittalk about us because we are not doing same on your server, on other hand for all players who decided to stay with us i just have PROMISE that huge updates are coming, new chronicle updates coming, and more and more totally <new> fun coming on our servers and that we are thankful for supporting us all this years and that many more years you will express with us on this very same servers! So stay tuned we will have many surprise for you in upcoming weeks as well as the reported bugs <fixed!> !!


P.S. Did you heard that L2off after 2 months will not be f2p anymore?
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Quote from: TrackZero on December 08, 2011, 06:19:34 PM
- EQUIPPING your char with top gear, this is something that i hate also, because on off servers this really REALLY consumes a lot of time , unless you have friends in top clans who are willing to help you, this can take even a year .
- Monthly fee , in our case is f2p, but IS IT F2P for real? As you can see you can donate for BOOST exp time cards which on x1 server QUITE HUGE DISBALANCE AND ADVANTAGE TO DONATORS, so in the end you have a donators over players reaching top x2 faster then average player
- KIDS seriously , its kids playground wondering around, while pvt servers is mostly mature area , a persons who have a life and play casually

Quite funny these things. So track to donate for xp boost is disbalance for you but to donate for ++ weapon/armor/jewels or lvl 85 or xx amount or jewels/energies it isn't right?
To hunt for your weapon,armors,jewels maybe is boring on official but at least there when you succeed your goal you enjoy them on pvp/exp but here if you hunt you do it cause you don't want or can't donate in order to have a small chance to be almost equal on pvp (which will never happen cause when he will got it either his char will get nerfed or attributes will be facked up or till then some +15 icarus weapons or +10+ vespers will appear.
KIDS for sure was till now playing more on pvt servers and not on official cause there used to be a fee to play, and of course to be scammer, abuser was rare incident there.


first time i see scared TrackZero


Well not to mention retail l2 will NEVER EVER be substack.

Substack is a feature that makes this game even fun to play, where you need to use some % of your brain..

I just came from testing GOD on l2of, i quit after 5 minutes, it's not L2 anymore, all towns are changed, people are spamming to sell adena, and yes, all servers are "Heavy" trafficed, I run my PC with 8gb RAM, Quad core, SSD and 100MB connection, yes I felt the lag...
Not saying that Dnet doesn't have lag..

Official might be fun, but why would anyone consider leaving a substack server for playing retail?! can't get my mind wrapped around it.


Quote from: figerr on December 08, 2011, 08:14:17 PM
first time i see scared TrackZero
Well i have to tell you that or you don't know what word scared means or you are just random typing.
Anyhow i don't see how bringing out personal opinion with some facts matches the scariness but well you for sure know what you said .

Chillz  ;)
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i played on l2off Naia some time ago , and ....
will never go back to retail server .. :D

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


wait Track !!  i just ask 'cause i wanna still play here ! xD
i'm here from 2007 in nightmare server and now here, and played in shadowx10 server too..
ask what's up just because in game someone talk about server dead
i still play here, i'm happy here with friend and all people, with my little Ugospoiler and Arfaia, and with you and other GM
so, sorry if my post produce a problem ^^
E comunque, meglio un melo che du prunche !!