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Seriousy Question to NM community

Started by =^TrackZero^=, February 21, 2012, 08:48:17 PM

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Quote from: TrackZero on February 22, 2012, 01:06:49 PM
~Keep on posting , i am reading and following creative ideas and good intentioned people here, in a bit ill state my thoughts , im rereading all over again.

track plz write them somewhere here ;)

p.s. track check pm plz...

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


Quote from: Cookie Monster on February 22, 2012, 12:34:06 PM
2 times. u like insulting ppl?

During a while u had to write those warm words to me i was updating my WTS thread on forum. U can call me noob, lame or whatever, but a person who insults ppl just because they are unknown and have other point of view, is just pathetic. specially when it is all about a computer game. grow up kid.

i didnt insult u, i not even tried just said facts  :-*

cya tomorrow


Quote from: ylim on February 22, 2012, 01:19:34 PM
i didnt insult u, i not even tried just said facts  :-*

cya tomorrow

Comming back Ylim?xD
Dragon x15:
Angels Of Death Clan
Zordy - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
ZordII - Arcana Lord/Cardinal - active
Robin - Elemental Master/Mystic Muse - retired
Hellraiser x25:
Alastor - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
Zordinia - Sword Muse/Mystic Muse - retired


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


Quote from: ylim on February 22, 2012, 01:19:34 PM
i didnt insult u, i not even tried just said facts  :-*

cya tomorrow

im just curious how old are u
AAB94-B2-F-451-D-4-ADE-B2-B0-1-B8-D6-A02-FB9-F" border="0


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


Disable attributes in weapons and armors, just for one week. Only attributes from enchanted skills, buffs, armor bonuses and potions should work.
We will see what will happen.
-InfinityPlaytime Apollyon OL/WC
-Diablom Posadnuty BP/PAL
-Bloody SWS/SR retired
-Playtime SE/BD retired


Go PVP without supports it's rly useless, we all know that gonna happen, ur enemies gonna rape u and ur pt.

The same way go pvp with bots is also a problem, cause some buffs gonna end or dissapear in the middle of pvp, so if pvp takes some time u gonna loose buffs and gonna die rly easily when this happen.

Most of people who complains about lack of support don't wanna make one, it's easier to complain than make one and solve the problem of the rest of ur party, everyone wanna play char that can kill all, but they forget that without buffs even UBER KILLER gonna SUCK! On CB we also have problems sometimes with supports, sometimes we miss active BD or OL/WC to some pt, but this we need to solve as clan, we can't w8 that a solution will come from the sky and solve all problems (like make AIO, this rly sucks).

Here we can XP rly fast (20x + Vitality System + Eddited mobs is rly great), so XP isn't a problem, also make nobless isn't a problem. Now u don't even need to hit Baium, just take another option on quest and go kill some mobs. Also people don't need to trade equips, talk with players and who plays HE/GL for example make a BD/PR, SR/SWS or HE/WK. Who plays as SPS/TK make SPS/SWS.

Also even if the parties r full buffed with all active players FTP and allied clans still gonna have problem with Debuffs, u will take debuffs from allymates, but this can be solved, just need some pratice and organization, the main problem is to pratice pvp u must go pvp, u just gonna learn what to do and how to do, when u rly on PVP situation. This can take some time cause but it's the better way to learn how to pvp.

Most of problems r related to lack of supports and organization, this can be solved if PLAYERS (not just CL's) decide that is time to change this, that ur pt that u usually play need some support chars, that this supports can't be bots, or all gonna die, some players will have to reroll for the good of the rest of the clan, and also the clan must recognize that, since this player is rly helping the clan he should recieve more help from the clan, help for XP, to enchant skills, to get more chances to get a Vesper Set for example.

And ofc the organization, the CL can be the best on tatics and PVP, but if others dont follow his orders all gonna die, when he say RUSH all need to rush, no matter if his command will send all to death, cause there's more chance to survive if all goes and not just 50% of who's on CC, sometimes u gonna fail and sometimes u gonna win, none can win all the time.

Imo atm the bigger enemy of FTP it's FTP, till some players realize they need reroll and follow orders they still gonna die and still gonna complain.


great words dude. hope some ppl gonna read and follow them.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


last PvP event we don't have in whole ally even 1 bp or they been afk dunno  ::) then what's the point to go PvP without it  :-\ 1v1 2v2 kk but with full pt+ its pointless... some of us want kite with them for fun but a lot ppl quit bcz they dont go without BP,  CB's make same if they dont have BP they not even move from town vs Full PT if they dont have supports + BP.

sometimes we dont have PvP PT sometimes they don't have... happens  ::)
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


huh weezer.
its another time when I fully agree with You.
About making supports (i help always like i can if smbd reroll to support). And about commanding, when ppl do not listen what I write its drive me crazy

Track can't solve problems, ppl must do it. They need just a bit will for it.
About cryiers with wish concert...forget about them.

Zenith / Infinity server
Felissin - Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer

Prayer for the wild heart kept in cages

Tarantula server
FelissinII - sps
Felissin - SH


Quote from: Weezer on February 22, 2012, 02:39:00 PM
Go PVP without supports it's rly useless, we all know that gonna happen, ur enemies gonna rape u and ur pt.

The same way go pvp with bots is also a problem, cause some buffs gonna end or dissapear in the middle of pvp, so if pvp takes some time u gonna loose buffs and gonna die rly easily when this happen.

Most of people who complains about lack of support don't wanna make one, it's easier to complain than make one and solve the problem of the rest of ur party, everyone wanna play char that can kill all, but they forget that without buffs even UBER KILLER gonna SUCK! On CB we also have problems sometimes with supports, sometimes we miss active BD or OL/WC to some pt, but this we need to solve as clan, we can't w8 that a solution will come from the sky and solve all problems (like make AIO, this rly sucks).

Here we can XP rly fast (20x + Vitality System + Eddited mobs is rly great), so XP isn't a problem, also make nobless isn't a problem. Now u don't even need to hit Baium, just take another option on quest and go kill some mobs. Also people don't need to trade equips, talk with players and who plays HE/GL for example make a BD/PR, SR/SWS or HE/WK. Who plays as SPS/TK make SPS/SWS.

Also even if the parties r full buffed with all active players FTP and allied clans still gonna have problem with Debuffs, u will take debuffs from allymates, but this can be solved, just need some pratice and organization, the main problem is to pratice pvp u must go pvp, u just gonna learn what to do and how to do, when u rly on PVP situation. This can take some time cause but it's the better way to learn how to pvp.

Most of problems r related to lack of supports and organization, this can be solved if PLAYERS (not just CL's) decide that is time to change this, that ur pt that u usually play need some support chars, that this supports can't be bots, or all gonna die, some players will have to reroll for the good of the rest of the clan, and also the clan must recognize that, since this player is rly helping the clan he should recieve more help from the clan, help for XP, to enchant skills, to get more chances to get a Vesper Set for example.

And ofc the organization, the CL can be the best on tatics and PVP, but if others dont follow his orders all gonna die, when he say RUSH all need to rush, no matter if his command will send all to death, cause there's more chance to survive if all goes and not just 50% of who's on CC, sometimes u gonna fail and sometimes u gonna win, none can win all the time.

Imo atm the bigger enemy of FTP it's FTP, till some players realize they need reroll and follow orders they still gonna die and still gonna complain.

Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)