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Can you explain SR changes?

Started by TiagoRamos, March 06, 2012, 12:21:33 PM

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Plz give me those 7k p attack, u keep mine 9k
and i get your attack speed and u get mine :)

U keep saying dark elfes can reach cap attack speed...
thats with HASTE certification skill? the one with 1% chance?
give me a break.

I am not jealous and didnt offend, just wanted things how they USED TO BE, and should be
i repeat, theres nothing wrong with SR before, imo its stronger than PR. (and yes I play PR)


Come on! SR was good class, start thinking if u have max speed/atk speed use dyes +5str/-5dex +4con/-4dex u will have same patk, MUCH more hp and stun resist, and everything would be fine with good certs... just learn to play it well :S


Quote from: Peorexo on March 06, 2012, 01:58:28 PM
Come on! SR was good class, start thinking if u have max speed/atk speed use dyes +5str/-5dex +4con/-4dex u will have same patk, MUCH more hp and stun resist, and everything would be fine with good certs... just learn to play it well :S

Ur a morron cause U talk outta ur ass! Anyway i'm answearing a bunch of jealous and some even dumb on top of that! U rly think Gm's took the  decision to boost sr's overnight? U rly think they didn't test and re tested it? U rly think that now, b1tching crying, etc without havng a clue of what dyes or w/e sr's are using u will change gm's mind??

Peorexo, sr's are as fine atm as dagger/tanks, how that for an answer?


End of discussion as far as i'm concerned.

P.s: I edited my previous post. sry.

Oh and Track, if u are expecting another person to come here and defend sr class saying it rly needs this boost, i sugest u to stop waste ur time cause noone will come.

The other persons wich play main sr that i know off: viana (has +16 ic bow) doesn't participate in forums, my wife doesn't participate in forum and not rly much ig lately (guess why), and nathela from aod didn't striked me as a person wich would come here say smthg aswell but she agrees to her class sux's alot.

And my dear pr's wich are crying cause they see this as an oportunity to strike in and maybe take a bone for them aswell. Tell me what have u lost (besides those 2 passives wich every1 lost) that made ur class so weak (hehe poor guys)??


Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 02:03:31 PM
Ur a morron cause U talk outta ur ass! Anyway i'm answearing a bunch of jealous and some even dumb on top of that! U rly think Gm's took the  decision to boost sr's overnight? U rly think they didn't test and re tested it? U rly think that now, b1tching crying, etc without havng a clue of what dyes or w/e sr's are using u will change gm's mind??

Peorexo, sr's are as fine atm as dagger/tanks, how that for an answer?


End of discussion as far as i'm concerned.

P.s: I edited my previous post. sry.
dude go hide in a cave . ur all posts r fcking uselessand and still u try to say smtihng "funny" ehh i wont never get some ppls...
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: lasombra on March 06, 2012, 01:33:12 PM
Dunno, I'm totally nub in archers classes.
But as I know it should be :
- SR : high atk speed, high crit rate, low patk
- PR : low atk speed, low crit rate, high patk
- HE : balanced between SR and PR.

There are also others things like evasion, accuracy etc etc.

So I don't get why SR should have boosted patk....instead of others things which should be SR power.

ps. About the guy who wroted "mages have always max cast"
I think he should open google and check mage classes in L2....there are others also, not only sps.
For ex. SH do not have max cast. On normall full buff, SH miss A LOT to full cast.
So stop write bs, or NAME CLASSES, do not use "mages"

U wrong Fel.
Yes SR got high att speed but remember we have gap of att speed 1500. PR which have more p att and crit power can reach around 1200 att speed easy(using monks+chp and w/o dead eye). So SR class is fuked up. Coz got lets say 200 att speed more, lower p att, dont have such good crit power. About PR crit rate, dunno but on full buff i got 499 crit rate on my pr/bd + active focus which give 40 around so can use when no cat buff.
Dragon x15:
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Quote from: MegaZord on March 06, 2012, 02:08:50 PM
U wrong Fel.
Yes SR got high att speed but remember we have gap of att speed 1500. PR which have more p att and crit power can reach around 1200 att speed easy(using monks+chp and w/o dead eye). So SR class is fuked up. Coz got lets say 200 att speed more, lower p att, dont have such good crit power. About PR crit rate, dunno but on full buff i got 499 crit rate on my pr/bd + active focus which give 40 around so can use when no cat buff.
but that cuts our patack so kinda has no sense :(

Slania SK/PR    Carebears


Quote from: MegaZord on March 06, 2012, 02:08:50 PM
U wrong Fel.
Yes SR got high att speed but remember we have gap of att speed 1500. PR which have more p att and crit power can reach around 1200 att speed easy(using monks+chp and w/o dead eye). So SR class is fuked up. Coz got lets say 200 att speed more, lower p att, dont have such good crit power. About PR crit rate, dunno but on full buff i got 499 crit rate on my pr/bd + active focus which give 40 around so can use when no cat buff.

Zord, he staed how it should be imo...


Zord, using same gear etc etc, same tattoos.
check the p attack of ur PR and SR. Difference is like 1000. U prefer 1000 p attack or 300 speed?
using monk on PR u can get some OK speed, but p attack will be crappy also


Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 06, 2012, 02:03:31 PM
Ur a morron cause U talk outta ur ass! Anyway i'm answearing a bunch of jealous and some even dumb on top of that! U rly think Gm's took the  decision to boost sr's overnight? U rly think they didn't test and re tested it? U rly think that now, b1tching crying, etc without havng a clue of what dyes or w/e sr's are using u will change gm's mind??

Peorexo, sr's are as fine atm as dagger/tanks, how that for an answer?


End of discussion as far as i'm concerned.

P.s: I edited my previous post. sry.

Oh and Track, if u are expecting another person to come here and defend sr class saying it rly needs this boost, i sugest u to stop waste ur time cause noone will come.

The other persons wich play main sr that i know off: viana (has +16 ic bow) doesn't participate in forums, my wife doesn't participate in forum and not rly much ig lately (guess why), and nathela from aod didn't striked me as a person wich would come here say smthg aswell but she agrees to her class sux's alot.

And my dear pr's wich are crying cause they see this as an oportunity to strike in and maybe take a bone for them aswell. Tell me what have u lost (besides those 2 passives wich every1 lost) that made ur class so weak (hehe poor guys)??

dagger/tank is almost like it should remember daggers are nerfed too with f.death/power trick/switch, using UE will increase dmg on us, and smart cubic nerfed to if we talk about TK class so what the hell u want to nerf more?


Quote from: TiagoRamos on March 06, 2012, 02:16:53 PM
Zord, using same gear etc etc, same tattoos.
check the p attack of ur PR and SR. Difference is like 1000. U prefer 1000 p attack or 300 speed?
using monk on PR u can get some OK speed, but p attack will be crappy also


BIG BIG fail! Thank u!

Epa nao fales sem saber meu!! AI jesus...

Quote from: Peorexo on March 06, 2012, 02:19:28 PM
dagger/tank is almost like it should remember daggers are nerfed too with f.death/power trick/switch, using UE will increase dmg on us, and smart cubic nerfed to if we talk about TK class so what the hell u want to nerf more?

Try to get the point. plz


SR without the attack speed cap would be an interesting class to play, but with the cap it's rly nerfed cause the great advantage of this class was the attack speed, it has low p. attack compared to other archers.

Also SR classes would reach max critical rate without any problem, but ofc on full buffs almost all archers can do that too, so the only advantage atm is? NOTHING.

We plan to change 2 skills, both of them r just from SR, so other classes won't be affected, since our idea is to boost just SR atm.

Rapid Shot: we gonna remove the penalty on range, and add a bit more range when it's used, so besides the max attack speed SR classes will also have just a little more range.

Counter Rapid Shot: we won't change the trigger effect for the party, but it gonna add a bit more P. Attack and Critical Chance
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Quote from: Triuferkkk on March 06, 2012, 02:10:27 PM
but that cuts our patack so kinda has no sense :(

Well i use monks+dead eye and have 900+ att speed around. And its not all about P att. Remember that Pr got more crit power then Sr and as i said crit rate is almost same in both classes.
Dragon x15:
Angels Of Death Clan
Zordy - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
ZordII - Arcana Lord/Cardinal - active
Robin - Elemental Master/Mystic Muse - retired
Hellraiser x25:
Alastor - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
Zordinia - Sword Muse/Mystic Muse - retired