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Just a question

Started by hardypg, April 10, 2013, 11:04:34 PM

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Alright so let me start by sayin' hi , how's it goin guys?

i used to play like 2 years ago here me and many other friends then we quit , mayb somebody could remember my char name as DraGuDown or DamnedB1tch , How ever i was bored so i started thinkin if i should come back here , so my question is ....is the server still active? or will it be a waste of time?

Thanks :D


Quote from: hardypg on April 10, 2013, 11:04:34 PM
Alright so let me start by sayin' hi , how's it goin guys?

i used to play like 2 years ago here me and many other friends then we quit , mayb somebody could remember my char name as DraGuDown or DamnedB1tch , How ever i was bored so i started thinkin if i should come back here , so my question is ....is the server still active? or will it be a waste of time?

Thanks :D
Same waste of time? :) c'mon before was nice to play Arena.. about now, YES is waste of time :P better move into x15 is lot fun here.
Thry - Sagittarius/Arcana Lord


So Arena is Dead? i mean its not active anymore? ...i dont feel like playin' on low rates server lol


Quote from: hardypg on April 11, 2013, 01:31:37 AM
So Arena is Dead? i mean its not active anymore? ...i dont feel like playin' on low rates server lol
yep, is dead
Thry - Sagittarius/Arcana Lord



Quote from: hardypg on April 10, 2013, 11:04:34 PM
Alright so let me start by sayin' hi , how's it goin guys?

i used to play like 2 years ago here me and many other friends then we quit , mayb somebody could remember my char name as DraGuDown or DamnedB1tch , How ever i was bored so i started thinkin if i should come back here , so my question is ....is the server still active? or will it be a waste of time?

Thanks :D


hey is not dead at all some old players still alive here
come join back both of u
my pal now is pal/wk  bcz mutant reset XD  all old subbed got stack reset and horn gift :P
what are u 2 w8 for n44bz xd gogogo  pvp awaits :D
when you read the forum, your eyes bleed...


Quote from: Thry on April 11, 2013, 12:23:03 AM
Same waste of time? :) c'mon before was nice to play Arena.. about now, YES is waste of time :P better move into x15 is lot fun here.

u like retail fine

we are lazy farmers and arena is our sacred place ;p
when you read the forum, your eyes bleed...


if u like server with like 30 activ (20 donators full eq) then Arena its server for u ! =)


i guess one image will give u a clearer picture instead of listening to those people who never play in Arena server or never get out of town.



Quote from: Speed_Police on April 11, 2013, 03:46:13 PM
i guess one picture will give u a clearer picture instead of listening to those people who never play in Arena server or never get out of town.


terminator extreme donator....     u leave town with yr edited char?  8)


and u not dare to leave town? mabbe donate is good for u to increase your 'gut' to leave town... and keep server alive too.


Quote from: Speed_Police on April 11, 2013, 03:46:13 PM
i guess one image will give u a clearer picture instead of listening to those people who never play in Arena server or never get out of town.

here i only see proof for my words xDDD

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/713/shot00039e.png/ <== enjoy it !