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Can you explain SR changes?



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Can you explain SR changes?

Started by TiagoRamos, March 06, 2012, 12:21:33 PM

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Well i was a bit confused... about SR changes.
So the skill rapid shot was working HOW IT SHOULD and now will give also range bonus? or will only give range bonus? (dunno why really... so maybe deadeye should not give -20% attack speed...?) There was nothing wrong with that skill...

About SR trigger, which is awesome to party, will not give attack speed anymore? Will give p attack instead, or just p attack for the SR and wont trigger to party? Sorry didnt understand...

Anyway, this will only INCREASE THE GAP between archers and mages. An archer cant even get to 1500 attack speed (which is the cap) , specially using ogre tattoos etc. While mages always have full cast speed buffed. Archers dont.

PR going to the bottom of archers, even more...  :-\ . Maybe change PR counter mind and counter chance (that decreases cast speed etc)?
cant understand these changes, why things cant be how they are used to be?

gg m4djer


You are not usted, cry a lot and something will change!
Some do it by pm`s for GM`s, others flood the forum topics with spamm about boost skills, and others even put this requests on their own signatures!


People crying about SR stats should compare them to PR stats.
stats like hp,cp, m def, and comparing attack speed/p attack.
PR got mp regen counter and -mp decrease and cast speed counter. WOW... check SR ones :)
SR has heal. wait...PR GOT hex, power break, freezing strike and poison... (wait... not even all +30 will land, ofc)

I hope now PR's will cry to remove the -20% attack speed that deadeye gives...


i would like to know how much patack sr will get after this boost

enough if you (track) would "give back" passives which we got in hellbound (fair for all archers)

Slania SK/PR    Carebears


Quote from: TiagoRamos on March 06, 2012, 12:42:51 PM
People crying about SR stats should compare them to PR stats.
stats like hp,cp, m def, and comparing attack speed/p attack.
PR got mp regen counter and -mp decrease and cast speed counter. WOW... check SR ones :)

I hope now PR's will cry to remove the -20% attack speed that deadeye gives...

use one or all the "normal" ways of request (crying), maybe GM will listen you!  ;D


Quote from: zenice on March 06, 2012, 12:46:39 PM
use one or all the "normal" ways of request (crying), maybe GM will listen you!  ;D
You are pathetic sometimes really! SR is crippeled cause we have atackspeed gap, however this didnt happen over night , gideon will say more cause he tested things with CB and FTP SR-s
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Quote from: Triuferkkk on March 06, 2012, 12:45:50 PM
i would like to know how much patack sr will get after this boost

enough if you (track) would "give back" passives which we got in hellbound (fair for all archers)

The thing is that.
While SR can have like 8000 p attack
PR can have like 9300, lets imagine.
SR will have like 1300 attack speed or more
while PR will have 1000

give me SR stats plz lol


Quote from: TrackZero on March 06, 2012, 12:49:33 PM
You are pathetic sometimes really! SR is crippeled cause we have atackspeed gap, however this didnt happen over night , gideon will say more cause he tested things with CB and FTP SR-s

Is crippled?
What about PR, its not crippled? you guys need to analyse PR stats really, if u thinkg SR was the one crippled lol
9000 p attack with 900-1100 attack speed
8000 p attack with 1300-1500 attack speed?


Quote from: TiagoRamos on March 06, 2012, 12:50:44 PM
The thing is that.
While SR can have like 8000 p attack
PR can have like 9300, lets imagine.
SR will have like 1300 attack speed or more
while PR will have 1000

give me SR stats plz lol
you forgot add range  ...

Slania SK/PR    Carebears


Quote from: TiagoRamos on March 06, 2012, 12:54:37 PM
Is crippled?
What about PR, its not crippled? you guys need to analyse PR stats really, if u thinkg SR was the one crippled lol
9000 p attack with 900-1100 attack speed
8000 p attack with 1300-1500 attack speed?
As. Wrote before we didnt made any changes yet, this is still in process of testing and analysis, there will be more things to reconsider and other classes to compare too. Point is to bring back variety of classes to be played again, its a slow process because we are watching not to brake the game but this is our main intention there is no other reason except this one. So be patient and anyhig we do/test we will inform you BEFORE we (if) do something.
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Dunno, I'm totally nub in archers classes.
But as I know it should be :
- SR : high atk speed, high crit rate, low patk
- PR : low atk speed, low crit rate, high patk
- HE : balanced between SR and PR.

There are also others things like evasion, accuracy etc etc.

So I don't get why SR should have boosted patk....instead of others things which should be SR power.

ps. About the guy who wroted "mages have always max cast"
I think he should open google and check mage classes in L2....there are others also, not only sps.
For ex. SH do not have max cast. On normall full buff, SH miss A LOT to full cast.
So stop write bs, or NAME CLASSES, do not use "mages"

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Fell, i can't agree more about first part of ur post. U are totaly RIGHT:

Quote from: lasombra on March 06, 2012, 01:33:12 PM
Dunno, I'm totally nub in archers classes.
But as I know it should be :
- SR : high atk speed, high crit rate, low patk
- PR : low atk speed, low crit rate, high patk
- HE : balanced between SR and PR.

All archers had more of smthg, less of another wich made them exactly same in overall. Since atk speed cap that changed alot, u have humans and dark elfs wich can easy (real easy) reach 1.3k-1.4k atk speed, 400-500 crit rate while having 9-10k p atk.

Well sr's atm have 1.5k atk speed, 470-500 crit rate and 7k p artk (yes u readed well 7k!!). Is that balanced??

So if i'm reading well (even my own clan mates), when sr's where sh1t and archers where unbalanced, server was fine, now that after much trouble trying to prove the obvious FACTS (yes call it QQ u pro players) server is unbalanced?. Now that gm's finaly realized that there are 4 maybe 5 players wich play sr as main left due to this unbalance, now that handcap between sr's and the rest will be lower a bit (yes, don't qq cause prolly sr's will remain the weakest) u are alrdy flooding fking server with tears??


@Tiago, u're worried cause couterrapid shot won't give u bost on atk speed anymore..if none plays sr anymore won't u lose that buff anyway?? There are alot other triggers wich boost ur atk speed, just learn how to play! ANd yes, before this atk speed cap i was able to reach 2.7k atk speed (eat and wip).

SO, server unbalanced everything is fine, sr's finaly will get what they deserve for so fking long and river of tears starts....Jealousy is a b1tch rly...

Track, please, please please please, make tiago's pr/bd sr/sws just for 1 day! CHare name Rastabuffor... plz!

@Bruno, btw, since sr's are so great, why don't u play ur sr/sws Zedob0sque?? I wonder rly... ::)