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server status

Started by Rasher, December 08, 2011, 02:56:57 PM

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Pls someone make a decent poll to see the fact, who's staying, leaving or triyng someting new. I'm sure about the result, but some of us need to see those numbers. Btw, I'll stay even if the average #of players will drop somehow to 200 (don't care, still can be fun).




Why people need to know who is staying and who is leaving? IMO we only need the players that are staying, dont really care about the others. Also, some of the leaving people will come back, that is a fact. The server will endure i guess, different players, different server/L2.  Perhaps now small clans will gain a bit more of power to spice things up a bit. Most of the people i know are staying and playing everyday.


Oh and btw check official L2 forums if you think the grass is greener there.


Quote from: Naku on December 10, 2011, 11:24:44 PM
Oh and btw check official L2 forums if you think the grass is greener there.
This made me laugh for real ,  ;D ;D  +1
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


Quote from: TrackZero on December 11, 2011, 12:29:33 AM
This made me laugh for real ,  ;D ;D  +1

Its like utter chaos there, i love it :P


I don't see any point of playing GoD. It's fcking boring when u know everywthing about this game already. The only new thing there is the 4th class which you can get after 85 lvl so I'd rather try high rate server just to see how it is instead of losing zillion hours of exping on official.


As an old player from official i can tell u the most important thing to play on official, prepar to be a no-lifer! When i started on off i could play 6 hours daily and even for me it's hard to get what i needed to my char. Ofc now it's rly faster (tks god they made vit system), but the problem is when u reach high levels, even with vit system u will have to spend a lot of time to make ur char lvl 85.

If u wanna be someone, get something forget what RL means, play there for at least 10 hours daily if u wanna be a top player someday...

Official isn't for casual players that likes to PVP. Official is for no-lifer players that can spend a lot of time in front of a computer just to make some quests.

Tbh i'd like to see how painfull must be to make Varka/Ketra quest atm on off.  ;D
Event Manager

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Quote from: Gideon on December 11, 2011, 03:44:31 AM
As an old player from official i can tell u the most important thing to play on official, prepar to be a no-lifer! When i started on off i could play 6 hours daily and even for me it's hard to get what i needed to my char. Ofc now it's rly faster (tks god they made vit system), but the problem is when u reach high levels, even with vit system u will have to spend a lot of time to make ur char lvl 85.

If u wanna be someone, get something forget what RL means, play there for at least 10 hours daily if u wanna be a top player someday...

Official isn't for casual players that likes to PVP. Official is for no-lifer players that can spend a lot of time in front of a computer just to make some quests.

Tbh i'd like to see how painfull must be to make Varka/Ketra quest atm on off.  ;D

agree  ;)

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


Quote from: Gideon on December 11, 2011, 03:44:31 AM
As an old player from official i can tell u the most important thing to play on official, prepar to be a no-lifer! When i started on off i could play 6 hours daily and even for me it's hard to get what i needed to my char. Ofc now it's rly faster (tks god they made vit system), but the problem is when u reach high levels, even with vit system u will have to spend a lot of time to make ur char lvl 85.

If u wanna be someone, get something forget what RL means, play there for at least 10 hours daily if u wanna be a top player someday...

Official isn't for casual players that likes to PVP. Official is for no-lifer players that can spend a lot of time in front of a computer just to make some quests.

Tbh i'd like to see how painfull must be to make Varka/Ketra quest atm on off.  ;D

L2 business model is to make you be in L2 as loooooooooooooooong as possible, you can only reap the rewards if you play a lot. On retail I had the same problems as you. OFC now its all easyer but when will new people engage in decent pvp? I'd rather stay here, check the other servers...Inf-NM is a prety good server comparing to what is out there. AndGoD? Sorry but that is not the L2 we all know, its like L3 with L2 hanging as an apendice. L2 is now a private server feature, I'd rather see DN move up a chronicle than moving to retail servers again.


Quote from: Gideon on December 11, 2011, 03:44:31 AM
As an old player from official i can tell u the most important thing to play on official, prepar to be a no-lifer! When i started on off i could play 6 hours daily and even for me it's hard to get what i needed to my char. Ofc now it's rly faster (tks god they made vit system), but the problem is when u reach high levels, even with vit system u will have to spend a lot of time to make ur char lvl 85.

If u wanna be someone, get something forget what RL means, play there for at least 10 hours daily if u wanna be a top player someday...

Official isn't for casual players that likes to PVP. Official is for no-lifer players that can spend a lot of time in front of a computer just to make some quests.

Tbh i'd like to see how painfull must be to make Varka/Ketra quest atm on off.  ;D

y and  DN is for ppl who buy items for 1k eur and they are pro (rly you start be funny like track)
btw you dont need make varka/ketra q google help sometimes ;)

TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


some ppl play just to play, not to be top
new chronickle = new gameplay to test, ppl got goals, not like on old server, where they got (almost) all
y, innova failed on start on time, but look at their annocements like this
We are sorry to inform you that the previous announcement is invalid now. We have just received official info from NCsoft that in this version of Goddess of Destruction there will be no manufacturing of Unidentified Dual Swords. NPC characters of warsmiths in cities do not have this opportunity as well as the warsmith Mammon, as this is planned to keep the value of former items.

For those users who have already purchased those items we are ready to make a full money refund.

We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you for understanding

when i played rappelz admins had to make 1 day rollback cause of some bug, but ALL, who loged at that day, got local donator money on their accouns as a refund for lost day.
and guess, what ppl will like more, deleting what they invested in, or getting full refund

GoD is not lineage anymore? only hting changed is getting exp faster (though compairing to prt servers not so fast) and getting new classes, whcih doesn't block playing old classes on retail or for a long time till get 85 lvl.

To make Dnet more attracktable add new content (that is coming soon) and stop fuking ppl xD


Quote from: violetpl on December 11, 2011, 09:24:40 AM
y and  DN is for ppl who buy items for 1k eur and they are pro (rly you start be funny like track)
btw you dont need make varka/ketra q google help sometimes ;)

stfu with those sh1ts with buying etc ...  ;)
u played here since when ?

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce